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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.02.05 2014고단3257

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On September 9, 201, the Defendant was sentenced to one year to imprisonment for a violation of the Act on the Punishment of Arrangement of Commercial Sex Acts, Etc. at the Ulsan District Court on the Punishment of Arrangement of Commercial Sex Acts, Etc., and on March 14, 2012, the Busan Detention Center has been punished for the same crime in addition to the completion of the execution of the sentence.

【Criminal Facts】

1. The Defendant and D jointly run the “Felel”, which is a sexual traffic business establishment located in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu E, Ulsan-gu, on February 2, 2013. The Defendant decided to take charge of the said business establishment during the daytime, and D’s night-time, as an employee, one man G, H, I, etc. who is a sexual traffic woman.

On February 19, 2013: (a) around 03:15, the Defendant, along with D on February 19, 2013, had sexual intercoursed with D several times from February 4, 2013 to February 26, 2013 with D, and arranged sexual traffic in collusion with D for business purposes.

2. On September 2013, the Defendant’s sole criminal defendant employed a female sexual traffic with no name as an employee at the “Fel”, which is a business establishment of the said sexual traffic, as an employee.

From around 07:52 to 12:45 on September 14, 2013, the Defendant: (a) received cash 150,000 won from three male descendants on the pretext of their names, respectively, from the said business establishment; and (b) had the said female sexual intercourse with their customers once; and (c) had the said female sexual traffic broker do sexual intercourse with their customers on several occasions from September 14, 2013 to October 2013.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each police statement made to D, J, K, L, M, and N;

1. All certificates of complaint, petition, sales slip, account book, and registration;

1. Recording notes;

1. Previous convictions: Inquiries and inquiries, investigation reports (suspect A, repeated crime and confirmation), each judgment, application of Acts and subordinate statutes to the current status of identification and confinement of individuals;

1. Relevant Articles of the Acts and the choice of punishment concerning facts constituting an offense;
