본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2014.01.09 2012가합8660
가등기말소 등

1. The defendant shall provide to the plaintiff the share of 2/3 of the real estate listed in the attached list No. 3 and the real estate listed in the attached list No. 4.


The premise C (Death on February 15, 2012) and D had children E (Namnam), the Defendant (Seoul), the Plaintiff (Seoul), and the F (M).

1) The real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 1 (hereinafter “G land”)

As to September 17, 1982, the registration of ownership transfer in the name of the plaintiff and the defendant on September 17, 1982 and the real estate listed in paragraph 2 of the attached Table (hereinafter referred to as the "G building").

On September 17, 1982, the registration of preservation of ownership was made in the name of the plaintiff and the defendant on September 17, 1982, and thereafter the shares of G real estate (land and building) in the name of the plaintiff (hereinafter referred to as "G shares").

On June 24, 2004, the ownership transfer registration stated in the purport of the claim was made under the name of the defendant on June 24, 2004. 2) On June 5, 1982, with respect to the real estate listed in paragraph (3) of the attached list (hereinafter “H land”), the ownership transfer registration was made under the name of the plaintiff, network C, and E on June 5, 1982. After the ownership transfer registration was made under the name of the plaintiff, network C, and E on February 26, 1986, the ownership transfer registration was made through I on October 21, 1986 with respect to the real estate listed in paragraph (4) of the attached list (hereinafter “H building”), and the ownership registration was made under the name of the plaintiff, C,1/2 shares in the name of the plaintiff, and on September 21, 2004, on September 31, 2004, the entire ownership transfer registration was made under the name of the defendant on September 231, 2019, 2004.

[Grounds for recognition] In the absence of dispute, Gap evidence 1, Gap evidence 2-1, Gap evidence 2-2, Gap evidence 3, Gap evidence 4-1, 2-1, and Gap evidence 5-2, Gap evidence 5-2, and the purport of the whole oral argument as to the claim for cancellation of registration of the whole oral argument, the plaintiff of G equity parties is entitled to receive KRW 1 billion from the defendant, while he donated G equity, but the defendant did not bear a burden other than KRW 300 million, so the above share or mixed donation contract is concluded.
