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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2019.02.14 2018고합353

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

One (No. 20L) and one (No. 1) of the 2L claters, which has been seized.


Punishment of the crime

On November 23, 2018, while the Defendant was in a telephone call with the Defendant on November 23, 2018, the Defendant thought that B, as a result of the defect that B had the horses, would sell an apartment that B and his children live together in order to live together with C, which is a part of his society, and that B, due to B, committed suicide with their body, the Defendant purchased approximately 13.3 liter (20,000 won at a market price) at the Eju station located in Ansan-gu, Ansan-gu, Ansan-si, Ansan-si, the same day for the purpose of notifying B of the fact that B committed suicide with their body.

Then, at around 15:18 on the same day, the Defendant reported to the police that “I want to kill the father by getting out of wind” at the residence of the defendant in Ansan-si, Ansan-si, and the defendant, and 2 liters who were in part of the gasoline purchased as above at the residence were transferred to one hydrocom.

At around 15:26 of the same day, the Defendant: (a) filed a report on the above 112-day and sent to the Defendant’s residence; (b) the police officer 1 and the police officer J demanded the opening of the entrance by leaving the front door; (c) repeated the words “fence Ma” in front of the front of the front door of the front door; (d) ring the string of gasoline, which is not known to her head; and (c) opened the front door to the front door, and ring the gasoline, which was used by the police officer on the water on the left hand, was placed at the entrance of the front door of the victim J police officer with a corridor and attached it to the corridor equivalent to the size of 5m2,00 square meters; (d) however, the Defendant attempted to commit the act by all the police officers prior to leaving the front door.

As a result, the Defendant: (a) destroyed the above building by setting fire to KRW 3,676,00 from the above building that 8 households move into and use as a residence of the people; (b) suffered injury of images, etc. by the victim J for about two weeks of medical treatment; and (c) at the same time, the Defendant carried gasoline and gater, which are dangerous objects.
