red_flag_2(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2014. 3. 18. 선고 2012가합7381 판결



Plaintiff 1 and one other (Attorney Park Jin-jin, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)


Medical Corporation, ○○ Medical Foundation and one other (Law Firm Taesan et al., Counsel for the defendant-appellant)

Conclusion of Pleadings

March 4, 2014


1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.

Purport of claim

The defendants pay to each of the plaintiffs 51,00,000 won with 5% interest per annum from February 19, 201 to the service date of a copy of the complaint of this case, and 20% interest per annum from the next day to the day of complete payment.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties

The deceased non-party 5 (hereinafter referred to as “the deceased”) is a person who died while being treated by the deceased non-party 5 (hereinafter referred to as “the deceased”) in ○○ Hospital operated by the ○○ Medical Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant ○○ Medical Foundation”) and transferred to ○○○○ Hospital operated by the Defendant Educational Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant ○○ Medical Center”). The Plaintiffs are the parents of the deceased non-party 5.

B. Treatment and death of the Deceased

1) From February 18, 201, the Deceased caused both pains, the hearts, and the oral symptoms, and around 20:22 on the same day, and caused them to be ○○ Hospital (hereinafter “the first internal source”). At that time, Nonparty 2, a doctor who treated the Deceased at ○○ Hospital, conducted blood tests on the Deceased, but was judged to have no peculiar symptoms and there was no stopy and to have been administered a Mexico, which is a dustic agents (stoxis, Gotoxis, Gotoxis). The Deceased returned home at around 21:43 on the same day after the symptoms were shown.

2) On February 19, 201, the deceased returned home to ○○ Hospital on or around 04:32, 201 (hereinafter “the second internal source”). Nonparty 2 did not perform a re-blood test on the ground that the bio-treatment of the deceased (vital sn, blood pressure, cambling, beer, absorbing, and body temperature) was within the normal range, and the blood test conducted at the first time of 8 hours prior to the first internal source was normal, and that the blood test conducted at the time of the first internal source was normal, and that the deceased did not perform a re-blood test on the ground that the blood test conducted at the time of the first internal source was normal.

3) 그런데 망인은 같은 날 05:50경부터 안색이 창백해지며 호흡곤란 및 복통을 호소하였고, 이에 간호원이 반좌위 자세(semi-fowler's position)를 취하게 하고 심호흡을 유도하면서 산소를 투여하였음에도 증세가 호전되지 아니하여 07:45경에는 혼수상태(coma)에 빠졌다. ○○병원 의사 소외 6은 07:55경 망인에 대한 뇌 CT촬영을 실시하고 08:10경 중환자실에 입실시켰으며, 08:18경 실시된 혈액검사 결과 혈중 칼륨 농도가 7.6mmol/ℓ(참고치 3.5~5.0), pH 수치가 6.91(참고치 7.35~7.45), 혈중 크레아티닌(Creatinine) 농도가 2.4mg/㎗(참고치 0.6~1.2) 등으로 나타남에 따라 망인의 증상을 대사성 산증(metabolic acidosis) 및 급성신부전(acute renal failure)으로 진단하고 08:40경부터 비본(BIVON, 중탄산나트륨 제제)을, 09:00경부터 칼슘 글루코네이트(Ca. gluconate)를 각각 투여하였다. 그러나 망인의 증세가 호전되지 아니하고 혼수상태에서 회복되지 못하자, 소외 6은 망인을 11:00경 □□병원으로 전원시켰다.

4) On February 19, 201, at around 11:28, 201, the medical personnel at △ Hospital determined that there was no special opinion on the deceased, while conducting brain thalthic thalthic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crystic crystic crystic crythic crystic crystic crystic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crythic crystr.

5) On February 20, 201, around 15:35, 201, Nonparty 7: (a) confirmed the fact that brain resistant symptoms have deteriorated compared to the previous day as a result of brain thalmatation on the Deceased; and (b) determined that the viral viral brain is likely to have been infected by the viral viral viral viral viral viral viral viral viral viral viral viral viral. However, the Deceased had the possibility of brain escape even if he had been suspected of brain death at the time, even if he had performed cral viral omy, and thereafter, the medical team at the Malan Hospital continued to treat the deceased only for the purpose of maintaining the life of the deceased.

