red_flag_2(영문) 부산지방법원 2011.5.31.선고 2010고합856 판결



2010Gohap856 A. homicide

2010Gohap872 (Joint) Fraud

2010Gohap873 (Joint)

(d) Counterfeiting of forged official documents;

(e) Concealment of carcasses;

(f) Forgery of private documents;

(g) Exercising a falsified investigation document;

(h) Attempted fraud.

(i) Larceny;

(j) Performance of official duties by fraudulent means;

(k) False entry into public electronic records;

(c) Events such as false statements and electromagnetic records;

(m) Illegal uttering of official documents;


1. (a) through (m) grandchildren (70 years, women); and

2. (h) (k) Ka. (c) Ga1 (38 years, women);


Man-corging machine

Defense Counsel

Law Firm LAWn Law Firm, Attorneys Park Young-young (defendants, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)

Attorney Jeong-ho (National Election for Defendant Park 1)

Imposition of Judgment

May 31, 201


Defendant grandchildren shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for life, and by imprisonment with prison labor for one year.

However, with respect to the defendant Park A1, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.

Part 1 (No. 2) of the application schedule for a driver's license test confiscated shall be confiscated from Defendant DamageA.

One resident registration certificate seized (No. 1) shall be returned to the heir of the victim KimD7.

Of the facts charged in the instant case, the charge of concealing the dead bodies of Defendant DamageA shall be acquitted.


Criminal facts

[2010Gohap856] Defendant Damagea

1. Forgery of private documents, uttering of falsified investigation documents, and fraud;

피고인은 피고인의 딸인 손C이 2008. 3. 10. 이후 ☆대학교 ★병원에서 입원치료를 받은 사실이 없음에도 동녀에 대한 입 · 퇴원확인서를 위조한 다음 이를 ○본부, ●보험 주식회사 ( 이하, ' ○ ' 이라고 한다 ) 에 제출하여 보험금을 편취하기로 마음먹었다 .

가. 피고인은 2008. 6. 19. 경 부산 부산진구 동 ○○○에 있는 피고인 운영의 ' 학원 ' 에서 행사할 목적으로 그 전에 손C이 ☆대학교 ★병원에 입 · 퇴원하여 정상적으로 발급받아 소지하고 있던 ☆대학교 ★병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서를 스캔하여 컴퓨터 화면에 띄운 다음 이를 편집할 수 있는 컴퓨터 프로그램을 사용하여 권한 없이 정상적으로 기재되어 있던 입원기간을 지우고 " 상기 환자는 2008년 6월 1일 본원 소아청소년로 입원하여 2008년 6월 20일 퇴원하였음 " 이라고 허위로 입력한 후 이를 출력하여 사실증명에 관한 사문서인 ☆대학교 ★병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서 1장을 위조하고 , 같은 달 20. 부산 부산진구에 있는 우체국에서 그 정을 모르는 우체국 보험담당 직원 성명불상자에게 위와 같이 위조한 입 · 퇴원확인서 1장을 마치 진정하게 성립한 것처럼 보험청구서와 함께 제출하여 이를 행사하고, 같은 달 24. 이에 속은 피해자 ○본부의 담당직원 성명불상자로부터 손C을 피보험자로 하는 어린이보험의 보험금 명목으로 2, 640, 000원을 피고인 명의의 □은행계좌 ( ○○○ - ○○ - ○○○○○○ - ○ ) 로 입금받아 이를 편취한 것을 비롯하여 그때부터 2010. 7. 15. 경까지 같은 방법으로 별지 범죄일람표 ( 1 ) 기재와 같이 총 25회에 걸쳐 사실증명에 관한 사문서인 대학교 병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서를 각 위조한 후, 이를 각 행사하고, 보험금 합계 86, 400, 000원을 편취하였다 .

나. ( 1 ) 피고인은 2008. 6. 20. 경 부산 동구 ■동에 있는 ● 부산본부에서 위 가. 항별지 범죄일람표 ( 1 ) 순번 제1번 기재와 같이 위조한 입 · 퇴원확인서 1장을 그 정을 모르는 ● 직원 성명불상자에게 마치 진정하게 성립한 것처럼 보험청구서와 함께 제출하여 이를 행사하고, 같은 날 이에 속은 피해자 의 담당직원 성명불상자로부터 손C을 피보험자로 하는 △보험의 보험금 명목으로 2, 520, 000원을 피고인 명의의 □은행계좌 ( ○○○ - ○○ - ○○○○○○ - ○ ) 로 입금받아 이를 편취한 것을 비롯하여 그때부터 2010. 7. 13. 경까지 같은 방법으로 별지 범죄일람표 ( 2 ) 기재와 같이 총 17회에 걸쳐 위조한 ☆대학교 ★병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서를 각 행사하여 보험금 합계 36, 720, 000원을 편취하였다 .

( 2 ) 피고인은 2008. 7. 10. 경 부산 부산진구 ◎동 ○○○에 있는 피고인 운영의 ' 소학원 ' 에서 행사할 목적으로 그전에 손C이 ☆대학교 ★병원에 입원하여 정상적으로 발급받아 소지하고 있던 대학교 ★병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서를 스캔하여 컴퓨터 화면에 띄운 다음 이를 편집할 수 있는 컴퓨터 프로그램을 사용하여 권한 없이 정상적으로 기재되어 있던 입원기간을 지우고 " 상기 환자는 2008년 6월 22일부터 본원 소아청소년로 입원하여 2008년 7월 7일 퇴원하였음 " 이라고 허위로 입력한 후 이를 출력하여 사실증명에 관한 사문서인 ☆대학교 ★병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서 1장을 위조하고, 같은 달 11. 부산 동구 ■동에 있는 ● 부산본부에서 그 정을 모르는 ● 직원 성명불상자에게 위와 같이 위조한 입 · 퇴원확인서 1장을 마치 진정하게 성립한 것처럼 보험청구서와 함께 제출하여 이를 행사하고, 같은 날 이에 속은 피해자 의 담당직원 성명불상자로부터 손C을 피보험자로 하는 △보험의 보험금 명목으로 126, 000원을 피고인 명의의 □은행계좌 ( OOO - OO - OOOOOO - O ) 로 입금받아 이를 편취한 것을 비롯하여 그때부터 2009. 9. 4. 경까지 같은 방법으로 별지 범죄일람표 ( 3 ) 기재와 같이 총 5회에 걸쳐 사실증명에 관한 사문서인 대학교 ★병원장 명의의 입 · 퇴원확인서를 각 위조한 후, 이를 각 행사하여, 보험금 합계 13, 392, 000원을 편취하였다 .

2. Fraud;

In fact, the Defendant: (a) her mother, who operated a private teaching institute in the name of ParkA1, took out the operation of the private teaching institute; (b) around April 2009, the Defendant disposed of the said private teaching institute to Da3; and (c) had no intention or ability to take over another private teaching institute even after that, he was able to take over the money

가. 피고인은 2009. 4. 30. 경 부산 연제구 ▲동 ○○○에 있는 빌딩에 있는 ▽센터에서 위 센터 직원 성명불상자에게 창업자금 대출 신청을 하면서 " 박A1이 운영하는 학원을 인수하는 데 필요한 자금 20, 000, 000원을 대출해 달라 " 고 거짓말을 하여 이에 속은 위 직원으로부터 2009. 5. 12. 경 창업자금대출금 명목으로 20, 000, 000원을 피고인의 ▼은행계좌 ( ○○○ - ○○○ - ○○○○○○ ) 로 입금받아 이를 편취하고, 2010. 1. 8. 경 같은 방법으로 5, 000, 000원을 위 ▼은행계좌로 입금받아 이를 편취하였다 .

나. 피고인은 2009. 5. 21. 경 부산 부산진구 ◁동 ○○○ 아파트 ○○○동 ○○○호에 있는 피고인의 집에서 인터넷으로 재단 직원 성명불상자에게 창업자금 대출신청을 하면서 " 새로 인수할 학원의 내부 인테리어 및 시스템 냉난방공사에 필요한 자금이 필요하다 " 고 거짓말을 하여 이에 속은 위 직원으로부터 2009. 6. 5. 경 창업자금 대출금 명목으로 20, 000, 000원을 피고인 명의의 ▶은행계좌 ( ○○○ - ○○○○○○ - ○○○ ) 로 입금받아 이를 편취하였다 .

