본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2016.01.15 2015나56857

1. The defendant's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Defendant.

Purport of claim and appeal



1. Basic facts

A. On February 23, 2010, the Plaintiff’s announcement of the instant tender announcement is “the public announcement of the electronic bid announcement” in relation to the “lease of a vehicle for school buses at the Natural Day School (2010)”

A. The main contents of the public announcement of this case are as follows.

1. Matters referred to the tender;

(a) Service name: Lease of a vehicle for commuting to a natural day school (four vehicles);

(b) Frequency of scheduled operation: 1,720 times; and

(c) Lease period: March 15, 2010 and February 28, 201;

Basic amount of unit price for one-time operation per unit: Geum full-time land (96,000 gin gin gin gin gin gin gin)

마. 운행지 : 인천연일학교↔인천연일학교에서 지정하는 장소 1) 운행일 : 임차기간 중 공휴일, 방학기간, 기타 학교재량휴업일은 제외 2) 운행시간 : 과업지시서 참고 3 운행노선 : 과업지시서 참고

2. Bidding and contracting methods;

(a)as unit price tendering, regional restrictions ( Incheon Metropolitan City) competition;

(b) execute only electronic tendering.

(c) the honor of services subject to examination of qualifications.

6. Date of bidding (open bidding): The PC to the bidding execution officer of a natural day school on March 3, 2010, the PC;

7. Matters concerning the payment of bid bonds and reversion to the National Treasury shall be exempted from the payment of bid bonds in this tender, but will substitute for the submission of electronic bidding documents by the Public Procurement Service, including the contents of the promise to pay bid bonds;

11. Other matters.

(a)the bidder shall be informed prior to the tender of the General National Electronic Procurement System (g2b) Special SPs, order for business, and all other matters necessary for the tender (including the Act on Contracts to Which a Local Government Is a Party, Enforcement Decree, Enforcement Rule, Enforcement Rule, and Accounting Rules) and shall be not familiar with the bidder’s liability;

B. The Defendant bid at KRW 84,500 of the bid price, along with a certificate of payment of bid bond with which the obligation to pay the bid bond was expressly stated according to the instant public notice of tender. The Plaintiff selected and notified the Defendant as a successful bidder on March 9, 2010, and the details of the notice of payment of the bid bond are as follows.