6) The Deceased died on March 8, 201, without restoring consciousness, on or around 19:43, 201, and the original death (the private person directly causing death) was the senior director, the heart part, the respiratory part, and the multiple organ part.

(c) Relevant medical knowledge;

(i) an Ambassador Certificate;

대사성 산증은 체내에 산성을 일으키는 대사성 물질이 과도하게 있는 상태로서, 동맥혈 내 pH 감소(수소이온농도 증가), 혈중 중탄산염(HCO₃-) 농도 감소 및 이를 보상하기 위한 과도한 호흡에 의한 동맥혈 이산화탄소 분압(PCO₂)의 감소를 특징으로 한다. 발생원인은 크게 ① 산(수소이온) 생성, ② 알칼리 소실, ③ 산 배설 장애 등으로 나뉘고, 그 중 ①로 인한 대사성 산증(이른바 고음이온차성 대사성 산증)의 원인으로는 심한 감염에 의하여 나타나는 유산증(유산증, lactic acidosis), 당뇨병성 케톤산증, 신부전, 중독증, 근괴사 등이 있다. 경도의 신부전이 대사성 산증을 유발하는 정도는 매우 미약하고, 구토를 동반한 탈수의 경우에는 반대로 위액 내 수소이온의 소실로 대사성 알칼리증이 나타날 수 있다.

In the event of an calcium in a cell, the concentration of calcium is increased as the calcium was leaked externally, but such calcium increase is often observed in the calcium in a calcium due to a calcium and there is no such symptoms in the calcium or calcium.

동맥혈 pH가 7.2미만이거나 중탄산염 농도가 10mmol/ℓ 미만인 경우 대사성 산증이 심한 것으로 분류하여 증상을 완화시키기 위한 알칼리 대체요법을 실시하는데, 통상 중탄산나트륨(sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO₃)을 포도당 용액에 혼합하여 투여한다. 대사성 산증으로 인하여 동맥혈 pH가 7에 근접하면 호흡곤란이나 심정지 등이 동반될 수 있고, 이 경우 각 장기에 산소가 제대로 공급되지 아니하여 초래되는 다장기 기능부전이 주로 사망의 원인이 되나, 대사성 산증으로 인하여 뇌부종이 발생하는 경우는 드물기 때문에 대사성 산증 환자에 대하여 대부분 뇌부종에 대한 치료는 실시하지 않는다.

2) Emergency Correspondence

Along with this, kidne is divided into a kidney eculation, which may cause a decrease in blood volume, such as softening, kidney eculation, and kidney eculation, which is caused by the lack of blood due to kidne or kidney eculation, ② eculational eculation, ③ eculational eculation, which is caused by diseases accompanied by eciopulmonary eculation, and which may occur due to a variety of causes that may cause a decrease in blood volume, such as sofarcation or eculation, at the place outside of a bloodline due to eclimatic or eculation. Whether a kidne eculation has been caused is a decrease in urine, and can be diagnosed by measuring the concentration of trine ecium other than the blood eculation.

(iii) the person who is in need of recommendation;

For the purpose of collecting brain amount, the person requiring recommendation is to conduct an inspection to verify infections of the mid-to-face system, such as brain infections and cerebral mathitiss, and the person requiring recommendation is also to conduct an examination to diagnose sub-explosion. The method of collecting brain amount and measuring brain pressures by inserting a large amount of thyposiss (one time between 3 and 4 a week). In normal case of adults, the maximum of brain pressure measured by the person requiring recommendation is 200mH2O, the average of which is 80mH2O. The major side effects that may arise from the implementation of the person requiring recommendation are brain escape, infection (cerebrum infection), blood transfusions, low-tensions, etc., and in particular, where brain pressure increase is suspected, it is likely that brain escapes can not occur through the mouth, and thus, there is a possibility that brain escapes can occur in the space of the Gu.

The level of brain escape that can be caused by a person who is in need of recommendation is the main clinical symptoms, such as respiratory disorder and food room due to pressure on brain pressure, light strength due to pressure on bovine spongiform encephalopathy, and strokeing.