3. Forgery of public documents, uttering of forged public documents, fabrication of private documents, and uttering of falsified private documents;

가. 피고인은 ♤대학교 언어학과를 졸업하였음에도 대학교 국어국문학과를 졸업한 것처럼 졸업증명서를 위조하여 행사하기로 마음먹었다 .

피고인은 2009. 5. 13. 경 위 피고인의 집에서 행사할 목적으로 인터넷에서 대학교 졸업증명서 양식을 내려받아 권한 없이 피고인의 이름과 주민등록번호를 각 입력한 후 이를 출력하고, 미리 정상적으로 발급받아 소지하고 있던 피고인의 ♤대학교 졸업증명서에서 그 총장 직인을 오려낸 후 위와 같이 출력한 대학교 졸업증명서 총장직인 위에 붙인 다음 이를 복사하여 공문서인 대학교 총장 명의의 졸업증명서 1장을 위조하고, 같은 달 14. 불상지에서 그 정을 모르는 재단 직원 성명불상자에게 위와 같이 위조한 졸업증명서를 마치 진정하게 성립한 것처럼 팩스로 보내 이를 행사하였다 .

나. 피고인은 위 제2. 의 나. 항과 같이 재단으로부터 20, 000, 000원을 편취한 후 위 재단 직원으로부터 피고인이 학원을 인수하였음을 증명할 수 있는 사업자등록증, 부동산임대차계약서의 제출을 요구받자 이를 위조하여 행사하기로 마음먹었다 . ( 1 ) 피고인은 2009. 6. 16. 경 위 피고인의 집에서 행사할 목적으로 권한 없이 컴퓨터 및 프린트기를 사용하여 " 손A ", " 700422 - 3 ", " 2009년 6월 10일 ", " 부산광역시 부산진구 ◎동 ○○○ " 를 입력하여 백지로 출력한 다음 이를 각 오려낸 후, 미리 정상적으로 발급받아 소지하고 있던 박A1 명의의 사업자등록증의 성명, 주민등록번호, 개업 연월일, 사업장 소재지의 각 해당란 위에 위 출력물에서 오려낸 각 해당 부분을 각 붙인 다음 이를 복사하여 공문서인 ①세무서장 명의의 사업자등록증 1장을 위조하고 , 같은 달 17. 불상지에서 그 정을 모르는 재단 직원 성명불상자에게 위와 같이 위조한 사업자등록증을 마치 진정하게 성립한 것처럼 팩스로 보내 이를 행사하였다 . ( 2 ) 피고인은 2009. 8. 10. 경 위 피고인의 집에서 행사할 목적으로 컴퓨터를 사용하여 인터넷에서 부동산임대차계약서 양식을 내려받고 권한 없이 부동산의 표시란에 " 부산시 진구 ◎동 ○○○ 2층 ", 용도란에 " 근린생활시설 ", 전세보증금란에 " 금 이천만원 20, 000, 000원 ", 계약금란에 " 금 이천만원을 일시에 지급함 ", 임대인란에 " 부산시 동래구 ○○○ 아파트 OOO동 ○○○호, 성명란에 " 이C5 " 이라고 각 입력하여 출력한 다음 그 이름 옆에 미리 조각하여 소지하고 있던 이C5의 도장을 찍어 권리의무에 관한 사문서인 이C5 명의의 부동산임대차계약서 1장을 위조하고, 같은 달 11. 불상지에서 그정을 모르는 재단 직원 성명불상자에게 위와 같이 위조한 부동산임대차계약서를 마치 진정하게 성립한 것처럼 팩스로 보내 이를 행사하였다 .

4. homicide;

피고인은 1993. 2. 경 ♤대학교를 졸업한 후 1997. 11. 18. 경 같은 대학교 출신인 방C6과 결혼식을 올리고 혼인신고를 하지 아니한 채 동거하던 중 1998. 11. 6. 경 딸 손C을 낳았다 .

피고인은 방C6의 승낙을 받지 않고 방C6의 인감도장을 이용하여 부산 수영구 ♥동 동사무소에서 방C6의 인감증명 수통을 발급받은 다음 1997. 11. 경부터 1999. 2. 경까지 사이에 방C6을 계약자로 하거나 연대보증인으로 하여 차량할부구입계약을 체결한 후 다른 사람에게 이를 매도하겠다고 속여 그로부터 차량 매도대금 수백만 원을 지급받은 후 위 차량할부계약을 해약해 버리는 소위 ' 차치기 ' 등의 방법으로 여러 사람으로부터 수천만 원을 편취한 범죄사실로 사기죄 등으로 고소되어 1999. 3. 26. 경 구속되기에 이르렀고, 1999. 10. 15. 경 부산지방법원에서 사기죄 등으로 징역 8월을 선고받아 그 무렵 위 형이 확정되었으며, 한편, 방C6로부터 1999. 4. 22. 경 방C6과 피고인의 사실혼관계는 피고인의 위와 같은 범죄행위로 말미암아 파탄되었음을 이유로 사실혼관계 해소에 따른 위자료 청구소송을 제기당하여 1999. 11. 2. 경 ' 피고인은 방C6에게 사실혼관계의 부당파기에 대한 위자료로 500만 원을 지급하라 ' 는 판결을 선고받고 그 무렵 동인과 헤어지면서, 그때부터 노모인 박A1 및 딸 손C을 부양하는 가장으로서 생활하게 되었다 .

Afterward, the Defendant was a recipient of basic livelihood security on December 13, 2005 and was designated as a medical care recipient on December 13, 2005, when he was transferred as an instructor of a private teaching institute from December 9, 2004 to March 10, 2008, who had been administered as a brudy-fack-facul-facul-facul-faculd brud-faculd-faculd-p.

피고인은 2005. 4. 8. 경부터 2010. 4. 22. 경까지 어머니인 박A1 명의로 위 ◀ 아파트 ○○○ 동 ○○○호 시가 220, 000, 000원 상당을 소유하고 있었으나, 위 아파트에는 채권자 은행 등 채권최고액 합계 242, 000, 000원 상당의 근저당권 3개가 설정되어 있어 별다른 재산적 가치가 없었고, 2008. 10. 1. 경부터 부산 부산진구 ◎동 ○○○에서 어머니인 박A1 명의로 ' 어학원 ' 을 운영하였으나 영업이 부진하여 2009. 4. 경 위 학원을 임C3에게 처분하였으며, 2009. 2. 19. 경부터 같은 동 ○○○에서 ' ☆☆ ' 라는 상호로 커피점을 운영하였으나 이마저 영업이 부진한데다가 2010. 1. 경 자궁근종수술까지 받게 되자 위 커피점을 폐업하여 재산이나 일정한 수입이 전혀 없는 상태였던 반면, 부채는 위와 같이 근저당권이 설정된 채무를 제외하고도 & & 조합에 대한 채무50, 000, 000원, 재단에 대한 채무 20, 000, 000원, ⑦ 센터에 대한 채무 25, 000, 000원, 개인 채무 10, 000, 000원, ♥♥ 파이낸셜에 대한 채무 1, 000, 000원 등 합계 106, 000, 000원 상당에 이르렀고, 피고인이 주식회사 ♠♠에 대한 채무를 변제하지 못하여 위 회사가 2010. 3. 18. 경 피고인이 살고 있던 위 아파트에 대하여 강제경매를 신청하자, 피고인은 2010. 4. 22. 경 이C8에게 위 아파트를 매도한 후 부산 부산진구 동 ○○○ ▼▼ 아파트 ○○○동 ○○○호를 임차보증금 10, 000, 000원, 월세 800, 000원에 임차하였다 .

