본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2014.03.27 2013고합85

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete 40 hours of sexual assault treatment programs.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant became aware of the victim D (V, 9 years of age) who is a minor under the age of 13 on the ground that he is attending the same half of the defendant's children.

1. The Defendant violated the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (a minor indecent act by force) committed indecent act by force against a minor under the age of 13 by force in a cafeteria of “F” located in Yong-Namnam Cancer E around 16:0 on a day following February 2013.

2. From around 16:40 on the same day, the Defendant continued to violate the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (a minor sexual act under the age of 13) and carried the victim into a 75-meter dong-Eup Myeon-ro located in the F Myeon-ro, approximately 200 meters away from the above “F” restaurant, and carried the victim into one wall, and the victim forced the victim to refuse to hold the victim’s hand in the panty, but forced the victim to put the hand into the son’s negative part of the victim who is a minor under the age of 13.

3. At around 17:10 on the same day, the Defendant continued to commit indecent act by force against a minor under 13 years of age, such as a violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (13 years of age, a minor deceptive scheme, etc.) in a two-story toilet located in G with approximately 50 meters away from the above factory space, leaving the victim in a way that the victim sprinks the Defendant’s bar and panty by leaving the Defendant’s bar, leaving the Defendant’s bar and panty bucks, leaving the Defendant’s eye under his eye, and allowing the victim to spread his sexual organ by drawing his arms.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement made by witnesses D in the seventh trial records;

1. Part of the protocol of examination of the accused by the prosecution against the accused (the part that the accused takes the victim as a public seal, puts his finger in the sound book of the victim, moved to the church, and shown the victim's sexual organ to the victim);

1. The police of D. D.