4) Mexico (Mexol)

Mexico is used as a pharmaceutical trademark name of Machropoide ingredients and as a suppression of old soil. In the case of adults, 10 g (1 ample ample g (1 ample g) once a day is 1-2 times a day or over 1-2 minutes a day. In the case of excessive administration, there may occur mergers such as low blood pressure and an empty space. In addition, there may be side effects when administration is made to patients with physical lungs accompanied by dystrophe water, etc., the Maurropox (neocopide, neurocopide syndrode), so the typical symptoms of the above symptoms are known such as the change of consciousness, the light of the shape of the body part, the light of the body part (1 ample g (1 ample g) and 1-2 part of the body part (1-2). The case holding that it is known that the pulmonary pulmonary disorder, the pulmonary disorder of the body part (1) and the body part (2) and the body part (2).

[Ground of recognition] The non-contentious facts, Gap's evidence 1 to 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 22, Eul's evidence 1, Eul's evidence 1, Eul's evidence 1, Eul's evidence 1 to 3 (including each number), the result of this court's request for appraisal and supplementary appraisal of the medical records for the head of the Seoul Hospital of the Mancheon-do University, the purport of the whole pleadings, as a whole.

2. The plaintiffs' assertion

The Plaintiffs asserted that the Defendants should compensate for damages caused by the death of the deceased, as follows were negligent in the course of the diagnosis and treatment of the deceased of each hospital operated by the Defendants.

A. As to the medical malpractice of Defendant ○○ Medical Foundation

In the first place, the medical personnel of the ○○ Hospital operated by the Defendant ○○ Medical Foundation has been negligent in treating the deceased, even though he collected the food room due to drug addiction by making excessive Mexico and the amount of Mexico to the deceased, among all the 1 and 2 internal members of the ○○ Hospital’s medical personnel, and caused them to have a food room due to drug addiction, acute sensium, and knium transfusion, and treating them in error.

Preliminaryly, the medical personnel at the above ○○ Hospital neglected to diagnose and treat the deceased at the time of the first internal examination, even if the deceased was suspected of having been deprived of her escape, and the medical personnel failed to perform the first emergency examination as soon as possible at the time of the second internal examination, and failed to diagnose her early acute sensium and Ambassador sensium. ③ Even after 05:50, the deceased complained of her respiratory difficulties and consciousness, he neglected to provide active first aid, such as administering her healopium gas examination, etc., and administered her healopium in accordance with the result. ④ The medical personnel at the above ○○ Hospital violated the duty of explanation that did not properly notify the risks of her healopium and heropium at the time of the second internal examination (the plaintiff asserted only the above 1 through 4 negligence at the warden, and the existence of heropic obsium was denied from the preparatory brief on January 9, 2014, and the plaintiff's assertion that additional heropium could be assertedd.

B. The assertion on the medical malpractice of the medical personnel belonging to the Defendant Il-il Private Teaching Institutes

Medical personnel of the △ Hospital operated by the Defendant Il-sung Institute of Medical Sciences, (1) was at the time when the deceased was transferred, and was at the time when the deceased was suspected of being transferred, and (2) was at the time of the death of the deceased due to the medical negligence, such as (i) the fact that the brain pressure is anticipated to increase due to the brain side caused by excessive injection of drugs at the ○○ Hospital; (ii) the deceased was negligent in causing brain escape and resulting in death of the deceased due to the death of the deceased, such as having no open address, and other cerebral brain and cerebral brain damage after the examination.

3. Determination

A. Determination as to whether ○○ Hospital's medical malpractice and the existence of causation

1) Determination as to the plaintiffs' primary assertion (the existence of negligence causing drug addiction and high knium transfusion to the deceased)

According to the records of evidence No. 1 and the results of this court’s request for supplementation and evaluation of the head of Seoul University Hospital, ○○ Hospital’s medical team directly administered 1 ample ample ample ample ample 1 at the time of the first internal source of the deceased, respectively, by mixing with the amount of 1 ample ample 1 at the time of the deceased’s first internal source. At around 21:43, the deceased removed the number of ample ample 10% at the time of the second internal source of the deceased’s secondary internal source, and discharged the deceased, 1 ample 2 at the rate of 10% at the time of 10% at the time of the deceased’s secondary internal source, 0.5 ample 1 at the rate of 0.5 ample xle 1 at the time of 08:40,000 xle 1 at the time of 204m xle 2 at the time of the deceased’s primary source.

