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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2015.09.11 2015고단1032

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

On October 2, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for robbery, injury, etc. at Busan High Court, and the judgment was finalized on the 11th of the same month.

The Defendant, for the purpose of receiving insurance money such as daily allowances for hospitalization, did not receive proper treatment while staying out of hospital for a long time after being formally hospitalized at a hospital which is easy to receive sufficient treatment. Even if the disease requires hospital treatment, the Defendant, after being hospitalized for a long time after being hospitalized for a long time, was issued a certificate of hospitalization and other relevant documents necessary for receiving insurance money when discharged after being hospitalized for an appropriate period of time, and submitted them to an insurance company that had already been insured for the purpose of receiving insurance money. On October 2009, the Defendant subscribed to MaG damage insurance around 200, and subscribed to 8 insurance companies with a total of 6 insurance companies, including having purchased six insurance policies, such as Esmeras insurance.

On November 8, 2010, the Defendant: (a) was diagnosed with D Hospital located in Busan, the captain-gun C, and was hospitalized from the time to December 7, 2010; (b) received hospitalized treatment for 30 days from the time on which he/she received the said hospital from December 7, 2010; and (c) received necessary documents, such as the certificate of hospitalization, the receipt of medical expenses, etc. from the said hospital; and (d) filed a claim for insurance proceeds with MG damage insurance company, the victim.

However, the fact was that the Defendant was a minor injury or disease and was in a condition that it was possible to treat him/her for hospital treatment without any need to be hospitalized, as well as that he/she was actually suffering from hospital treatment by frequently going out of school and staying outside for a long time during the period of hospitalization, even though he/she was hospitalized with excessive hospitalization for the purpose of insurance money.

As such, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as such, shall be the sum of KRW 600,00 per day of next hospitalization and KRW 487,953, etc. as insurance money from the employees of the victim company.
