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텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2020.10.22 2020고단1638

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

At around 15:00 on June 18, 2020, the Defendant sought a bus engineer’s agreement on the case of assaulting a bus engineer belonging to the said D Company at the second floor office of D Company C employed by the victim C in Jeju-si around 15:0, the Defendant heard the horses that “I do not have any bus engineer, and may give an agreement with him with money” from the victim, and thereby interferes with the work of the victim, such as: (a) I wanting to hear the horses that “I can see any bus engineer, and give him/her an agreement with him/her with money.”

"200 Highest 1810"

1. 특정범죄가중처벌등에관한법률위반(운전자폭행등) 피고인은 2020. 6. 8. 17:49경 서귀포시 E에 있는 F 앞 버스정류장에서 서귀포 방향으로 운행하는 G D회사 버스를 승차하여 버스기사인 피해자 H(남, 53세)이 "마스크를 착용해 달라, 어디까지 가십니까"라고 말하자 화가 나 "니가 뭔데 나한테 그런 걸 물어보냐, 씨발놈, 죽여버리겠다"라고 하면서 피해자를 오른발로 2회 찼다.

Accordingly, the Defendant committed assault against the passenger transport driver in operation.

2. The Defendant damaged the property by destroying the bus charges of a amount of KRW 495,00,00 owned by D, which are installed in a bus at the time and place specified in paragraph (1) of the above Article, once due to the fact that the bus charges amounting to KRW 495,00,00.

3. On June 8, 2020, when a bus of GD company that was driven by the victim on June 17:51, 2020 stops in front of a new mountain autonomous police box located in the 5122 Sinpo-dong, Seopo-dong, the Defendant of a special injury, putting a stone with a string of the police box (20 centimeters in diameter) on a hand, with a stone with a string of the police box (20 centimeters), and display it on a hand, “to die for spile,” and continuously dump the victim’s flap with a hand, and dump and a flaf.
