(영문) 울산지방법원 2021.6.18. 선고 2021고단882 판결



A. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes (child uniforms)

Punishment of Child Abuse Aggravated Punishment for Facilities Employees, etc.)

(b) Injury;

C. Child Welfare Violation


1.(a)(b) A, in 194, 100,000,000


Reference domicile

2.(a) B, 197 Nos. B, 1997


Reference domicile

3.(c) C, 1969 Firs, women, and non-members;


Reference domicile


Man-line (prosecutions, public trials), Royn-line (public trial)

Defense Counsel

Law Firm Dokdo, Attorneys Yoo-young (for defendant A and C),

Attorney Kim Tae-sung (for all the defendants),

Imposition of Judgment

June 18, 2021


[Defendant A]

Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

Defendant A shall be ordered to complete a child abuse treatment program for 40 hours.

Defendant A shall be subject to employment restrictions for ten years at child-related institutions.

[Defendant B]

Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of ten months.

However, for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, the execution of the above punishment against Defendant B shall be suspended.

To order Defendant B to attend a community service for 60 hours and a lecture for the prevention of recidivism of child abuse for 40 hours.

Defendant B shall be ordered to put an employment restriction on child-related institutions for three years.

[Defendant C]

Defendant C shall be punished by a fine of KRW 30 million.

When Defendant C fails to pay the above fine, Defendant C shall be confined in a workhouse for the period calculated by converting KRW 100,000 into one day.

In order to order the provisional payment of an amount equivalent to the above fine.


Criminal facts

Defendant A and Defendant B are infant care teachers of the Ulsandong-gu D Child Care Center, and Defendant C is the mother of Defendant A and the director of the above child care center.

1. Defendant A

(a) Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes (Punishment of child abuse by persons engaged in child welfare facilities);

The defendant, at around 11:30 a.m. and where it is difficult for children to drink food due to corrosioning during a short period or short time after the end of a food-raising period, he may, if children are unable to drink food, have children f (ma, 4 years old) with the lowest body part of Ebs children, sit up between the new site of the classroom and the entrance of the classroom, leave the room, or exercise the physical tangible power of the children, allow other children to view the situation. The defendant, who stop the meal, has been able to drink the national water directly or frightly by leaving the flat, and let the children in transit the flat examination play school first, so that children who have passed the flat examination are able to sit, take food or drink on the flat, and have them do so, and if all children are flick or flick out of the school due to food, food and drink, etc., and if all children are flick or flick out of the school.

On June 10, 2020, the Defendant collected food by hand from the above child-care center E at the above child-care center E, and putting the child victim F (ma 4 years of age), dried up once the part of the child victim's stack, which the child victim was able to spawn food at the entrance, and dried up the breath of the breath, caused the child victim's body to be completely cut off by the defendant's side, and tightly abused the child's body by keeping the food that the child was spawned into the breath of the breath of the breath of the breath of the breath of the breath of the 2020, from May 12, 202 to October 5, 2020, and engaged in physical and emotional abuse against the child victim or 15 persons habitually over 128 times, as shown in the attached crime list (1).

(b) Injury;

From September 21, 2020 to October 5, 2020, the Defendant: (a) 65, 81, 85, 86 through 89, 93, 94, 99, 101 through 104, 113, 116, 120, and 122, the Defendant took or takes the son’s bridge and buckbucks of the child victim E-care center; (b) 77, 91, 95, 106, 119, and 124, the Defendant’s hand or arms of the child victim and the arms of the attached list of crimes (1) were known for seven days, such as the treatment of other son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son and son’s son’s son’s son’s ty.

2. Defendant B

On June 8, 2020, at around 15:49, the Defendant served a child victim H (manam and 3 years of age) playing in G G group of the above child care center, and gave a warning to about one minute, left the wall for about 20 minutes by having the child victim sit ahead of the wall on the face, and abused the child in emotionally, and committed physical or emotional abuse over 19 times from around that time until October 15:40, 2020, such as the list of crimes (2) in attached Form 19.