On the other hand, from around August 2003, the Defendant returned to KimD and 13 years after the university was born at the time, and went back to his father. In order to boost his refund, Kim D and his parents succeeded to the miscarriage equivalent to KRW 2 billion from his father. In order to married abroad and live in a foreign country, the Defendant was notified of 890,000 on a monthly rent from August 2009 to Kim D and moved to her free car in a high-class restaurant, and used a large amount of money in an economically difficult situation by taking advantage of a large amount of money, such as giving a high value and low gifts at high-class restaurants. On January 201, 2010, the Defendant was informed of his marriage experience and the existence of Kim Ma, which was hidden by his father, and that he was notified of the fact that she was a new female-child-child and a new female-child-child relationship with 1,0000 on the Internet, and then the Defendant was notified of his new her own ties and a new her own ties.

또한, 피고인은 2010. 1. 15. 경 & 조합 ' 을 속이고 창업자금 명목으로 50, 000, 000원을 편취하고 부동산임대차계약서를 위조 · 행사한 범죄사실로 위 조합으로부터 고소되어 2010. 2. 11. 경 ■■경찰서에서 피의자로 조사를 받자, 이전에 구속되었던 경험이 있는 피고인으로서는 이번에 또 구속되면 자신은 물론 모든 가족이 파멸될지도 모른다는 극도의 위기감에 빠지게 되었다 .

결국, 피고인은 위 제1항 기재와 같이, ○본부, ●을 각 기망하여 보험금 명목으로 합계 136, 512, 000원 상당을 편취하고, ♣ ♣ 조합을 기망하여 창업자금 명목으로 50, 000, 000원을 편취하였으며, 재단을 기망하여 창업자금 명목으로 20, 000, 000원을 편취하고, ⑦ 센터를 기망하여 창업자금 명목으로 25, 000, 000원을 편취하는 등 합계 231, 512, 000원을 편취하였으나 채무변제, 생활비, 유흥비 등으로 모두 탕진하여 이로써도 경제적 어려움을 타개하기 어렵게 됨은 물론, 내연남인 김D과의 관계 복원 및 새출발을 위해 많은 자금과 새 신분이 필요한 상태에서, 형사사건으로 기소되어 재판 진행 중이었으나 합의할 능력이 되지 않아 구속될 위기에 처하게 되자, 거액의 생명보험에 가입한 다음, 사회적 인간관계가 단절되어 사라지더라도 주변 사람이 찾지 않을 여성 노숙자를 구해 살해한 후 마치 피고인이 사망한 것처럼 위장하여 위 보험금을 수령함으로써 경제적 어려움을 타개함과 동시에 위 형사재판도 처벌을 면하는 등 일거에 모든 어려움을 해결하고 위와 같이 수령한 보험금으로 연인인 김D과의 관계도 복원한 후 새로운 신분으로 세탁한 다음 동인과 함께 외국으로 나가는 등 새 출발을 할 것을 마음먹었다 .

이에 따라 피고인은 " 피고인을 피보험자 " 로 하고 " 피고인의 어머니를 보험수익자 " 로하여 2010. 3. 8. 경 보험에 사망보험금 650, 000, 000원으로, 같은 달 8. 경 ◆◆보험에 사망보험금 250, 000, 000원으로, 2010. 5. 6. 경 ▼◆보험에 사망보험금 200, 000, 000원으로, 2010. 5. 17. 경 ◎◎보험에 사망보험금 900, 000, 000원으로, 2010. 6. 9. 경 ♤♤보험에 보험금 150, 000, 000원으로, 2010. 6. 14. 경 ★★보험에 사망보험금 600, 000, 000원으로, 2010. 6. 15. 경 ★★보험에 사망보험금 600, 000, 000원으로 각 보험 청약한 후 각 1회 보험료로 합계 3, 083, 260원을 그 무렵 지급하였다 .

또한, 피고인은 적당한 여성노숙자를 물색하기 위해 인터넷 검색 중 2010. 3. 15. 경대구 중구 동 ○○○에 있는 민D3 목사가 운영하는 여성노숙자쉼터인 ' 의 집 ' 인터넷 카페에 회원등록을 하고 사실은 자신이 어린이집을 운영하고 있지 않고 있음에도 위 카페에 허위로 ' 어린이집을 운영하고 있는데 30대 여성노숙자 중 자립의지가 있는 분과 일하고 싶다 ' 는 취지로 글을 올린 다음, 민D3 목사와 수회에 걸쳐 같은 취지로 통화를 하거나 문자를 주고받으면서 ' 그 간 폰으로 통화하는 부모가 없거나 찾아오지 않는 사람을 찾았다, 꼭 방문하겠다 ' 고 말하는 한편, 2010. 4. 7. 경부터 2010. 6. 16. 경까지 사이에 ▼▼아파트에 있는 피고인의 집에서 인터넷을 통해 살해 방법과 여성노숙자를 탐색하기 위해 ' 메소밀 ', ' 그라목손 냄새 ', ' 살인 방법 ', ' 사망신고절차 ', ' 부산 여성노 숙인 ', ' 여성노숙인 쉼터 ', ' 살충제 ', ' 부산 원예용 살충제 ', ' 메소밀 냄새 ', ' 메소밀 중독 ' , ' 메소밀 음독 ', ' 메소밀 100㎖ 음독 ', ' 아질산나트륨 ', ' 살충제농약음독 ', ' 농약음독 ', ' 파라코 ', ' 질식사 ' 등의 검색어를 입력하고 이와 관련된 사이트 접속 및 문서, 뉴스기사 등을 통하여 살해방법 등을 연구하였다 .

피고인은 2010. 5. 27. 경 인터넷을 통해 범행대상으로 보다 가까이 있어 유인에 용이한 부산지역 여성노숙자를 물색하였으나 여의치 않자, 같은 달 30. 경 위 ' ▣의 집 ' 을 방문하여 피해자 김D7 ( 여, 26세 ) 를 만나 피해자에게는 연락하는 가족이나 지인이 없다는점을 확인한 후, 불상의 방법으로 피해자를 살해할 것을 결심하고, 자신의 사기 등 피고사건 공판기일 ( 2010. 6. 17. 10 : 45 ) 전날인 2010. 6. 16. 19 : 00경 ' 마리아의 집 ' 으로 피해자를 데리러 가 " 내가 운영하는 어린이집의 보모로 근무하면 월급으로 130만 원을 주고 가까운 대학에서 공부를 시켜 보육사자격증까지 취득하게 해주겠다 " 는 감언이설로 피해자를 유혹하여 자신의 승용차에 태워 부산으로 데리고 와 2010. 6. 17. 02 : 30 경부터 04 : 00경까지 사이에 부산 불상의 장소에서 불상의 방법으로 피해자를 살해하였 5. 사문서위조, 위조사문서행사

On June 17, 2010: around 00, the Defendant sent the KimD7’s body at a funeral hall in a park located in the Singu, Busan. “The body is a son’s body; his guardian’s name is KimD7C; and on the 18th of the same month, the guardian performed cremation of the above body, an application for the use of the permanent use and extension of the period of funeral, an application for cremation, cremation, cremation, and an application for the delivery of the body remains forged and used.

피고인은 같은 달 18. 위 장례식장에서 위와 같은 사실을 알지 못하는 장례식장 직원 성명불상자에게 임의로 " 사망자 : 손A, 주소 : 부산 진구 ◎동 ○○○, 신청자 : 김D7 라고 이야기하여 동인으로 하여금 김D7 명의의 공설장사시설사용 · 기간연장 사용신청서, 사체유골매장 · 화장신청서, 유골인도신청서를 각 작성하게 한 후 공설장사시설 사용 · 기간연장 사용신청서, 사체유골매장 · 화장신청서 신청인 김D7 옆에 서명을 하여 권리의무에 관한 사문서인 김D7 명의의 공설장사시설사용 · 기간연장 사용신청서, 사체 유골매장 · 화장신청서, 유골인도신청서를 각 위조하고, 즉석에서 그 정을 모르는 위 직원에게 위와 같이 위조한 서류를 마치 진정하게 성립된 것처럼 제출하여 이를 행사하였다 .

