(영문) 수원지방법원 2012.10.31.선고 2012구합3881 판결



2012Gu Joint3881 Revocation of Disciplinary Action


장00 ( 54년생 , XXXXXxx )

Dong Sung-si 00 Dong-dong Do-dong Do-dong

Law Firm Namsan, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant

Attorney Kim Jong-soo


00President of Regional Administrations

The litigation performer's day, the day of the settlement;

Conclusion of Pleadings

October 10, 2012

Imposition of Judgment

October 31, 2012


1. The Defendant’s disposition of suspension of one month against the Plaintiff on February 20, 2012 shall be revoked.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.

Purport of claim

The order is as set forth in the text.


1. Details of the disposition;

가 . ( 1 ) 안성시 ○●면 00리 _ - _ 에 위치한 ○●우체국은 별정우체국법 제2조 제1항 제1호에 따른 별정우체국이고 , 장◇◆은 별정우체국법 제2조 제1항 제2호에 따른 피지 정인이다 .

( 2 ) 원고는 장소◆의 추천에 따라 ○●우체국의 국장으로 임용되어 2008 . 11 . 3 . 부터 ○●우체국의 국장으로 재직하고 있다 .

나 . 별정우체국의 추천국장 제도의 운영실태 등에 대하여 감사를 실시한 감사원은 2011 . 12 . 경 우정사업본부장에게 , 2007 . 1 . 1 . 부터 피지정인과 친 · 인척이 아니면서 별 정우체국장으로 추천되어 임용된 30명을 대상으로 별정우체국장 추천의 대가로 금품을 제공하였는지 여부를 감사한 결과 원고를 포함한 15명이 별정우체국장 추천의 대가로 피지정인에게 금품을 제공한 사실을 확인하였고 , 그 중 원고는 ○ 우체국의 우체국 예금계좌 ( 계좌번호 : - , 이하 ' 이 사건 예금계좌 ' 라고 한다 ) 로 입금되는 우편 · 예금 취급수수료를 임의로 인출하여 이를 장◇◆의 우체국 예금계좌 ( 계좌번호 :

- Dog- Dog- Dog- Dog- (hereinafter referred to as “instant fee”) was paid for the total of 34,665, and 630 won (hereinafter referred to as “the instant fee”) from December 2, 2008 to April 201 by means of transfer to a Dog-Dog-Dog-Dog--Do. As such, the Plaintiff was required to be dismissed.

C. (1) Upon receipt of the request for a disposition by the Board of Audit and Inspection, the Defendant requested a resolution against the Plaintiff to the Special Post Office Disciplinary Committee of the Regional Office of Communications on February 14, 2012.

(2) The Special Post Office Disciplinary Committee of the Regional Administration(hereinafter referred to as the “Special Post Office Disciplinary Committee”) arbitrarily withdraws the postal and deposit handling fees deposited into the instant deposit account and pays them to the place, and thereby disrupting the accounting quality of the account constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. However, taking account of the Plaintiff’s attitude of service and the management performance of the post office, the disciplinary action against the Plaintiff for one month of suspension from office was decided.

D. On February 20, 2012, the Defendant, according to the resolution of the Special Post Office Disciplinary Committee, issued a disciplinary disposition of suspension from office for one month pursuant to Article 10 of the Special Post Offices Act and Article 36 (2) of the Rules on the Personnel Management of Special Post Offices (hereinafter “instant disposition”), on the ground that the Plaintiff’s act of disrupting the accounting order by voluntarily withdrawing postal and deposit handling fees deposited into the instant deposit account and paying them to the place, was in violation of Article 17 (Duty of Faithful Service) and Article 18 (Establishment of Work Hours) of the Rules on the Personnel Management of Special Post Offices.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 11, Gap evidence 12, Gap evidence 22, Eul evidence 1, Eul evidence 4 and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Whether the instant disposition is lawful

A. The plaintiff's assertion

(1) The absence of grounds for disciplinary action

우편 · 예금 취급수수료는 별정우체국이 매달 취급한 업무실적의 대가로 지급되는 것으로 우편 · 예금 취급수수료의 사용용도가 별정우체국의 업무수행에 필요한 경비로 제한되어 있지 않고 , 설령 우편 · 예금 취급수수료를 별정우체국의 업무수행에 필요한 경비 명목으로 사용하여야 한다고 하더라도 원고는 장소◆을 통하여 이 사건 수수료 중 일부 금원을 ○●우체국의 업무수행에 필요한 경비로 지출하였으므로 , 이 사건 처 분은 징계사유가 존재하지 않는다 .

