The sentence of sentence against the defendant shall be suspended.
Punishment of the crime
On May 20, 2014, at around 10:0, the Defendant was demanded to request the victim to leave from the victim while entering the victim's house, for the reason that the victim came into the house of the victim C located in Busan District, Busan District, and brought about the examination of the Defendant.
However, the defendant does not respond to it, and the victim goes to the front door and sit in the front door of five minutes until the victim pusheds the defendant out of the main gate and leaves the victim's leave without good cause.
The Gu refused to comply with the Gu.
Summary of Evidence
1. Application of the police protocol law to C
1. Article 319 (2) and (1) of the Criminal Act applicable to the relevant criminal facts and the choice of punishment;
1. A fine not exceeding 300,000 won to be suspended;
1. Articles 70 (1) and 69 (2) (100,000 won per day) of the Criminal Act to attract a workhouse;
1. Article 59 (1) of the Criminal Act (see, e.g., Article 59 (1) of the Suspension of Sentence);