6. Fraud;

On July 17, 2010, the Defendant: (a) knew that he was killed on or around June 17, 2010, Kim D7, as described in the foregoing paragraph 4; (b) he did not know that he was killed on or around June 17, 2010; and (c) he got 700,000 won of monthly salary 1,300,000 won of public funds and public funds and 5,000,000 won which were newly prepared; (c) there was no other person who was aware of the fact that he was killed on or around June 17, 2010; and (d) he got 100,000 won for the victim’s damages from Kim Jong-soo’s money to 00,000 won for the victim’s damages on or around the same month; and (d) he got 700,000 won for the victim’s damages to 00,000 won.

[2010 Highest 872]

7. The theft, fabrication, uttering of a private document, obstruction of performance of official duties by fraudulent means, and unlawful uttering of a public document by Defendant DamageA;

(a) Larceny;

On June 17, 2010: around 00, the Defendant taken a copy of the resident registration certificate, which is the victim's possession, at the funeral hall of the park located in the Dong-dong, and stolen it.

(b) Forgery of private documents or uttering of private documents;

On June 29, 2010, the Defendant, at his own discretion, submitted to the head of the ○○ Examination Station as if he genuinely completed the forged application form for the driver’s license test in the name column of name, using the clock-type type No. 2 driver’s license plate located in the Busan Metropolitan City, ○○○○○○, ○○○○○○○○, and used the clock-type clock-type clock-type clock-type clock-type clock-type clock-type clock-type clock-type cock-type clock-type cock-type clock-type cock-type clock-type cock-type cock-type cock-type

C. Obstruction of the performance of official duties, and unlawful uttering of official documents

On July 2, 2010, the Defendant applied for a driver’s license test using the application form in the name of KimD7 forged at the same place as above at the same time as above, and applied for the examination following the Defendant’s entry into the above test site after he acted as if he was KimD7, as he did.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the legitimate performance of duties concerning the test of driver's license by the Commissioner of Busan Local Police Agency, and illegally uses official documents.

8. Defendants’ false entry into public electronic records, false entry into public electronic records, etc., fraud, and attempted fraud;

(a) Any false entry, false entry, and electromagnetic records;

피고인들은 공모하여 2010. 7. 8. 10 : 00경 부산 부산진구 OO동에 있는 ☆구청 ★과 ○계 사무실에서 피고인 손A이 사망한 사실이 없음에도, 행사할 목적으로 피고인손A은 어머니인 피고인 박A1에게 자신이 사망한 것으로 기재되어 있는 사체검안서를 위 담당공무원에게 제출하라며 건네주고, 피고인 박A1은 ' 피고인 손A이 2010. 6. 17 .05 : 10경 부산 부산진구 동 ○○○에 있는 주택에서 사망하였다 ' 는 허위내용의 사망

In addition to the above documents, the actual contents of the report shall be prepared and submitted to Do9 who is a public official who may know of the fact, and the above public official shall enter the facts of false facts into the family register computer record as if the defendant was dead, thereby making a false report to the public official, and at the same time having the family register, which is a public electronic record, stored and kept such false facts.

(b) Fraud;

피고인들은 공모하여 2010. 7. 30. 14 : 00경 부산 부산진구 ○○동에 있는 우체국에 함께 가서 피고인 손A이 사망한 사실이 없음에도 ' 피고인 손A이 2010. 6. 17. 05 : 10경 부산 부산진구 동 ○○○에 있는 주택에서 사망하였다 ' 는 허위내용의 보험금청구서를 피고인 손A이 작성한 후 사체검안서, 제적등본 등과 함께 위 우체국 직원인 이D10에게 피고인들이 함께 제출하여, 2010. 8. 11. 경 이에 속은 우체국예금보험지원단 보험지급심사팀 직원인 성D5로부터 피고인 손A을 피보험자로 하는 ◆◆ 정기보험의 사망

In the name of insurance money, KRW 6,000,000 was deposited in a bank account (○○○ - ○○ - ○○) in the name of Defendant Park A1 and acquired it by fraud.

C. Attempted Fraud

On July 15, 2010: around 00, at the office of the insurance office in which the Defendants conspired, and filed a claim for KRW 250,00,00,00 for family family fachisa death insurance money, which the insured who caused the Defendant’s grandchildren, by deceiving the insurance staff in the same way as in the above paragraph. However, around 45, around September 11, 2010, the Defendants did not receive insurance investigation and investigation of the Defendant’s grandchildren at the insurance office, and reported it to the police without paying the insurance money, and reported it to the Defendant’s grandchildren, and did not result in attempted crimes.

[2] Defendant DamageA 9. Fraud, fabrication of private documents, and uttering of private investigation documents

(a) Fraud;

The Defendant did not possess 30,00,000 won which can be used as a start-up fund for a private teaching institute. Even if the Defendant had already been granted a loan from a victim and a & a cooperative because it had already been a lease contract for a store in the name of another person, the Defendant did not intend to use 40,000 won out of the loan as a deposit for the lease of a private teaching institute store.

On November 3, 2008: around 00, the Defendant applied for a loan to support low-income business start-ups while making a loan to ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Building in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, with KRW 80,000, and KRW 30,000,000 at the present Na, while making a loan to 50,000,000 won, the Defendant would use KRW 40,000 as a deposit for the lease of private teaching institutes, KRW 10,000,000 as a deposit for the lease of private teaching institutes.

(b) Forgery of private documents;

The Defendant demanded the victim to submit a lease deposit to pay the money borrowed from the victim as above, and decided to forge the lease contract under the name of this C5, the owner of a private teaching institute shop.

피고인은 2009. 11. 2. 경 부산 부산진구 ◎동 ○○○에 있는 피고인의 집 부근 도장집에서 이C5의 이름이 새겨진 도장 1개를 구입하여 같은 날 10 : 00경 피고인의 집에서 인터넷을 통해 내려받은 부동산 임대차 계약서 양식에 컴퓨터를 이용하여 부동산의 소재지란에 " 부산시 진구 동 OOO번지 3층, 전세보증금란에 " 금 이천만원 원정 ₩20, 000, 000원정 ", 임대차기간란에 " 2009년 11월 12일로부터 24개월로 함. ", 계약일란에 " 2009년 11월 12일 ", 임대인의 주소란에 " 부산시 Ⓒ동 OOO번지 ", 임대인의 성명란에 " 이C5 " 등으로 기재한 후, 프린트기를 이용하여 그 임대차계약서를 출력한 후 임대인의 이름 옆에 미리 위와 같이 소지하고 있던 이C5 명의의 도장을 찍었고, 계속해서 인터넷을 통해 내려받은 약정서 양식에 컴퓨터를 이용하여 약정일란에 " 2009년 11월 2일 ", 임대인란에 " 이C5 " 이라고 기재한 후, 프린트를 이용하여 그 약정서를 출력한 후 임대인의 이름 옆에 미리 위와 같이 소지하고 있던 이C5 명의의 도장을 찍었다 .

Accordingly, for the purpose of exercising authority, the defendant has forged one lease contract in the name of two C5 and one agreement in the name of two C5, which is a private document on rights and obligations.

C. (1) Around November 2, 2009, the Defendant sent a forged lease agreement or a written agreement to the head of C11, who is an employee of the victim, who is aware of such fact, as above, as if it was duly formed. (2) On November 8, 2009: around 00:0, the Defendant used the forged lease agreement or written agreement with the notary public affixed a fixed date on the “○○○○○○○○○○○○” in the aforesaid written agreement, and then sent it to the head of C11 by facsimile as if it was duly formed.