(2) Violation of the principle of trust protection.

After the special post office was established and operated from around 1962, the recommended director of the special post office paid to the person to whom the special post office was located the fees for postal and deposit handling under the due consideration for the building and facilities of the special post office. Until there was an audit by the Board of Audit and Inspection, the Defendant did not indicate any act restricting the use of postal and deposit handling fees to use them as expenses necessary for performing the duties of the special post office or using them for purposes other than the duties of the separate post office. Thus, the instant disposition is contrary to the principle of trust protection, contrary to the Plaintiff’s trust who performed the duties in accordance with the existing practices.

(3) improper determination of disciplinary action

이 사건 처분의 징계사유가 인정된다고 하더라도 원고가 ○●우체국의 국장으로 임 용된 이후 ○●우체국의 재정상태가 대폭 개선되었고 , 감사원의 문제제기에 따라 장소 ◆으로부터 이 사건 수수료 중 잔여 금원을 회수하여 이를 직접 관리하고 있으며 , 이 사건 처분으로 급여와 승급에 있어서 상당한 불이익을 받는 등 이 사건 처분은 원고에 게 지나치게 과중하여 징계양정에 관한 재량권을 일탈 , 남용하였다 .

(4) Details of any disposition that is contrary to the investigation results of the investigative agency.

The investigative agency recommended the plaintiff to be appointed as the director general of the post office, and made a disposition to inform the plaintiff that he was suspected of being paid the fee of this case. Article 83(2) of the State Public Officials Act stipulates that a case under investigation by an investigative agency may not be requested for a resolution of disciplinary action or disciplinary procedure, etc., but the defendant believed only the audit results of a member and made the instant disposition that is inconsistent with the investigation results of the investigative agency.

(b) Relevant statutes;

As shown in the attached Form.

C. Judgment on the plaintiff's first argument

(1) Facts of recognition

( 가 ) 장◇◆의 아버지는 ○●우체국의 국장으로 재직하던 중 정년퇴직을 하였고 , 장 ◇◆은 2001 . 7 . 1 . ○●우체국의 피지정인이 되었으며 , 이☆★은 장소의 아버지의 추천으로 ○ 우체국의 국장으로 임용되었다 .

( 나 ) 이☆★이 ○●우체국의 국장으로 근무하는 동안 ○ 우체국의 경영수지가 악 화되어 ○●우체국이 폐국대상에 오르는 등 경영여건이 악화되자 , 장◇◆은 자신의 숙 부인 원고에게 ○●우체국의 국장을 맡아달라고 제의를 하였다 .

( 다 ) 원고는 과거에 장◇◆과 함께 ○●우체국에서 근무한 적이 있었고 , 이후 ◆ 축산농협에서 근무하다가 2008 . 9 . 경 퇴직하였다 . 원고가 ○●우체국에서 근무한 당시 에도 피지정인의 추천으로 임용된 국장이 우편 · 예금 취급수수료를 피지정인에게 지급 하였고 , 장소이 피지정인의 지위에서 ○●우체국의 청사 및 시설을 관리하고 있었으 므로 , 원고는 장소의 위와 같은 제의를 받아들이면서 원고가 향후 지급받게 될 우 편 · 예금 취급수수료를 장소에게 지급하기로 하였다 .

( 라 ) 원고는 2009 . 6 . 경 ○●우체국의 청사 방수공사 및 외부도색 공사비용 명목으 로 1 , 650 , 000원 , 2011 . 6 . 경 택배차량의 구입비용 명목으로 6 , 800 , 000원이 필요하게 되 자 장소에게 위 각 비용의 지출을 요청하였고 , 장◇◆은 이 사건 수수료에서 위 각 비용을 지출하였다 . 한편 , 원고는 우편 · 예금 취급수수료의 사용용도에 대한 감사원의 문제제기에 따라 이 사건 수수료 중 위 각 비용을 제외한 나머지 26 , 215 , 630원을 장소 ●으로부터 반환받아 이를 직접 관리하고 있다 .

