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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2014.05.30 2013고단388

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

All applications filed by an applicant for compensation shall be dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

around August 2010, the Defendants introduced that “2013 Man-Ma388, the injured party D, who was in the Donnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan City F, visited G real estate that had been working for the victim D, in order to operate his company and actively engage in real estate development, and began to be close to the victim, and then obtain a sense of care, such as selling clothes or food to the victim, and around that time, borrowed KRW 10,200,000 from the victim for three occasions, and then acquired credit by repayment of KRW 10,50,000,000 from the victim to obtain credit from the victim, and then acquired it by means of putting it out into money from the victim.

On November 30, 2010, the Defendants made a false statement to the effect that they would have repaid to the victims “on the other hand, if they would have lent money to the victims.”

However, the Defendants did not have any special property, and Defendant B did not have any intent or ability to repay the money even if they borrowed the money from the victim due to bad credit standing, and the amount borrowed from the victim was considered to be appropriated for their own living expenses.

As above, the Defendants conspired to induce the victim as above and received five million won from the victim to the passbook A under the name of the Defendant on the same day as the loan money from the victim, and received a total of 338 million won from that time until December 29, 2011, from that time, as shown in the list of crimes in the attached Table.

From July 201, the Defendants stated that “I” office located in Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-gu, and “I,” and “I, if you lend money, you will get the principal and interest back, or return the money to Pyeongtaek-gu, or operate the main multi-family apartment construction business instead, because the money is in a situation where the principal and interest is short of, if you lend money, or instead, it is currently running the main apartment construction business at Pyeongtaek-si.”

However, from around five years from 2006, the Defendants only have a plan for the construction of the above Pyeongtaek-si complex apartment and a written consent of some landowners.