3. Defendant C

The defendant, A and B, an employee of the defendant, abused the child victim as described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 1 in connection with the defendant's duties.

Summary of Evidence


Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

⚬ 피고인 A: 아동학대범죄의처벌등에관한특례법 제7조, 제10조 제2항 제12호, 아동 복지법 제72조, 제71조 제1항 제2호, 제17조 제3호, 제5호(상습아동학대로 인한 아동학대범죄의처벌등에관한특례법위반의 점, 포괄하여), 형법 제257조 제1항(상해의 점, 포괄하여)

⚬ 피고인 B: 각 아동학대범죄의처벌등에관한특례법 제7조, 제10조 제2항 제12호, 아동복지법 제71조 제1항 제2호, 제17조 제3호(신체적 학대의 점), 각 아동학대범죄 의처벌등에관한특례법 제7조, 제10조 제2항 제12호, 아동복지법 제71조 제1항 제2호, 제17조 제5호(정서적 학대의 점)

⚬ 피고인 C: 각 아동복지법 제74조 본문, 제71조 제1항 제2호, 제17조 제3호(신체적 학대의 점), 각 아동복지법 제74조 본문, 제71조 제1항 제2호, 제17조 제5호(정서적 학대의 점)

1. Commercial competition;

⚬ 피고인 A: 형법 제40조, 제50조(아동학대범죄의처벌등에관한특례법위반죄에 정한 형으로 처벌)

1. Selection of punishment;

⚬ 피고인 A, B: 각 징역형 선택

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

⚬ 피고인 B, C: 형법 제37조 전단, 제38조 제1항 제2호, 제50조

1. Suspension of execution;

⚬ 피고인 B: 형법 제62조 제1항(아래 ‘양형의 이유’ 중 피고인에게 유리한 정상 참작)

1. Order to complete programs;

⚬ 피고인 A: 아동학대범죄의처벌등에관한특례법 제8조 제1항, 제2항

1. Order to attend lectures or order to provide community service;

⚬ 피고인 B: 아동학대범죄의처벌등에관한특례법 제8조 제1항, 제2항, 제3항

1. An employment restriction order;

⚬ 피고인 A, B: 아동복지법 제29조의3 제1항 본문

1. Detention in a workhouse;

⚬ 피고인 C: 형법 제70조 제1항, 제69조 제2항

1. Order of provisional payment;

⚬ 피고인 C: 형사소송법 제334조 제1항

Reasons for sentencing

1. Defendant A

(a) The scope of applicable sentences under law: Imprisonment for one month to one year; and

(b) Scope of recommendations based on the sentencing criteria;

Although the sentencing criteria do not present a separate method of dealing with the ordinary concurrent crimes, they refer to the range of sentence according to the sentencing criteria for the severe concurrent crimes which are punished due to the ordinary concurrent crimes.

[Determination of Punishment] Arrest, Confinement, Abandonment, or Abuse 02. A. General Criteria (Type 2)

[Special Aggravation] Aggravations: In the case of committing a crime against a large number of victims or repeated crimes over a considerable period, it constitutes a crime of child abuse by a person obligated to report a child abuse provided for in Article 7 of the Child Abuse Punishment Act, and habitual crimes;

[Recommendation Area and Scope of Recommendations] Special Priority Area, one year to three years of imprisonment

(c) Determination of sentence;

▪ 피고인이 초범인 점, 범행 인정하며 깊이 반성하고 있는 점 등은 유리한 정상이다.