However, in full view of the aforementioned evidence and evidence as well as Eul evidence No. 1-3, and the overall purport of the argument as a result of the examination of the medical record entrusted to the head of the Seoul University Hospital at this court: (1) as ○○ Hospital’s medical team removed the amount due to the Mexico No. 1000, or (2) replaced by a different amount, it is impossible to know the exact amount of Mexico administered to the Deceased in a large quantity; (2) ○○ Hospital’s medical team diagnosed the Deceased that there was a high chlorate blood transfusion; (3) around 09:00 on February 19, 201, 100, 100 knium No. 5 were administered to the Deceased; (4) the knium concentration of the Deceased’s knium appeared to have been 5mll/L in the process of the examination conducted at around 10:03 on the same day; and (3) it was possible that the knium No. 14m204m.

In light of the above circumstances, it cannot be deemed that the medical personnel at ○○ Hospital directly administered Mexico by mixing it with a blood-related injection or a blood amount, thereby causing drug addiction to the deceased, or that the knium was caused by a high knium transfusion. Even if a knium knium was generated, it is reasonable to deem that the above-mentioned medical personnel provided appropriate treatment. Therefore, it is insufficient to deem that the above-mentioned facts alone are insufficient to deem that the deceased caused drug addiction or a high knium infection with the deceased due to the medical negligence of the medical personnel at ○ Hospital, thereby causing the death of the deceased, and there is no other evidence to prove otherwise.

2) Judgment on the plaintiffs' preliminary assertion

A) Determination as to the existence of negligence by neglecting the deceased’s identification as a slope at the time of the first internal source and the treatment therefor

In full view of the fact that the deceased returned to the Republic of Korea after having determined that there was no particular error after the blood examination conducted by Nonparty 2 of ○○ Hospital’s doctor at the time of the first internal test, the deceased returned to the Republic of Korea after having determined that there was no particular error. Meanwhile, considering the result of the blood examination conducted at the time of the first internal test, the blood examination conducted at the time of the first internal test showed that the blood level concentration of knium and knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife 84 times per k.

In light of the above facts and circumstances, it is difficult to view that the medical team at ○○ Hospital at the time of the first internal clinic of the deceased was negligent in the diagnosis and treatment of the deceased’s s/he was found to have neglected to perform the diagnosis and treatment, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge this otherwise. Therefore, the Plaintiffs’ assertion on this part

B) Whether a person fails to fulfill his/her duty to explain the danger of 1 and 2 inland water at the time of 1 and 2 internal origin

Considering the overall purport of the statements and arguments by evidence Nos. 1, 1, and 1 as a whole, it is reasonable to view that Nonparty 2 fulfilled the duty of explanation as follows: (a) performed the duty of explanation by Nonparty 2, at the time of the first internal investigation, when Nonparty 2 administered the stove to the deceased; (b) explained that blood examination results were normal; and (c) the stove and stove symptoms were stove; and (d) recognized the fact that the deceased recommended him to s to stove for more than eight (8) hours after the discharge by expressing

In addition, there is no room for a violation of the doctor's duty of explanation on matters that are not caused by a doctor's invasion, or that are not at issue with the patient's right of self-determination (see Supreme Court Decision 94Da27151, Apr. 25, 1995, etc.). As seen later, as long as it cannot be deemed that the deceased caused an eculation and acute eculation due to the old soil and the eculation, it cannot be seen that the deceased died, as seen later, the violation of the ○○ Hospital's duty of explanation on the risks of the old soil and the echilling water. Accordingly, there is no room for this part of the plaintiffs' assertion.

C) Whether there was a negligence of neglecting first aid for a difficulty in respiratory difficulties, failing to diagnose an honorary chronology and acute chronology at the time of the second internal application.