Summary of Evidence


[Judgment No. 1]

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each investigation report (investigation records 938, 1231, 1232, 1284 through 1289, 152, 1643, 1739, 1740, 2154);

1. Statement of each entry, discharge certificate, diagnosis certificate, etc., each insurance contract, each insurance contract document, each insurance claim (in investigation records 939 through 962, 153 through 1625, 1741 through 1821, 2155 through 2167), 1. A copy of the head of ASEAN bank (in investigation records 426 through 442 pages);

[Judgment Nos. 2 and 3]

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. A written statement of ParkD12;

1. Each description of the graduation certificate, etc., the business registration certificate, the business report certificate, etc., and each description of the real estate lease contract (the investigation record is 634 through 639, 2061 pages);

1. Each investigation report (investigation records 1230, 1279 through 1283, 1290, 1291, 1641, 1641, 1642, 1645, 163 through 1733, 2053, 214, 2202);

1. Details of replies to 18 copies, such as banks, etc., details of transactions, and reports on progress (Investigation records 1399, 1647, 1648 pages);

1. Records of seizure and list (the investigation records, 630, 631 pages);

1. Inquiries about whether business registration has been made (Investigation records 2305 pages);

1. A copy of the bankbook of the Do Governor bank (426 pages for investigation records);

[Judgment ] Each fact of Nos. 4 through 6

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Each legal statement of the witness Kim D13, Lee D14, Kim D1, Choi D15, and AD16;

1. Statement made by each prosecutor of the prosecution with respect to Da3, Mad17, and Mad18;

1. Each police statement on Kim D19, SongD11, and Kim C12

1. Each investigation report ( investigation records) (including investigation records: 77, 200, 201, 228, 280 through 283, 307 through 309, 454, 458, 470, 529, 607, 628, 665, 684, 686, 689, 720, 776 through 817, 892, 893, 931, 931, 963, 964, 1139 through 161, 1233, 1272, 1306 through 1381, 1465, 1498, 1506, 152363, 1638, 264, 275, 26365, 267, 2675, 2637

1. 각 의료자문보고서, 분석보고서, 실황조서, ☆대 법의학과 연구소 박사 김C13 전화진술청취 ( 수사기록 798, 799, 1239 내지 1276, 1532 내지 1544, 1650 내지 1662 , 2557면 )

1. Each protocol of seizure and list (the investigation records are 69, 70, 275, 276, 530-1, 2 pages);

1. A written autopsy report and a written check of the corpse (the investigation record, the number of pages 203, 204);

1. 18 copies of response by the Financial Supervisory Service, including a statement of hybrids transactions and a bank, etc. (investigation records 777, 1388 through 1434, 2034, pages 2034), 1. Letters posted on the Internet Caf, Defendant Damage A and Doctrine 3, etc. (Investigation records 306, 310 through 317, 2562 pages);

1. Nursing progress records, archives and records in an emergency room, and counseling day (in case of investigation records, 593 through 596, 608 through 621);

1. A copy of each subscription form for insurance contract (the investigation records shall be 455 through 457 pages);

1. A copy of a certificate of the personal seal impression, family relation certificate, a copy of a family relation certificate, a writ of summons to Defendant Damage A, a copy of indictment (in the face of 151 through 190 of investigation records), each photograph, text message photograph (in the face of 622 through 626, 723 through 731, 687, 1123 of investigation records), 1. A copy of a passbook of the Contac Bank (in the face of 424 pages);

1. Each entry in an application for permission to use a public funeral service establishment, a report on the burial of dead bodies, a report on the burial of remains, and an application for the delivery of remains (the investigative records, 1547 through 1549 pages);

[2010 Highest 872]

[Judgment No. 7]

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Statement of statement by the police on immigration control point;

1. Investigation report (200, 201 pages of investigation records);

1. Each protocol of seizure and list (the investigation records, the number of pages 69, 70, 275, 276);

[Judgment of the court below]

1. Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. The statement of each police officer made in relation to SongD11, SungD5, and Lee Do9;

1. Each investigation report (Investigation records, 77, 200 through 206, 418 through 442, 454 through 457, 729, 730 pages), 1. Each description, including a certified copy, and existing (Investigation Records 26 through 50 pages);

[2010 Highest 873]

[Judgment of the court below]

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Statement made by the police with regard to C11;

1. Report of investigation (64 pages of investigation records);

1. A copy of the application for support for business start-ups, a copy of the business plan, a copy of the agreement on support for business start-ups, and a copy of the statement of repayment of excessive grosium (Investigation Records 12 through 22, 43,

1. To describe and present a copy of the real estate lease contract, a copy of the agreement (the investigation record, the number of pages 23, 24);

1. Copy of the passbook withdrawn (45, 46 pages for investigation records); and

Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

A. Defendant DamageA

Article 231 of each Criminal Act (Aggravated Punishment on Private Document), Articles 234 and 231 of each Criminal Act (a point of uttering of official document), Article 347 (1) of each Criminal Act (other than Article 8 of the judgment), Article 225 of each Criminal Act (a point of use of each official document), Articles 229 and 225 of each Criminal Act (a point of use of each forged document), Article 250 (1) of the Criminal Act (a point of use of each forged document), Article 329 of the Criminal Act (a point of homicide), Article 329 of the Criminal Act, Article 137 of the Criminal Act (a point of use of stolen document), Article 230 of the Criminal Act (a point of use of fraudulent document), Articles 228 (1), and 30 (a) of the Criminal Act, Article 229, Article 228 (1) of the Criminal Act, Article 30 (1) of the Criminal Act, Article 30 (1) of the Criminal Act, Article 37 (30) of the Criminal Act.

B. Defendant Park Ll

Articles 28(1) and 30 of the Criminal Act (a point of entry into false electronic records, etc.), 229, 228(1), and 30 of the Criminal Act (a point of exercise of false entry into public electronic records, etc.), Articles 347(1), and 30 of the Criminal Act (a point of fraud), Articles 352, 347(1), and 30 (a point of attempted fraud) of the Criminal Act

1. Commercial competition;

Defendant DamageA: Articles 40 and 50 of each Criminal Act (each of the crimes of uttering of each falsified Document in Article 5 of the Judgment, the punishment imposed on the crime of uttering of any falsified Document due to the exercise of an application for delivery of the grave remains, the punishment imposed on the crime of uttering of any falsified Document in Article 9-C of the Judgment, the crimes of uttering of each falsified Document in Article 9-C of the Judgment, the crimes of uttering of each falsified Document in Article 9-3(2) of the Judgment, and the punishment imposed on the crime of uttering of any falsified Document due to the exercise of any more severe forged agreement)

1. Selection of punishment;

A. As to the Defendant’s murder, each choice of imprisonment with prison labor for life and for the remaining crimes

B. Defendant Park Ll

Selection of each Imprisonment with labor for each crime

1. Punishment for concurrent crimes;

Defendant DamageA: the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)1, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act. Article 50 (Inasmuch as the punishment is the most severe crime of murder, the punishment for life is chosen, and no other punishment is imposed.)

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

Defendant Park L: the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act (the penalty and the nature of the crime are the most severe penalty provided for in the severe fraud)

1. Suspension of execution;

Defendant Park Gl: Article 62(1) of the Criminal Act (General Considerations favorable to the reasons for sentencing as follows)

1. Confiscation;

Defendant DamageA: Article 48(1)2 of the Criminal Act

1. Return:

Article 333(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act

Judgment on Defendant DamageA and his defense counsel’s assertion (the part concerning murdering)

1. The assertion;

A. The Defendant, as soon as possible, visited Maria’s house operated by Maria Cr. D3, visited Maria’s Internet page, and asked Maria’s house to provide assistance to Do3, and then visited Maria’s house and introduced the victim.

B. After that, the victim sent a text message requesting the victim to look at Busan through several times, and the defendant knew that the victim would have to go from "Maria's house," and that the victim would have to go to the victim, and that the victim would go to the driver and start to Busan, with the knowledge that the victim would go to the "Maria's house."

C. The victim was able to think about the death of the victim without the end of the vehicle, and even if he was able to do so, he was used in the back part of his family even if he was able to do so, and even if she was punished for money, she did not remain after being used in the back part of her family, and there is a problem in her old age, which makes it impossible for her to live as a woman, so that her only talks that she would not refuse to live as annoyer.

라. 피고인은 신대구부산고속도로를 이용하여 대동톨게이트를 지난 다음 백양터널 , 서면, 양정, 수영을 경유하여 광안리에 도착하여 피해자와 맥주를 마신 후 해운대로 갔다가 다시 초읍방면으로 가면서 맥주를 산 다음 ◎동의 아파트 앞 벤치에 도착하여 술을 마셨다 .

