1. The plaintiff's primary and conjunctive claims are all dismissed.
2. This Court shall suspend compulsory execution of 2014Kaman305.
1. Basic facts
A. From February 2012, the Defendant entered into a contract to establish a transfer security right between the Defendant and A (i) the administrative district was changed to “B of Sejong Special Self-Governing City” (Seoul Special Self-Governing City).
(2) On May 14, 2012, A entered into a loan agreement for money consumption on the security deposit with the Defendant to provide pigs as collateral in order to secure the amount of KRW 500 million of the amount of goods, loans, and the amount of subrogated payment for the guarantee of debts. If the principal and interest are not repaid even after the benefit of time has been lost by delegation to D, a notary public who voluntarily sells the pigs offered as collateral and uses it for repayment of the obligation, or recognition of compulsory execution against the general property (hereinafter “notarial deed of this case”) was written by the notary public, No. 2464, 2012.
3) The instant notarial deed states “in-house, E, and Jeon-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, and Jeon-gun, and the name and quantity of the pigs as “700 ambs, 20 ambs, 1,400 ambs, 400 ambs, 600 ambs, and 3,120 ambs ambs.” (B) A’s compulsory execution of the Defendant’s instant notarial deed on December 14, 201, purchased a farm located outside G and 10 ambs 440 ambs (except ambs), 1,560 ambs, 2,00 ambs ambs ambs ambs in the instant farm and its operation since the date of conclusion of the instant contract.”
2) The Defendant filed an application for a compulsory auction of corporeal movables (this Court No. 2014No. 230) on the instant notarial deed, and the execution officer affiliated with this court on June 3, 2014, upon the said application, shall be subject to the articles listed in the attached Table No. 1 that A raised at the instant farm (hereinafter “the instant pigs”).
3) On the other hand, pigs subject to sale at the above auction procedure are 288 Mod money and 1.0 Mod money.