A physician has a duty of care to take the best measures required to prevent risks depending on the patient’s specific symptoms or circumstances in light of the nature of duties to manage the patient’s life, body, and health, and such duty of care is based on the level of medical practice performed in the clinical medicine field, such as medical institutions, at the time of performing the medical practice. The level of medical care refers to the so-called medical consciousness generally known and recognized and recognized at the time of the medical practice. As such, the normative level should be determined by considering the environment and conditions of medical treatment, the peculiarity of the medical practice, etc., and the specific situation of the relevant doctor or the medical institution is not considered (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 2009Da45146, Nov. 10, 201; 98Da50586, Nov. 21, 2000).

In light of these legal principles, the deceased complained of the symptoms of the same stove, stove, and stoves of approximately 8 hours after the first internal source. At that time, the deceased complained of the symptoms of the same stoves, stoves, and s toves of 8 hours after the second internal source, and the doctor Nonparty 2 of the ○○ Hospital was hospitalized immediately after the second internal source, and did not take any particular measures other than administering the amount containing Mexico as at the time of the first internal source. The deceased did not take a blood test, etc. to discover the cause in addition to administering oxygen, after the death complained of pulmonal distress, and only three hours after the death was in a mixed state after the second internal source, the doctor Nonparty 6 of the same hospital conducted a blood test, stoves, and stoves, etc. with respect to the deceased, and diagnosed sexual stoves and stoves.

Furthermore, comprehensively taking account of the overall purport of the statement in Gap evidence 6, the medical record appraisal commission and supplementary appraisal commission for the head of the Seoul Hospital Hospital at this court: ① in the event of severe chronic obsculic obsculous obsculous obsculous obsculous obsculous obsculous obsculsculous obsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsculsc sulsculsculsculscsculsculsculsculscsculsculsculs, etc. ② from February 19, 2011.

D) Existence of causation

As to this, Defendant ○○ Medical Foundation asserts that there is no causal link between the death of the deceased even if the medical personnel belonging to ○○ Hospital was at the time of the second internal organ of the deceased and the deceased was at the time of the second internal organ of the deceased and the deceased was at the time of his failure to provide first aid.

Therefore, in a claim for damages due to a violation of the duty of care in medical care, the causal relationship between the medical negligence and the result is presumed if the victim proves that there was no health defect that could be the cause of the result before the medical treatment, and the causal relationship between the medical negligence and the result is presumed (see Supreme Court Decision 93Da52402 delivered on February 10, 1995, etc.). In this case, the death of the deceased is presumed to be due to the negligence of the medical personnel belonging to ○○ Hospital's above diagnosis and treatment delay.

그러나 갑 2, 6, 7호증, 을나 1호증의 3, 8의 각 기재, 이 법원의 순천향대학교 서울병원장에 대한 진료기록감정촉탁결과에 변론 전체의 취지를 종합하여 보면, ① 망인의 사인은 불명이나 부검 결과 뇌부종 및 뇌염을 동반한 허혈성 괴사가 확인되고, 의무기록상 대사성 산증 및 급성신부전 발병이 확인되는바, 바이러스성 뇌염에 의한 대사성 산증이 급성신부전 및 사망의 원인으로 추정될 수 있는 점, ② 망인이 혼수상태에 빠진 직후인 2011. 2. 19. 08:18경의 혈중 크레아티닌 농도인 2.4mg/㎗는 외래진료로 경과를 관찰하여도 무방한 정도로서 응급치료를 요하는 급성신부전의 증상에는 해당하지 않는 점, ③ 구토 및 탈수는 대사성 산증의 원인이나 증상과는 무관하고 바이러스성 뇌염의 증상일 수도 있는데, 망인이 □□병원으로 전원된 이후인 2011. 2. 19.부터 2011. 2. 23.경까지 혈중 유산(유산) 농도가 3.0~5.4mmol/ℓ로 참고치인 0.4~2.0을 현저히 상회하였고, 망인에 대한 면역혈청검사 결과 C-반응단백질(C-reactive protein, 이하 ‘CRP’라 한다) 농도가 2011. 2. 21. 11:03경 103.91mg/ℓ, 2011. 2. 22. 09:07경 219.53mg/ℓ(참고치 0.0~5.0)로 나타나는 등 감염의 증상이 있었던 점, ④ 대사성 산증으로 인한 혼수는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 진행되는 것이 보통이고, 망인과 같이 하루 만에 전격적으로 발생한 혼수는 심한 바이러스성 뇌염으로 인한 것일 가능성이 높은 점, ⑤ 중탄산염 투여와 같은 알칼리 대체요법은 대사성 산증의 증상을 완화시켜 주는 데 그칠 뿐이고 대사성 산증의 치료를 위해서는 근본적으로 그 발생 원인이 되는 기저질환을 치료하여야 하고, 또한 유산증은 그 발생원인이 되는 감염이 치료되지 않을 경우 그 예후가 지속적으로 악화되는 경향을 보이므로 망인의 경우 조기에 바이러스성 뇌염을 진단하여 항바이러스제를 투여하였어야 하는 점, ⑥ 뇌염 또는 뇌수막염의 존재를 확인하기 위해서는 두부 CT촬영, 동맥혈검사 및 뒤에서 보는 요추천자검사 등을 종합적으로 시행하여야 하는 점, ⑦ 실제로 ○○병원 의사 소외 6이 망인의 대사성 산증을 확인한 08:40경부터 중탄산나트륨을 투여하였으나 전원 직전인 10:02경의 pH 수치가 7.14로 대사성 산증이 지속되었던 점 등을 알 수 있다.

