1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff KRW 188,100,000, as well as 5% per annum from January 3, 2015 to July 2, 2015.
1. 원고의 주장 상대방 등 일자 C 송금액(원) D 지급액(원) 피고 송금액(원) 액면금(원) 누적금액(원) C ① 2013. 12. 2. 14,000,000 14,000,000 D ⑴ 2013. 12. 2. 5,990,000 19,990,000 금전대차계약서 2013. 12. 2. 60,000,000 D ⑵ 2013. 12. 3. 38,990,000 58,980,000 D ⑶ 2013. 12. 11. 20,000,000 78,980,000 금전대차계약서 2013. 12. 11. 20,000,000 C ② 2013. 12. 23. 24,000,000 102,980,000 D ⑷ 2013. 12. 23. 4,300,000 107,280,000 차용증 2013. 12. 23. 200,000,000 C ③ 2013. 12. 30. 11,000,000 118,280,000 D ⑸ 2014. 1. 9. 1,500,000 119,780,000 D ⑹ 2014. 1. 16. 4,000,000 123,780,000 D ⑺ 2014. 2. 11. 20,000,000 143,780,000 피고 ⅰ) 2014. 2. 27. 7,700,000 151,480,000 D ⑻ 2014. 3. 27. 10,000,000 161,480,000 D ⑼ 2014. 3. 28. 6,500,000 167,980,000 C ④ 2014. 3. 28. 10,500,000 178,480,000 D ⑽ 2014. 3. 31. 8,000,000 186,480,000 D ⑾ 2014. 4. 11. 10,000,000 196,480,000 피고 ⅱ) 2014. 4. 29. 12,000,000 208,480,000 D ⑿ 2014. 4. 30. 8,000,000 216,480,000 D ⒀ 2014. 5. 13. 9,000,000 225,480,000 금전소비대차계약서 2014. 6. 18. 140,000,000 피고 ⅲ) 2014. 6. 19. 40,000,000 265,480,000 금전대차계약서 2014. 6. 24. 60,000,000 피고 ⅳ) 2014. 6. 25. 59,600,000 325,080,000 D ⒁ 2014. 8. 29. 4,000,000 329,080,000 피고 ⅴ) 2014. 9. 22. 7,800,000 336,880,000 D ⒂ 2014. 9. 30. 7,700,000 344,580,000 피고 ⅵ) 2014. 10. 13. 1,500,000 346,080,000 합계액 59,500,000 157,980,000 128,600,000 346,080,000
A. The Plaintiff transferred the account to the Defendant and C as follows, paid cash to D, and received a loan certificate from the Defendant.
B. Of the above KRW 346,080,00, KRW 128,60,000 remitted to the Defendant is the amount loaned by the Plaintiff to the Defendant, and KRW 59,500,000, totaling KRW 157,980,000 paid to D in cash, and KRW 217,480,00,000, was the amount loaned to D, and the Defendant guaranteed its return.
C. Therefore, the defendant shall pay to the plaintiff the total amount of loans and deposit KRW 346,080,000 and delay damages.