(e) The account number (Account number): the post office bank account opened for the use of the ○ ○ ○ Postal Profit and Loss of the post office:

- Does-) is the National Treasury deposit account in which employee withdrawal equipment, postal service marketing expenses, telephone charges, electric charges, etc. are executed, and '○○'s deposit account in a post office which has been established for the use of 'Postal Insurance of a post office' (name number: - - - - insurance marketing expenses required to carry out insurance business, insurance solicitation rewards, etc., and '○○ Doesp' deposit account in a post office office for the purpose of 'profit and loss from deposit in a post office office' is the National Treasury deposit account in a post office for which the cost of maintaining the repair of machinery, books, etc. related to deposit business is executed. However, the deposit account in this case to receive postal and deposit handling fees has been opened in the form of a general deposit account not in the National Treasury deposit account but in the form of a deposit passbook.

[Ground of recognition] In without dispute, Gap evidence 3 through Gap evidence 9, Gap evidence 14, Gap evidence 19 through Gap evidence 22, Eul evidence 1, Eul evidence 2, Eul evidence 4, Eul evidence 4, and the whole pleadings

chapter 6

(2) Determination

Article 2(1)1 through 3, Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act provides that special post offices shall be provided with office buildings and other facilities at their own expense and shall be entrusted to the State. Article 2(1)4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act defines designees as those who are equipped with facilities after being designated by the Minister of Knowledge Economy, Article 8, and Article 9(2) of the former Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act provides that employees shall be deemed public officials when applying the provisions of Articles 2 through 4 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Accounting-Related Act"), which provides that "the provision of Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act" shall be provided for the provision of Article 1 of the former Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act, and Article 3 of the former Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act shall be provided for the provision of Article 6 of the former Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act, which shall be provided for the provision of Article 1 of the former Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act.

Article 16(1) of the Enforcement Rule of the Special Post Offices Act provides that “The basic operating expenses prescribed by Article 13 of the Special Post Offices Act, Article 64(1)2 of the Enforcement Decree of the former Enforcement Decree, or Article 73(1)2 of the Enforcement Decree of the former Enforcement Decree of the Special Post Offices Act explicitly provides the grounds for the payment of basic operating expenses. In the foregoing case, the head of the Tong/Ku related to the profits and losses of government offices and government agencies related to postal insurance, which is the national deposit passbook, and the head of the Tong/Ku related to postal insurance, are established in order to receive the basic operating expenses set for postal services performed by the special post offices and insurance business and deposits businesses, and employees, including the head of the bureau, shall execute the basic operating expenses in accordance with the purposes of use prescribed by relevant statutes and budget.” However, the instant fees fall under the handling fees prescribed by Article 17 of the Enforcement Rule of the Special Post Offices Act, and the head of the headquarters does not explicitly stipulate the kinds of the special post offices’s handling charges and the charges prescribed by Article 17(16).

설령 별정우체국법 시행규칙 제17조가 규정한 업무취급수수료의 사용용도가 별정우 체국의 업무수행에 필요한 경비로 제한되어 있다고 하더라도 앞에서 본 바와 같이 원 고가 장◇◆으로 하여금 이 사건 수수료에서 ○ 우체국의 청사 방수공사 비용 등과 택배차량의 구입비용을 지출하게 하였으나 , 이후 감사원의 문제제기에 따라 이 사건 수수료 중 위 각 비용을 제외한 나머지 금원을 장 으로부터 반환받아 이를 직접 관 리하고 있으므로 , 원고가 장소◆을 통하여 이 사건 수수료에서 위 각 비용을 지출하는 형식을 취하였다고 하더라도 그 지출내역에 비추어 보면 원고는 이 사건 수수료 중 일 부 금원을 ○●우체국의 업무수행과 밀접한 관련이 있는 용도로 지출함으로써 ○●우 체국의 업무수행에 필요한 경비 명목으로 지출하였다고 할 것이다 .

(3) Sub-decisions

Therefore, the Plaintiff’s first argument that the instant disposition does not exist is with merit.

D. Sub-committee

The instant disposition is unlawful without having to consider the remainder of the Plaintiff’s remaining arguments.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim shall be accepted on the grounds of its reasoning, and it shall be decided as per Disposition.


Judges Kim Jong-tae

Judges Hong-soo

Judges Kang Jeong-hee