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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.06.22 2017고단2448

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence No. 1 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

1. Special larceny: (a) from February 2, 2017 to February 04:00 of the same day, the Defendant came to fall under “E restaurant” of the victim D’s operation in Daegu Northern-gu, Daegu-gu (Seoul-gu) from around 02:00 to around 04:00 of the same day; (b) cut off and damaged the entrance door door door locked which had a string of the business hours of the said restaurant without any gap; and (c) intruded into the restaurant and invaded it into the restaurant, the victim’s total market value of KRW 26,00,000, KRW 7 Byung-ju, 1 faly, and 1 fabbre, and then cut it thereafter.

4. From the 18th day to the day, by the same method as the list of crimes in the annexed sheet, a total of 17 times intruded into a restaurant and stolen property worth KRW 1,244,500 in total.

2. An attempted special thief;

A. On April 4, 2017, the Defendant committed the crime in “F cafeteria” at around 02:00, at the “F cafeteria” in the victim H’s operation of Daegu Northern-gu G, Daegu-gu, the Defendant attempted to cut off and destroy the locks of the cutting entrance, which was in possession of any gap in the business hours of the said cafeteria, and intruded into it, thereby thefting an article owned by the victim. However, while cutting off the locks, the Defendant did not escape and attempted to commit the crime.

B. On April 9, 2017, at around 04:00, the Defendant committed the crime in “I cafeteria” at the “I cafeteria,” cut off and damaged the locked door door to the gate, which was in possession of any gaps in the business hours of the said cafeteria, and attempted to cut off the victim’s property through the entrance. However, during the search of stolen objects, the Defendant did not go through the wind, which is visible to the husband of the victim.

3. On April 11, 2017, the Defendant attempted to larceny at night, and around 04:04, at around 04:04, the “N” restaurant operated by the victim M in Daegu Northern-gu L, and the hours of the business of the said restaurant are no longer available.
