A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.
The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.
Punishment of the crime
[Criminal Records] On May 12, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for four months with prison labor for an injury at the Seoul Northern District Court and was sentenced to a one-year suspended sentence on December 3, 2016. The above judgment became final and conclusive on December 3, 2016.
[Criminal facts] 2016 Gohap 69
1. The Defendant was the owner of “F main points” (after the change to “G main points”) located in Sin Government-si E, and the Defendant, who was prepared to leave around 06:00 on January 18, 2016, would be going to the house of the victim H (V, age 26) of the employee of the said main points, who was on board the Defendant’s vehicle and parked in Sin Government-si I, and then came to dispute with the victim’s male relation.
The Defendant, at around 06:56 on the same day, entered the victim's cell phone and drive the victim, check the victim's text message, J, etc. on the victim's cell phone.
We can see that the interior is a different male-type visual path.
The reason is that it is fit.
The verbal abuse of the victim's face, such as the victim's face, etc. at a plenary session, the victim's head, who is willing to get out of the victim's face, flicked the victim's head, and flicked the victim's head on the room floor, and flicked the victim's head, etc., "A flick, flick escape," and flicked the victim's head, etc. with the victim's cell phone with the water branch.
In addition, the defendant 21:49 of the same day after sexual intercourse with the victim as set forth in the following 2.38 of the same day, and 22:38 of the same day, he saw the victim's cell phone, which was placed in the bed, and returned to the victim. The victim returned to the victim at around 22:38 of the same day. If the victim reported his cell phone, which she had been placed in the bed, and deducteds it again, he re-explodeds the contents of the J, she takes over several times, such as the face of the victim, by hand and sponsing the victim's face, by putting the victim's head debt on the bed of the victim, and putting the victim's bridge down on the bed of the victim, and takes the victim's bridge.