E. After that, on the other hand, the victim wanting to drink alcohol, and the defendant did not drink the alcohol, and thus, the victim was planned to return to the victim because the victim did not drink, and the victim did so. The victim's body was abnormal, such as the victim's obscencing mind, and the scencing mind, etc., and the scencencing body of the victim, such as the victim's obscencing mind, the scencing body of the victim, and the scencing body of the victim, immediately sent the victim to the hospital emergency room after the scencing of the victim. The victim

F. After arrival at a hospital, the medical personnel died of the victim while taking emergency measures against the victim, the doctor in charge of emergency measures and the nurse diagnosed that the private person is presumed to be acute fluorial light because he/she could not discover any particular or more of the victims.

G. The Defendant accepted the Defendant’s name in the name of the Defendant at the time of receiving the insurance money that was previously subscribed to if the nurse in the emergency room uses well as the victim’s death, as it seems that it would be difficult for the Defendant to request the emergency room to accept the patient’s death, and thereafter, served as the victim.

H. Prior to the death of the victim, the victim was not in a good condition or mental condition, was significantly serious, and the symptoms of depression was considerably serious, and a large number of alcohol was considerably damaged.

I. The Defendant did not murder the victim, and the victim committed suicide due to the side effects of the acute scarcity, acute malute, and acute malute treatment.

2. Determination

A. Facts recognized

In full view of each of the above evidence, the following facts can be acknowledged in light of the following: (a) each of the statements made by the defendant in the court, the investigative agency, and the Kim 13, Ma16, Ma15, and Da14 in this court; and (b) the statements made by the public in the investigation agency, Ma3, Ma17, Ma18, and MaC12 in the investigation agency; and (c) each of the statements made by Kim D13, Ma16, Ma18, and MaC12 in the investigation agency; and (d) at least the following facts can be found (the respective statements made by Kim D16, and Ma15 in the emergency room (the investigation record 206 pages), and the records of nursing (the investigation record 593 pages), in that each statement made by the public, Ma3, Ma17, Ma12, and MaD18 are identical and consistent in a specific and consistent manner.

(1) The circumstances prior to the instant crime (A) the Defendant subscribed to the insurance

피고인은 2010. 3. 8. 부터 2010. 6. 15. 경까지 사이에 앞서 본 바와 같이 집중적으로 보험 외 6개의 보험회사에 자신을 피보험자로, 박A1을 보험수익자로 하는 총 7개의 생명보험계약을 청약하였는데, ◇◇보험 ( 사망보험금 6억 5, 000만 원 ), ■보험 ( 사망보험금 2억 5, 000만 원 ), ◎◎보험 ( 사망보험금 9억 원 ), ★★보험 ( 사망보험금 6억 원 ) 과 보험계약이 체결되어 각 1회 보험료로 합계 3, 083, 260원을 지급하였다 ( 수사기록 1830 내지 1836면 ) .

However, the Defendant did not have any revenue from the above insurance to the time of the purchase (the result of analyzing the details of passbook transactions in each deposit passbook in the name of Defendant ParkA1 and DamageC, the investigation records No. 1499), and there was no economic burden to pay the insurance premium exceeding KRW 100 million. (b) Internet search by the Defendant

On April 19, 2010, from around June 16, 2010 to around June 16, 2010, the Defendant entered and searched the following search terms via the Internet at the Defendant’s home (hereinafter “Investigation Records 1139 to 1158, 1174 pages”).

- - on April 19, 2010: Snackers

- On May 26, 2010: Rests for the homeless in Busan, and the homeless in Busan,

- May 27, 2010: Procedures for filing death reports

- Insecticides on June 2, 2010: Insecticides and insects for Busan Facide.

- - On June 3, 2010: Megatable smells, Megatable addiction, Megatable flusium + flusium

- June 4, 2010 : Mesoft 100 Mesofts

- Nitium on June 7, 2010: Nitrate

- June 11, 2010: Death insurance proceeds

- Insecticides, pesticides, pyrocos, pyrocos, Pacific pesticides on June 12, 2010

- The death insurance money on June 15, 2010 + majority + contract

- On June 16, 2010: Dr. D. 3, which the Defendant had had his own child care center to Busan; D. 1) had his own mind that he had been using the 3rd anniversary of his own child care center (the investigation records of 292 pages, 307, 308 pages, 668 pages). The Defendant visited D. 3, who had his own mind that he had no her own child care center and had no her own child care center, and sent 3rd of his own opinion to D. 2, who had no 3rd of his own child care center. The Defendant visited D. 3, on March 15, 2010, asked the victim to be able to work at the 3rd of his own child care center, and asked the victim to exchange 3rd of his own opinion on D. D. 2, which had no 3rd of his own child care center.

4) On June 16, 2010, the Defendant called 'the house of 'the victim' and called 'the house of 'the victim', and again 'the victim will study Do 3, send Do Do Do Do Do Do '' and Do Do Y Do Do Do Do Do Do '.' The Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do 18, " Do Do Do Do ' had Do Do Do '.' The victim sent Do Do 17 to the defendant well request Do Do ', and Do Do Do 'do 'do Do ',' and Do Do Do Do Do ', Do Do ', Do ', Do Do ', Do ', Do Do ', Do ' Do Do '.'. The victim sent Do Do 27 Do Do Do '.

(2) The circumstances at the time of the instant crime (A) the Defendant’s statement in the emergency room

Around 05:00 on June 17, 2010, the Defendant: (a) arrived at the emergency room at the her own vehicle, and (b) at the time, KimD13, a doctor in charge of emergency room, went to the emergency room; (c) was how the Defendant was able to go to the emergency room because the victim was her mother before 30 minutes of the inside room; (d) the Defendant had talked about the first time while the victim was born to the back of the 30 minutes of the inside room, but had no consciousness. However, the Defendant had talked about the first time while the victim was born to the back of the 30 minutes of the inside room, but had no consciousness. In addition, the Defendant told that the heart was inside the heart, and that the heart was good for the heart, among his family members, and there was no lineal family member, and the victim was in an emergency room at the time of the chest at the time of the arrival of the chest.

At the time of the arrival of the above emergency room, there was no self-harm and heart booming, and there was an expansion of the air space. At the time of the commencement of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, blue was already in progress at the face, end, and end of the heart, and the heart was in a state of FLAT in which there was little electrical reaction in the examination, and the body temperature of the victim was already dead in the name of the defendant. (C) On the other hand, KimD13 determined that the cause of the victim's death was presumed to be a acute fluorial color. On June 17, 2010, the defendant requested by the nurse of the emergency room to accept the patient by the patient. At around 13:05, the defendant received the patient's name under the name of the defendant who was not the victim and received the patient from the above emergency room.

(3) The circumstances after the instant crime (A) the Defendant did not notify the victim’s bereaved families or D3 et al. at his house of his death, and used the body to transfer the body and funeral services to Kim C12, who was in charge of the instant crime.

The substance of the investigation record 143, 347 . 3) The defendant confirmed the identity of the victim through the elderly, and issued a written autopsy from Do14, who was a doctor of the autopsy. At the time of the autopsy, the defendant was able to receive the body in the name of the defendant. 2) The defect that Kim C12, while living together with the deceased for 4-5 years in an emergency, could not cremation the body of the defendant due to the lack of a written autopsy, the defendant tried to obtain a written autopsy (the investigation record 143, 347 . 3). The defendant was issued a written autopsy from Do14, who was a doctor of the autopsy. At the time of the autopsy, Da14, the deceased and the baby died and the baby died in an emergency care hospital and the body of the deceased, and the defendant was tried to receive a written autopsy before the death of the deceased and the baby died in an emergency clinic, but he was tried to have the chest and the pulmonary disease.

