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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2015.01.29 2014노2064

The judgment below

The guilty part of the defendant's case and the not guilty part are dated April 20, 2013.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

가. 피고인 겸 피부착명령청구자 ⑴ 사실오인 내지 법리오해 ㈎ 원심 판시 제1항[성폭력범죄의처벌등에관한특례법위반(장애인유사성행위)의 점]에 대하여 피고인 겸 피부착명령청구자(이하 ‘피고인’이라 한다)는 피해자의 구강 내부에 성기를 넣는 행위를 한 사실이 없다.

Furthermore, the defendant did not have threatened the victim as stated in Paragraph 1 of the decision of the court below, and the victim 1-B of the decision of the court below.

There is no difference in the fact that the defendant has been living at the time stated in the port.

In addition, the Defendant did not fully recognize that he/she is a person with a disability to the extent that he/she cannot exercise his/her right to sexual self-determination, and the victim is not a person with a disability to the extent that he

㈏ 원심 판시 제2항[성폭력범죄의처벌등에관한특례법위반(장애인강간)의 점]에 대하여 피고인은 피해자를 협박한 사실이 없고, 피해자를 강간한 사실도 없다.

In addition, the Defendant did not fully recognize that he/she is a person with a disability to the extent that he/she cannot exercise his/her right to sexual self-determination, and the victim is not a person with a disability to the extent that he

㈐ 원심 판시 제3항(강요의 점)에 대하여 피고인은 피해자를 협박한 사실이 없다.

It is unfair that the court below issued an order to disclose personal information and an order to attach an electronic tracking device to the defendant, which is improper to issue an order to disclose personal information and to attach an electronic tracking device.

Secondly, the sentence imposed by the court below on the defendant (six years of imprisonment) is too unreasonable.

B. A prosecutor - a victim of mistake of facts is a class 2 disabled person, and there is a limit to the statement. The defendant is also the 20th day of the same month as April 19, 2013.
