1. The plaintiff's lawsuit against the defendant SPS Construction Corporation shall be dismissed.
2. The Plaintiff:
A. Defendant.
1. Basic facts
A. 1) The Plaintiff (the Korea National Housing Corporation and the Korea Land Corporation were merged on October 1, 2009, and the Plaintiff became the Plaintiff; hereinafter referred to as the “Plaintiff”).
1) The 16-dong 1402 apartment units located in Geumju-dong 1003 (hereinafter “the apartment units of this case”) are the 16-dong 1402 apartment units located in Geumju-dong 1003.
(2) On December 29, 2001, the Plaintiff, as a joint contractor, was abolished under Article 2 of the Addenda to the Enforcement Decree of the Housing Act (Presidential Decree No. 18146, Nov. 29, 2003, by entering into a contract for construction works of six sections (construction, machinery, civil engineering) from among the apartment buildings of this case, on the ground that the Plaintiff, as a joint contractor, was a project proprietor who newly built and sold a new structure. (2) On December 29, 2001, the Plaintiff was abolished by entering into a contract for construction works of six sections (construction, machinery, and civil engineering) from among the apartment buildings of this case, 10 years in the case of wall columns, 5 years in the case of floor beams, 2 years in the case of machinery, and Article 16(1) of the Decree on the Management of Multi-Family Housing (Presidential Decree No. 18146, Nov. 29, 2003).
set forth that it is intended to do so.
(이하 ‘이 사건 건설도급계약’이라 한다). 3) 이 사건 건설도급계약의 내용에 포함된 공사계약 일반조건 및 공사계약 특수조건 중 이 사건과 관련된 부분은 다음과 같다. ▣ 공사계약 일반조건 제2조 (정의) 이 조건에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음과 같다. 2. “계약자”라 함은 원고와 공사계약을 체결한 개인 또는 법인을 말한다. 제27조 (검사) ① 계약자는 공사를 완성하였을 때에는 그 사실을 준공신고서 등 서면으로 원고에게 통지하고 필요한 검사를 받아야 한다. ② 원고는 제1항의 통지를 받은 때에는 계약서, 설계서, 준공신고서 기타 관계서류에 의하여 그날로부터 14일 이내에 계약자의 입회 하에 그 이행을 확인하기 위한 검사를 하여야 한다. 제33조 (하자보수 ①...