4) This D14 determined that the body of a victim had no extraordinary external wound that could be seen as an external personnel or an accidentr, and that the Defendant prepared and executed a written autopsy report stating "the cause of death by making the deceased the Defendant the Defendant and the cause of death" in consideration of the circumstances of death, etc., and the Defendant, around June 18, 2010: 00, performed the cremation of the body of the victim; and then released it on the Internet search of the Defendant’s office site, seaside, etc. (b)

After the death of the victim, the Defendant entered and searched the following search terms via the Internet from around June 22, 2010 to the Defendant’s home (the investigation records, 1143 pages, etc.).

- On June 22, 2010: Cases of payment of death benefit, cases of payment after filing a death report + insurance.

- On June 28, 2010: The death of the defendant, during the public trial + the defendant + after the report of death, + removed copies after the report of death, and cases of death insurance.

- On July 1, 2010: The period removed at the time of death, by the report of death, + a certified copy of family register;

- On July 2, 2010: Postal death reporting, reporting of death, procedures for filing a death report, method of filing a death report, refusal to pay the death benefit.

- On August 4, 2010: Insurance effect, high-amount death insurance money after death.

- On August 5, 2010: The payment of death insurance money, background color + estimated death insurance money, and estimated death insurance amount presumed to be serious color.

- - On August 18, 2010: The fingerprint inquiry, if death, + fingerprint (C) and other circumstances;

피고인은 피해자가 사망한 직후인 2010. 6. 21. 채권자 재단에 ' 당신이 이 편지를 받을 쯤엔 나는 이미 자살하여 이 세상 사람이 아니고, 사체검안서를 오빠를 통하여 발송하겠다 ' 는 취지의 편지와 문자를 발송하고, 2010. 8. 5. 채권자 ⑦ 센터에도 같은 취지의 편지를 발송하였으며, 앞서 본 바와 같이 피해자의 사망 사실을 모르는 민D3을 기망하여 2, 000, 000원을 편취하고, 부산 ☆구청 ★과 ○계에 피고인의 사망신고를 한 후 보험금 청구를 하였고, 피해자의 주민등록증을 이용하여 피해자 명의의 운전면허시험에 응시하였다 .

B. Determination

(1) In a criminal trial of the rules of evidence law, the conviction shall be based on evidence with probative value, which makes it possible for a judge to have the truth that the facts charged are true beyond a reasonable doubt. If there is no evidence to form such a degree of conviction, the defendant's interest should be judged even if there is doubt that the defendant is guilty. However, such conviction should not be formed by direct evidence, unless it does not violate the rules of experience and logic, it can be formed by indirect evidence. Even if indirect evidence does not have full probative value as to the facts of crime individually, if it is deemed that there is a comprehensive probative value that can not be independent if comprehensive examination of all evidence is conducted under mutual relation, even if it is not possible to acknowledge the facts of crime (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 2009Do3623, Aug. 20, 200).

(2) As to the above facts charged that the Defendant murdered the victim, the Defendant denies the commission of the crime, and there is no direct evidence to do so, and therefore, we examine whether the Defendant committed the crime of murder of this case in accordance with the aforementioned legal doctrine.

( 가 ) 피해자의 사망시기 피해자가 ■병원 응급실에 도착하여 심폐소생술 받을 당시 이미 얼굴이나 손끝 , 발끝 등에서 청색증이 진행되었고, 심전도 검사상 전기적 반응이 거의 없는 상태였으며, 피해자의 체온이 정상인에 비하여 많이 낮은 상태였음은 앞서 본 바와 같은바, 앞서 든 증거들에 의하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정 즉, 임상적으로 이미 사망하여 심장이 멈춘 사람이라도 15분 후까지는 심전도 검사상 전기적 반응이 나타날 수 있는 점 ( 김D13의 법정진술 ), 일반적으로 사후 1시간 내에는 체온의 변동이 거의 없고, 그 후 1시간당 평균 0. 7℃가량 체온이 하강하게 되는 점 ( 수사기록 2557, 2558면 ), 김D13은 피해자가 응급실 도착 당시 이미 사망한 상태였고 응급실 도착 전 20분에서 2시간 사이에 사망한 것으로 보인다고 진술하고 있는 점 ( 수사기관 및 법정진술 ) 등에 비추어 보면, 피해자는 응급실 도착 전에 이미 사망하였던 것으로 보인다 . ( 나 ) 피해자의 사망원인 1 ) 자연사가능성 피해자가 자연사하였다면 이는 돌연사의 가능성 밖에는 없다고 할 것이다. 그러나 앞서 든 증거들에 의하면, 돌연사는 크게 뇌질환과 심장질환에 의한 경우밖에 고려할 수 없는데, 뇌질환의 경우 사고로 인하여 큰 혈관이 파열되지 않는 한 사망에 이르기까지는 시간이 많이 걸리고, 평소 심장질환이 없던 20대 중반의 여성에게 심근경색 이 발생하는 경우는 극히 드물고 심근경색이 발병하였다고 하더라도 5 - 10분 이내에 사망하는 경우는 거의 없는 점 ( 이D14의 법정진술, 수사기록 2559면 ), 피해자가 2007. 부터 2009. 까지 매년 대한적십자사 ▲병원 종합건강증진센터에서 건강검진을 받았는데, 혈압 및 심전도 검사에서 아무 이상이 없었던 점 ( 수사기록 716, 719면 ) 등에 비추어 보면, 피해자가 자연사했을 가능성은 극히 희박하다 .

2) The victim of suicide had left the part at the time of moving back to Busan or departing from Busan. At the time of departing from Busan, the defendant brought about the part at the time of departing from Busan, and brought about another step. The defendant sent a text message to the effect that he will communicate with the Do Do 17, and that he will complete the audit's personnel and benefits with the auditor's personnel. As seen above, the victim's father, Kim D19, Da3, Ma17, etc., which are the victim's father, stated in the investigative agency that there is no possibility that the victim may commit suicide in light of the victim's thoughts or attitude of life. In light of the fact that it is difficult for the victim to think that she went to Busan to commit suicide, there is no possibility that the victim committed suicide.

3) The initial inspection of the possibility of murder by a toxic substance, such as merpode, was indicted against the Defendant by having the victim kills the toxic substance such as merpode. The Defendant searched toxic substance such as merpode, and purchased merpode by the Internet, and the victim purchased merpode of merpode, etc. at the time of the arrival of the emergency room. However, the possibility of murder by a toxic substance such as merpode is argued for the possibility of murder by merpode. However, even according to Kim D13, Ma15, Ma16, and Do14’s investigative agencies and this court’s statements, it is difficult to find that the victim was killed by the toxic material at the time of the arrival of the emergency room or at the time of the death in the park unless there is any other evidence to acknowledge that the victim was killed by the toxic material such as merpode.

다만, 검사는 불상의 방법으로 피해자를 살해한 것으로 공소장을 변경하였는바 , 살인죄에 있어 범죄의 일시 · 장소와 방법은 범죄의 구성요건이 아닐 뿐만 아니라 이를 구체적으로 명확히 인정할 수 없는 경우에는 개괄적으로 설시하여도 무방하므로 위 공소장 변경에 의하더라도 이 부분 공소사실은 특정되었다고 할 것이다 . ( 다 ) 피해자 사망 무렵의 행적 1 ) 피고인은 신대구부산고속도로를 이용하여 대동톨게이트를 지난 다음 백양터 널, 서면, 양정, 수영을 경유하여 광안리에 도착하여 피해자와 맥주를 마신 후 해운대로 갔다가 다시 초읍방면으로 가다가 맥주를 산 다음 ◎동 아파트 옆 소공원 벤치에서 술을 마셨고, 피고인이 위 장소에서 피해자를 태우고 ■병원 응급실로 가던 도중 피해자가 의식이 없어졌다고 주장하고 있다 .

2) However, the following circumstances acknowledged based on the aforementioned evidence, namely, the victim’s 2010.

