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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2017.07.19 2017고단1049

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

In the name of the non-name financial fraud organization, the bank visited the bank and withdraw the money in cash and let the withdrawal victims deposit the money from the account in the name of the withdrawn book after receiving the account number held by the bank account in the course of operating the telephone financial fraud organization. The withdrawn book is a person who committed the crime by visiting the bank and leaving the bank to withdraw the money in cash and leaving it to the name of the account through surveillance measures.

The Defendant requested C to request C to request the solicitation of the withdrawal of the licensing withdrawal from his name in order to ask C to withdraw the withdrawal of the licensing withdrawal, and C to instruct C to withdraw the amount of the licensing damage along with his name in mind, and F to move the vehicle to the Defendant C and E’s office by driving the vehicle.

On February 5, 2015, 11:57 around 11:57, 2015, phone calls to victims G at a non-permanent place, and “The 1 team investigator of the Seoul Southern District Public Prosecutor’s Office for the high-tech criminal investigation.”

The personal account of the party was used in the commission of the crime. First of all, since all installment savings are terminated, and the bank account should be transferred to one bank account which is the principal bank, and then the password and theOTP number are changed to be known," it is false, and it is then entered the above information by accessing the victim's Internet banking by accessing the victim's name bank account with information such as the account number and password of one bank account in the name of the victim from the victim, and then transfer the above information from the victim's account to the E bank account (H) around 15:32 of the same day, and the defendant, C, and F moved the victim to the Dongjak-gu Seoul Nowon-gu, and E was waiting to withdraw the above KRW 100,000 from the national bank located in the Nowon-gu, and at that time, they did not withdraw due to the suspension of payment due to the suspension of the account.

Accordingly, the defendant is C, F, E,.
