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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.03.09 2015고단4771

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

From May 2014, the Defendant: (a) from around 2014 to around 2014, (b) had the people in need of money to file an application for sirens as if they were to pay a normal sirens due to economic difficulties; (c) had them divide the allowances provided by the victim sirens companies into the applicants; and (d) had the victims aware of the fact that they acquired sirens and goods by means of selling them to others or using them free of charge; and (e) had the victims know of the fact that they acquired them by deceptions and goods, thereby having the same method operated the “F office” under the same water law.

1. On December 29, 2014, the Defendant is also able to do so at the Internet website “F sirens and believerss.”

G who reported and contacted the advertisement "cash payment at the time of application for sirens" will give 30-4 million won if he/she leaves a massage, water purifier, etc.

Marenss shall be identified and treated, and only an application for a siren is made in the name of the party and receive money.

“The purpose of “” was to require G to enter into a siren contract with the victim Cuba Co., Ltd. to pay the amount of installments of water purifiers, etc. equivalent to KRW 2,537,000 at the market price for 36 months.

However, in fact G entered into a siren contract on the horse that grants subsidies due to economic lack, and there was no intention or ability to pay a siren, and there was no thought to use the sirens to deliver it to the address designated by the defendant.

As such, the Defendant: (a) paid a normal siren to G; and (b) ordered the victim Kuc Co., Ltd. to deliver the water purifiers, etc. from the victim Kuc Co., Ltd. that was believed to have been in good faith to G to enter the said siren into the delivery place; (c) transferred the said water purifier, etc. to G at around that time; and (d) did not pay a siren to the victim company.
