본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2015.04.14 2014구합7133
징계조치처분 취소

1. A disciplinary measure taken by the Defendant against the Plaintiff on February 27, 2014 (a written apology for victimized students) and a victim student No. 2.


1. Basic facts

A. On November 2013, the Plaintiff was a male student attending the 6th and second grade of the D Elementary School located in the Guri-si E (hereinafter “D Elementary School”), and began with the Ethmbianism system from the middle day of the same half of the female student and the middle day of November 2013.

B. On November 26, 2013, H consulted with the Plaintiff on November 26, 2013 (the same grade-friendly district of the Plaintiff and F) and H, which led to the Plaintiff and F to the physical contact of potters, potters, and kis.

C. On November 27, 2013, G came to know that there was an inappropriate physical contact between the Plaintiff and F, for instance, through consultation with the Plaintiff and F on November 27, 2013, with the Plaintiff and F, that the Plaintiff was potteries and potteries, that the Plaintiff was potteries of F, and that F was able to spread her sexual organ.

On November 27, 2013 and December 28, 2013, the Plaintiff and F’s parents known the fact of physical contact between the Plaintiff and F, and on December 17, 2013, F reported the Plaintiff to the Autonomous Committee on Countermeasures against School Violence at D Elementary (hereinafter “instant autonomous committee”).

E. On December 23, 2013, the instant autonomous committee held a meeting of the Autonomous Committee on Countermeasures against School Violence on the ground of physical contact between the Plaintiff and F, and decided to request the Defendant, the principal of the D Elementary School, who is the Plaintiff, to take measures stipulated under Article 17(1) of the Act on the Prevention of and Countermeasures against School Violence (hereinafter “Act”) (Article 17(1) (Article 17(1) (Article 17(1) (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1) and 5 (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1)) (Article 17(1))

F. On January 7, 2014, the F’s division filed an application for reexamination with the Gyeonggi-do Local Committee for Countermeasures against School Violence (hereinafter “instant Local Committee”) on the determination of the said autonomous committee, and the instant regional committee.
