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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2014.05.29 2013고단714

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On September 2009, the Defendant committed the crime against Victim C, Victim D, and Victim E with the Defendant: (a) on the 5th floor of Masan-si Office in the Masan-si Office of Masan-si on the 5th floor of 2009, the Defendant prepared a false contract with the effect that “In the future, the Defendant is operating a marriage information company of the 5th floor of Masan-si in Seoul, with the marriage information company of the 5th floor of Masan-si; (b) each branch should be established across the country; (c) the number of members managed by the head office is 15,000-20,000 and all members information are shared by each branch office. If the Busan branch office is established, the Defendant is found to find a person in charge of business and pays 30 million won for each person at the expense of establishing the head office, i.e., the Defendant bears all the expenses for the operation and expenses of the office and the branch office divided into 50:50.”

On October 2009, the Defendant continued to make a false statement to the effect that “A victim C, victim D, and victim E is expected to newly obtain the office of GG branch in the building of an international newspaper company from the main office of the J 7th floor G branch located in the Dong-gu Busan Metropolitan City, Busan, the Busan, and would complete payment within three months if the office deposit and office interior work expenses are leased.”

However, the fact was that the Defendant did not actually operate the (ju) H, and that G Mingu was an office with no relation to the Defendant.

In addition, the marriage information company (State) in which the defendant operated had almost no members of the corporation fund or business performance.

Furthermore, the Defendant did not have any intention or ability to repay within three months, even if he/she entered into a contract with the victims or G Busan branch or borrowed money due to the lack of any property or significant monthly income.

As above, the defendant deceiving the victims and deceiving them from the victims C, which is the name of the opening cost of Busan Branch around September 4, 2009.
