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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2021.03.23 2020가단118374

1. The Defendant’s KRW 53,228,423 and KRW 45,291,573 among the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff’s KRW 12.5% per annum from December 20, 2019 to the date of full payment.


Facts of recognition

A. On May 2, 2017, the Defendant received a loan by setting the amount of KRW 60 million from D Co., Ltd. at 48-month equal installment repayment of principal and interest, interest rate of KRW 9.9% per annum, and interest rate of arrears at 25% per annum.

B. On September 23, 2019, D Co., Ltd. transferred the above loan claims to the Plaintiff, and notified the Defendant of the transfer of the claim through the Plaintiff on November 25, 2019.


Of the above loan claims, the amount of the credit that the Defendant did not pay is KRW 55,291,573 as of December 19, 2019, and KRW 53,228,423 as of December 19, 201.

[Grounds for recognition] The items in Gap evidence Nos. 1 through 4, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. According to the judgment and the facts of the above recognition, the Defendant is obligated to pay to the Plaintiff delayed damages calculated at the rate of 12.9% per annum for the Plaintiff within the agreed interest rate of KRW 53,228,423 and the principal amount of KRW 45,291,573, whichever is applicable, from December 20, 2019 to the date of full payment.

Thus, the plaintiff's claim of this case is accepted on the ground of the reasons.