6. 17. 00 : 38경 부산 남구 ○○동 ○○○ 주변에서 자신의 휴대전화를 이용하여 통화를 시도하였던 점, 피고인 주장의 ⑥동 아파트 옆 소공원에서는 피고인이 피해자를 데려간 ■병원보다 피고인의 딸이 치료를 받고 있어 피고인이 잘 알고 있던 대학교 ★병원 ( 거리 약 1. 7km ) 이 더 가까운 점, 동 아파트에서 ■ 병원까지의 거리는 약 2. 2km이고 차로 이동할 경우 약 5 - 8분 정도 소요되는 거리에 불과한 점 등에 비추어 보면, 피해자의 사망 무렵의 행적이 피고인의 주장과 같다고 볼 수는 없다 . ( 라 ) 피고인 진술의 신빙성

피고인은 당초 수사기관에서 피해자가 누구인지 모르고, 인터넷 채팅을 통해 알게 된 사람이고, 피해자로부터 자살하기로 결정했고 처리를 해 달라는 전화를 받고 ◎동 아파트 옆 소공원에 갔다가 피해자를 응급실로 옮겼으나 사망하였는데, 피해자의 인적사항을 알지 못하여 응급실에서 자신의 인적사항을 말하였다고 진술하였다가 ( 수사기록 84면 이하 ) 위 가항의 주장과 같이 진술을 번복하였고, 당초 수사기관에서 인터넷으로 독극물을 검색을 한 사실이 없다고 진술하였다가 ( 수사기록 640면 ) 피고인이 사용하던 컴퓨터에 대한 웹히스토리 분석결과가 나오자 자살방법이 궁금하여 검색해 보았다고 진술을 번복하였으며, 당초 메소밀 등을 구입한 사실이 없다고 진술하였다가 피고인이 메소밀을 가지고 있었다는 김D1의 진술이 있자 진술을 번복하는 등 수회에 걸쳐 진술을 번복한 점, 앞서 본 바와 같이 피해자의 사망시기나 피해자 사망 무렵의 행적에 대한 피고인의 진술을 믿기 어려운 점, 피고인은 피해자를 어린이집에 취업을 시키고 함께 살기 위해 데려왔다고 진술하다가 피해자로부터 친척집으로 데려가 달라는 부탁을 받아 피해자를 부산으로 데리고 왔다고 진술을 번복하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 위 번복진술 역시 민D3, 정D17, 박D18의 진술과 배치되는 점, 피고인은 피해자가 사망한 후 순간적으로 피해자의 죽음을 잘 이용하면 보험금을 지급받고 재판중이던 형사사건들을 해결할 수 있을 것이라는 생각이 들어 응급실에서 피고인의 이름으로 접수를 하였다고 진술하나 급작스러운 죽음이 문제되는 위급한 상황에서 통상인이 그와 같은 생각을 하기는 극히 어렵다는 점에서 위와 같은 진술은 납득하기 어려워 피고인의 진술은 도저히 신빙할 수 없다 .

(e) The motive for committing the crime

The Defendant asserts that he had subscribed to a large amount of life insurance in order to ensure that ParkA1 and BaC may receive insurance proceeds after two years of suicide. However, the Defendant was unable to believe the Defendant’s statement concerning the circumstances leading to the purchase of insurance policies in that there was no economic leisure enough to pay a large amount of insurance premiums for two years since there was no revenue. Since the Defendant started to buy a large number of insurance policies, it was difficult to believe the Defendant’s statement about the circumstances leading to the purchase of insurance policies; since the time when the Defendant started to buy a large number of insurance policies, the Defendant started to engage in stimulating and murdering through the Internet; from the hospital emergency room, the Defendant from the hospital emergency room to the hospital emergency room, the Defendant was the victim who died, and thereafter claimed the payment of the death insurance proceeds of the insurance contract that he was the insured.

(3) Sub-decisions

As seen earlier, it is sufficiently presumed that the defendant had the motive to kill the victim as seen earlier, the defendant started with the "house" of the victim, and there is no possibility that the victim was killed by the third party because he was the only person who had committed the death of the victim until the death of the victim. As seen earlier, there is no possibility that the victim was killed by nature or committed suicide. The defendant's assertion at the time of the death of the victim, including the situation where the victim was moving the victim to Busan and the situation where the victim was moving the victim back to Busan, and the situation where the victim was moving the emergency room to the emergency room, is not reasonable and reliable. As seen earlier, the defendant made a false statement as if the victim was abnormal to the medical staff in the emergency room or the autopsy room, and the defendant made a false statement from the death of the victim as if the victim was abnormal in the heart of the victim, and in light of all the circumstances such as the circumstance where the victim claimed insurance money after cremation the victim's body, this part of the charges charged is sufficiently acceptable.

Defendant Damage A for the reason of sentencing

[Scope of applicable sentences] Life imprisonment


○ Determination: homicide, Category 3.

○ Special Convicts

- Special Aggravations: planned crimes, anti-levis

○ Scope of Recommendation: Imprisonment of 12 years to 15 years, life imprisonment (aggravating area)

[Scope of the revised recommended sentencing] Life imprisonment (The lowest limit of the revised sentencing shall be set at the lowest limit of the above sentencing range, and the lowest limit of the sentencing range recommended by the sentencing guidelines is lower than the minimum limit of the applicable sentencing range, and therefore the applicable sentencing range shall be set at the lower limit of the applicable sentencing range)

[Judgment of the sentence] The crime of murder in this case is a crime of life imprisonment, which is committed by taking the life of a deceased person who lives of a deceased person who is the socially weak after taking care of his family members, and was committed under the low-level and poor motive to obtain insurance money by pretending that person was deceased, and cannot be used for any reason. In addition, the crime of murder in this case is committed under the intensive insurance that can receive large amount of insurance money in advance and planned to do so through Internet search, etc., and the nature of the crime is extremely poor and its possibility of criticism is very high. In addition, even though the injured person made a sacrifice due to the Defendant’s crime, the Defendant does not seem to have an attitude consistent with the consistent attitude of being able to obtain it until this court, and even if he did not notify the injured person’s family members or guardians of the death before the murder in this case and requests the payment of insurance money after cremation of the injured person’s body, the circumstances and circumstances of the Defendant’s punishment and punishment should be taken into account, such as the motive and form of the crime of fraud.

In light of the motive, background, attitude, etc. of the instant crime by Defendant Park Ll, the nature of the crime is not less than that of the Defendant. However, the Defendant was the first offender, and his mistake is divided in depth, the Defendant is more than 70 years old, and the Defendant must support young children. Other factors such as the Defendant’s character and behavior, environment, and circumstances after the crime are considered, and the sentence like the order shall be determined by comprehensively taking into account all the factors of sentencing.

Parts of innocence

1. Summary of the facts charged

Of the facts charged in the instant case, the summary of the Defendant’s concealment of the dead body is the Defendant on June 6, 2010.

17. 14: Around 00, at a park funeral hall located in the Dong-gu Busan Metropolitan City, the body of KimD7 was issued as a son and the body was issued as a guardian of the above body. On the 18th day of the same month, the body was dissected and concealed by cremation the body of KimD7 for the purpose of concealing the murder after being delivered with the above body at the same place.

2. Determination

The crime of concealing a corpse is protected by the law, a contract, or a person obligated to take care of, or take care of, a corpse as a social custom against a deceased person. It is established when the person leaves the corpse or leaves the corpse in his/her religious and social custom and leaves it unattended without following religious and social custom (see Supreme Court Decision 98Do51, Mar. 10, 1998). According to the above evidence, the defendant transferred the corpse of a deceased victim to a funeral hall in his/her Dong-dong Park Jong-gu (14) and issued a written examination of the corpse on the body on the 18th of the same month following the issuance of a written examination of the corpse by Lee Jong-gu, Busan. Even if the defendant did not notify his/her dead body to his/her bereaved family members of his/her religious purpose in accordance with the general cremation procedure, he/she did not constitute a crime of concealing the body of the victim, even if he/she did not constitute an infringement of his/her religious purpose.

It is difficult to regard the facts charged as being, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge the facts charged.

Therefore, the above facts charged constitute a case where there is no proof of crime, and thus, is acquitted pursuant to the latter part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure

It is so decided as per Disposition for the above reasons.


Justices Kim Dong-young

Judges Lee Jae-chul

Judges Park Jong-hee