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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.11.12 2015고단2850


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and six months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of one year.

However, as to Defendant B, this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime


A is a trade entity that imports and sells agricultural products in Daejeon U.S. World Trade Organization F, and Defendant B is a child of Defendant A.

In order to import goods, the name, standard, quantity, price, etc. of the relevant goods shall be reported to the head of the customs office and the Defendants shall not import goods different from the relevant imported goods. However, the Defendants knew that the customs duty rate of "influoric acid" is 6.5%, but the rate of customs duty of "influoral acid" is 607.5%, and the rate of customs duty of "influoral acid" is 270%, and the import price of "influoral" is high, and Defendant A was able to import the goods influorous manner, and Defendant B was responsible for the overall import of the smuggling, and Defendant B was responsible for the sale of the stored goods and the management of the funds.

1. On April 21, 2014, Defendant A reported to the Incheon Customs Office that he/she imported food production 17,500 km (US$ 3,500) (reported amount) indicated as “H” (US$ 3,500).

However, in fact, Defendant A imported 3,00 km (32,409,180 won at the market price) from among domestic products, other than the goods reported by the method of loading food products on the side and upper end of the container and loading melting them inside the container, and sold them to I by the same method from around that time to July 29, 2014, and imported a total of 10,000 km (total of 123,270,580 won at the market price at the rate of 123,58,580 won) from among domestic products, other than other goods, the importation of which was reported two times in the same manner as in the list of crimes in the attached Form, as shown in the list of crimes.

2. On December 15, 2014, the Defendant, who prepared to import smuggling in China, had shipped approximately KRW 40,000 km ($ 8,000) from China to K with the container cargo of the “J” in the cargo manifest management number (J) and imported it with the cargo manifest management number. On the container (daily number E), the Defendant had a domestic construction in the inner space 15,00 g, and the outer part.
