본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2013.04.25 2012고단2948


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and four months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of ten months.

provided that this ruling has become final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2012 Highest 2948] In order to raise living expenses, etc., the Defendants were willing to steal money and valuables after Defendant B got a disguised employment at the convenience store.

1. At around 05:00 on September 17, 2012, Defendants of special larceny had the right of gift certificates, gift certificates, and cultural products worth KRW 400,00,00 in cash, 450,000, in a credit cooperative of the calculation company, at the F convenience store operated by the victim E in Jeon-jin-gu, Jeonjin-gu, Seoul, as of September 17, 2012, between the victim’s retirement and the victim’s retirement, Defendant A reported the above convenience store and the network between the victim’s retirement. Defendant B, who works as a part-time employee, had the right of gift certificates, and the right of gift products.

Accordingly, the Defendants committed a theft of money and valuables owned by the victim jointly.

2. On November 6, 2012, the Defendants of special larceny, at around 18:30 on November 6, 2012, at the I convenience store operated by the victim H in Daejeon-gu, Daejeon-gu, Defendant A reported the network outside of the above convenience store between Defendant A and Defendant B, who works as a part-time student, had KRW 78,250 in cash at the IMF’s Treasury.

Accordingly, the Defendants committed a theft of money and valuables owned by the victim jointly.

[2012 Highest 3609]

3. In order to raise the cost of living, the Defendants were willing to steal money and valuables after Defendant B had a disguised employment on the part of the convenience store.

Defendants around 03:30 on September 3, 2012, at the convenience store operated by the victim K in the Y of the Simcheon-si, 2012, Defendant A reported the victim's retirement to the above convenience store, and Defendant B, a part-time worker, had 930,350 won in cash in the credit cooperative of the Simcheon-si.

Accordingly, the Defendants committed a theft of money and valuables owned by the victim jointly.

[2013 Highest 59]

4. In order to raise the cost of living, the Defendants were willing to steal money and valuables after Defendant B had a disguised employment on the part of the convenience store.

Defendants, around 04:00 on October 4, 2012, shall be luminous.
