2015 Highest 1957 Computer, etc.
South-North Korean Government (prosecution), He/she shall hold a public trial
Defense Counsel
Attorney B
Imposition of Judgment
July 3, 2015
A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.
Seized evidence1 through 12 shall be confiscated from the accused.
Criminal facts
피고인은 2015, 3. 9. 대한민국에 입국한 중국 국적자로, 2015. 3. 12.경 전화금융사기 조직원 C으로부터 이른바 '인출책' 역할을 맡으라는 제의를 받고 이를 승낙하였다. 전화금융사기 조직은, 전화상으로 불특정 다수의 피해자들을 속여 그들로 하여금 미리 준비된 이른바 '대포통장' 계좌로 돈을 이체하게 하거나 또는 전자금융거래 정보를 가로채 직접 '대포통장' 계좌로 돈을 무단 이체한 후 그 피해금을 인출 취득하는 범행을 업으로 하는 범죄조직으로, 주로 중국에서 범행 전반을 관리하는 자의 주도 하에, 각자 범죄수익을 분배받는 조건으로, ① 미리 취득한 개인정보를 이용하여 불특정 다수의 사람들에게 전화를 걸어 수사기관, 금융기관 등을 사칭하며 개인정보 유출이나 계좌 도용을 들먹이며 이체를 유도하거나 대출을 제의하며 비용을 요구하는 등의 각종 수법으로 피해금을 대포통장 계좌로 이체하도록 유인하는 '콜센터' 담당자, ② 피해금의 인출 및 송금을 지시하는 '인출관리책', ③ 인출관리책의 지시를 받아 인출, 송금을 실행하는 '인출책', ④ 인출책으로부터 인출 현금을 수령하여 전달하는 '전달책'과 인출금을 이른바 '환치기' 등 방법으로 중국으로 송출하는 '송출책', ⑤ 범행에 사용될 대포 통장을 모집하여 조직에 공급하는 '통장모집책' 등으로 상호 유기적으로 각자의 역할을 사전 분담하고, 인출책 등 하부 조직은 검거에 대비하여 점조직의 형태로 운영되고 있피고인은, 위와 같이 인출책을 맡기로 함으로써 중국에서 인출 및 송금을 전반적으로 지시 관리하는 성명불상(일명 'D'), 불상의 콜센터 담당자 등 전화사기 범행을 벌이는 전체 조직원들과 순차 공모하고, 2015. 3. 15.경 그 조직원 중 피해금 인출 및 전달을 관리하는 성명불상(위챗 아이디 : 'E')으로부터 '위챗(we chat, 중국 메신저 어플)'을 통한 실시간 지시를 받아 대포통장 계좌에 연결된 체크카드를 수령한 후 이를 이용하여 피해금의 인출을 실행하고 피고인의 인출 수당을 제외한 인출금을 위 C 등에게 전달해 주는 역할을 분담하기로 사전 결의하였다.
On March 31, 2015, the Defendant received e-mail cards connected to 'G 101' accounts in accordance with the orders of 'E' from 'G 101' in Seongbuk-gu, Seongbuk-gu, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City under the direction of 'E', and then confirmed whether to use e-mail functions by inserting e-mail cards in neighboring cash automatic machines and reported the results to the above 'E' so that the above accounts can be used as the deposit account for the crime of telephone fraud.
In addition, according to the order of public offering as above, 14 of the passbooks 10:0 on April 1, 2015, 2015, 14 of which the police officer, the prosecutor, the prosecutor, and the head of the Tongs 14 under the name of the party will go to the large passbook.In Seoul District Public Prosecutor's Office, the investigation is being conducted by the Seoul District Public Prosecutor's Office, and in order to clarify that the correspondence was not used for the crime of the large passbooks, it is necessary to enter as a result of accessing the site of the public prosecutor's office at the present time to confirm the fact, and L has access to the ‘the largest French site' and entered the account number, card number, password, resident registration number, etc. of the national bank account number: M).
On April 1, 2015, the above officers, using the input personal information, entered information into the Internet banking system of the victim bank without authority on April 1, 2015, and entered information that transfers the amount of KRW 4.6 million from H’s account to H’s Busan bank account (number: N) and had the victim process such information.
As a result, the Defendant, in collusion with the assistants, such as the above name ind', the above name ind', the above name ind', the above call center, and the above call center, acquired the above 4.6 million won proprietary benefits from the above 4.6 million won, from that time, from that time to 16:52 of the same day, acquired the property or proprietary benefits equivalent to 22.3 million won in total, from that time, as shown in the list of crimes in attached Table 16:52.
Summary of Evidence
1. Part of the defendant's legal statement;
1. Part of the prosecutor's protocol of examination of the defendant
1. Each protocol of examination of suspect about 0;
1. Each written statement of L, P, Q and R;
1. A copy of the bankbook, a deposit receipt, and a deposit certificate of passbook;
1. Status of individual entry or departure;
1. 위챗 대화 사진
1. Seizure records;
Application of Statutes
1. Article applicable to criminal facts;
Articles 347-2, 347(1), and 30 of the Criminal Act; Selection of imprisonment
1. Aggravation of concurrent crimes;
Articles 37 (former part), 38 (1) 2, and 50 of the Criminal Act
1. Confiscation;
The reason for sentencing under Article 48(1)1 of the Criminal Act
[Extent of Recommendation] Where the risk of damage in the basic area (one year and six months to three years) (special mitigation (special mitigation)) has not been greatly realized due to the organized fraud / Where the risk of damage has not been substantially realized / Where the crime was committed for unspecified or many victims or repeatedly over a considerable period of time.
【Determination of Sentence】
In this case, the content of the crime is significant and serious in that it causes significant damage to many unspecified persons as a 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 's 'ss 's 's 's 's 's '
Judges Nam Jae-in