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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.09.05 2019고단4285

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud (one-time “Sing”) organization is divided into two categories: “total liability” in which the call center is operated in China, the Philippines, etc., and “compact” in order to transfer money to a designated account under the pretext of loan arrangement, etc. to an unspecified number of people within the Republic of Korea; “col center’s staff” in which the victims transfer money to a designated account; “colcs” in which the victims receive an account to be used for the commission of scaming from the account holder; “scams” in which the victims wired money to the designated account; “scams” in which the victims withdraw the amount of damage; and “directs” in which the victims directly withdraw the amount of damage from the receipt of the call center to be used for the commission of the crime or deliver it to the other withdrawals.

The name in the instant case (hereinafter “B”) is a person who operates, transfers, withdraws, or prohibits receipt of the call center as a member of the telephone financial fraud organization (hereinafter “Singing”), and the Defendant withdraws cash from the account in which the amount was deposited pursuant to the direction of the name in the name in which the money was deposited and then delivers the said amount to the account of the employees in charge of the said Bosing. The structure of the Defendant’s act is to systematically share the role in committing the crime by sharing the same among the following: (a) the name indemnite, the Defendant, etc.

On January 16, 2019, the Defendant received a proposal from a person under whose name the Defendant reported text messages to the effect that “a loan can be made by accumulating transaction performance, if the account number is known, it will be deposited in the account, and the money will be withdrawn and delivered to our employee,” and then the Defendant is in charge of delivering the amount of damage to the Bosing Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging Pinging’
