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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2014.04.10 2014고합27

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for four years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant sent the victim a report to the effect that “the victim D(here, 14 years of age) gets home” at the smartphone display room, sent to the victim a page stating that “the victim “I will get home,” and that “I will get home, so I will get home, because there are many many people, I will do so at home.” However, the Defendant was moving the victim at the defendant’s house of the defendant No. 203, Dong-dong, Gwangju Northern-dong, 203.

1. On August 13, 2013, the Defendant: (a) divided the beer into the part of the victim on August 13, 2013, at around 01:00 on the part of the Defendant’s residence; (b) took the victim’s hand; (c) took the victim’s hand; (d) took the victim’s hand; (d) took the victim’s hand; (e) took the victim’s hand; (e) took the victim’s hand, but (e) took the part of the victim’s hand; (e) took the part of the victim’s body; (e) took the part of the victim’s body; (e) took the part of the victim’s hand; and (e) took part in the victim’s hand; and (e) took part in sexual intercourse by inserting the victim’s finger and panty into the part of the victim’s sexual organ; and (e) took part in sexual intercourse by force.

2. On August 14, 2013, the Defendant, around 02:00, committed the crime, at around 02:0 on August 14, 2013, at around 02:0, when the victim was locked in the dwelling door of the above Defendant’s dwelling room, she laid down his/her hand on the side, cut his/her chest, cut his/her breast, and her gate by dividing his/her gate by the knife and the knife’s hand to the knife, and placed his/her knife on the knife again, and, at around 0:0, sexual intercourse with the victim by force by inserting his/her knife into the part of his/her own sexual organ into the part of the victim.

3. On August 14, 2013, the Defendant committed a crime on August 10, 2013: (a) around 10:00, around August 14, 2013, the Defendant tried to have sexual intercourse with the victim by force with the victim, who was locked in the dwelling space of the above Defendant, inasmuch as he/she was spared, and was off and under the influence of his/her clothes.
