(영문) 울산지방법원 2020.01.17 2019노160



The judgment below

The guilty part shall be reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

The defendant shall be 40 hours.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

가. 피고인 1) 사실오인 내지 법리오해(원심 판시 유죄 부분에 대하여) 피고인은 원심에서 유죄로 인정된 별지 범죄일람표 1 기재 성희롱 등의 행위를 한 사실이 없고, 원심에서 유죄로 인정된 별지 범죄일람표 2 기재 행위는 일부 아동들에 대하여 훈육차원으로 꿀밤이나 손바닥을 때린 정도의 가벼운 체벌을 한 적은 있을 뿐, 공소사실 기재와 같은 학대행위를 한 사실이 없으며, 일부 아동에 대한 가벼운 체벌행위는 훈육차원의 경미한 체벌이므로 구성요건해당성 내지 위법성이 조각된다. 2) 양형부당 피고인에 대한 원심의 형(징역 1년, 아동학대 치료프로그램 및 성폭력 치료프로그램 이수 각 40시간, 취업제한명령)은 너무 무거워서 부당하다.

B. Prosecutor 1) In light of the fact that the crime of violating the Child Welfare Act against the attached Table 1 No. 7F, which was acquitted at the lower court (the part not guilty in the original judgment) by mistake of facts or misapprehension of legal principles, the crime of violating the Child Welfare Act against the attached Table 1 No. 7F (the coercion to commit a crime against a child) was separately stated in the investigation agency on the facts charged at the time, and that the memory at the time seems to have been clear more than the time of legal testimony,

B) The crime of violation of the Child Welfare Act (child abuse) against some victims in the annexed list 2 of the daily list of crimes committed by the lower court, which was acquitted by the lower court, may be found guilty on the sole basis of the statements of other victims. The prosecutor asserts that in the statement of grounds of appeal, the crime of violation of the Child Welfare Act (child abuse also may be found guilty on the statement of other victims) No. 2, 7,

However, in the judgment of the court below, the "attached Table 2 No. 7, 12, 13, 15, 19 through 25" in Part 5 of the judgment of the court below is "No. 1 through 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26."