▪ 아동학대처벌법상 아동학대 신고의무자이고, 아동들을 보육할 책임과 의무가 있음에도 오히려 상당한 기간 동안 여러 명의 피해아동에게 학대행위를 한 점, 학대행위의 정도가 심하고 횟수가 매우 많은 점, 피해사실을 스스로 밝히거나 저항할 수 없는 어린 아동들을 대상으로 저지른 범행인 점, 특히 피해아동 F에 대하여 지속적, 상시적으로 악의적인 학대행위를 일삼은 점, 그로 인해 피해아동 F이 판시와 같은 신체적 상해를 당하였음은 물론 정신적으로도 상당한 피해를 입은 것으로 보이는 점, 다른 피해 아동도 상당수 있을 뿐 아니라 직접 피해를 입지 않은 아동 역시 이러한 상습적 학대행위를 반복적으로 목격하며 정신적 충격을 입었을 것으로 보이는 점, 피고인을 신뢰하고 보육을 맡긴 피해아동의 부모들 또한 회복하기 어려운 마음의 상처를 입었고 엄벌을 탄원하는 점 등은 불리한 정상이다.

▪ 그 밖에 범행횟수, 범행기간, 범행방법 등과 피고인의 연령, 성행, 환경, 범행의 동기와 결과, 범행 후의 정황 등 기록과 변론에 나타난 양형의 조건이 되는 제반 정상 및 장기간 취업제한을 통하여 동종 재범의 가능성을 차단할 수 있는 점 등을 종합하여 주문과 같이 형을 정한다.

2. Defendant B

(a) The scope of applicable sentences under law: Imprisonment for one month to one year; and

(b) Scope of recommendations based on the sentencing criteria;

[Determination of Punishment] Arrest, Confinement, Abandonment, or Abuse 02. A. General Criteria (Type 2)

[Special Aggravation] Aggravations: Child abuse crimes committed by a person obligated to report child abuse under Article 7 of the Child Abuse Punishment Act

[Recommendation and Scope of Recommendation] Aggravation, 1 year to 2 years of imprisonment

(c) Determination of sentence;

▪ 피고인이 초범인 점, 범행 인정하며 깊이 반성하고 있는 점, 사회적 유대관계 분명한 점, 일부 피해아동의 부모들이 피고인의 처벌을 원하지 않고 있는 점, 피해 회복을 위하여 나름대로 노력한 점 등은 유리한 정상이다.

▪ 아동학대처벌법상 아동학대 신고의무자이고, 아동들을 보육할 책임과 의무가 있음에도 오히려 상당한 기간 동안 여러 명의 피해아동에게 학대행위를 한 점, 피해사실을 스스로 밝히거나 저항할 수 없는 어린 아동들을 대상으로 저지른 범행인 점, 피고인을 신뢰하고 보육을 맡긴 피해아동의 부모들은 회복하기 어려운 마음의 상처를 입은 점 등은 불리한 정상이다.

▪ 그 밖에 범행횟수, 범행기간, 범행방법 등과 피고인의 연령, 성행, 환경, 범행의 동기와 결과, 범행 후의 정황 등 기록과 변론에 나타난 양형의 조건이 되는 제반 정상 및 상당기간 취업제한을 통하여 동종 재범의 가능성을 차단할 수 있는 점 등을 종합하여 주문과 같이 양형기준을 하회한 형을 정한다.

3. Defendant C

▪ 피고인이 초범인 점, 범행 인정하며 반성하고 있는 점 등은 유리한 정상이다.

▪ 피고인은 어린이집의 원장으로서 아동학대를 예방하고 의심되는 아동학대를 적극적으로 신고할 의무가 있는 사람임에도 아동학대행위를 방지하기 위한 충분한 노력과 감독을 다하지 아니한 점, 다른 피고인들의 범행횟수와 범행기간, 범행의 내용과 정도 등에 비추어 보면 피고인의 죄책 무거운 점, 피고인을 신뢰하고 아동들의 보육을 맡긴 피해아동의 부모들이 회복하기 어려운 마음의 상처를 입었고, 피고인의 엄벌을 탄원하는 점 등은 불리한 정상이다.

▪ 그 밖에 피고인의 연령, 성행, 환경, 범행의 동기와 결과, 범행 후의 정황 등 기록과 변론에 나타난 양형의 조건이 되는 제반 정상을 종합하여 주문과 같이 형을 정한다.


Judges Jeong Jong-soo