위와 같은 사정에 비추어보면, 망인의 사망은 바이러스성 뇌염으로 추정되는 감염의 급속한 악화에 기인한 것으로 봄이 상당하고, ○○병원 의료진이 망인의 2차 내원 당시 혈액검사 등을 조기에 시행하여 대사성 산증을 발견하고 중탄산나트륨을 보다 일찍 투여하였더라도 위와 같은 감염 등을 발견하고 이에 적절히 대처할 수 있었을 것으로는 보이지 않는다. 따라서 ○○병원 의료진의 앞서 본 과실과 망인의 사망 사이에 상당인과관계를 인정할 수 없다고 봄이 상당하므로, 피고 ○○의료재단의 이 부분 주장은 이유 있다[한편 원고들은 2011. 2. 19. 당시 망인에게 목의 경직이나 발열 등 뇌염의 증상이 없었고, 같은 날 실시된 주1) ESR 검사 결과가 1mm/hr, CRP 검사 결과가 10.65mg/ℓ에 불과하여 바이러스성 뇌염 기타의 감염이 망인의 사망원인이 될 수 없다는 듯이 주장하기도 하나, 모든 뇌염에서 일률적으로 발열이나 목의 경직과 같은 증상이 나타난다고 볼 자료가 없고, 원고들의 주장에 의하더라도 위 CRP 수치는 참고치의 상한인 5.0mg/ℓ의 2배를 상회하는 것이며, 또한 갑 1호증의 기재에 의하면 같은 검사 결과에서 산출된 백혈구(WBC) 수치가 18,290/㎕로 나타나 참고치(5,200~12,400/㎕)를 현저히 넘는 사실을 인정할 수 주2) 있는바, 위 ESR 검사결과만으로는 앞선 인정에 방해가 되지 아니한다].

3) Sub-decisions

Therefore, it cannot be deemed that the deceased died due to the negligence of the medical personnel belonging to the ○○ Hospital operated by the Defendant ○○ Medical Foundation.

B. Determination as to the existence or absence of negligence, which caused the death to escape from brain or delay in the treatment of urine as a result of the examination of the medical staff of △ Hospital

According to each description of evidence Nos. 2 and 16, and evidence Nos. 1-7 of the deceased on February 19, 201, around 22:00, the deceased was self-satisf R, and the deceased was no self-satisf R until 13:30 of the following day; on February 20, 2011, the non-party 7, who provided medical treatment to the deceased at the Mari Hospital around 13:40 on February 20, 201, observed the part of the 5:5cm distance from the back of the head of the deceased; on the same day, the aggravation of the Mari-cerebral brain species below the result of the brain photography on the same day; on February 22, 2011, the diagnosis written by the deceased on February 22, 201, stated the "marine marine marine marine satise", on the day when the deceased started me no brain sat 17:4 on the day.

However, comprehensively taking account of the descriptions of evidence No. 6 through 8, the results of the examination of medical records for the head of the Seoul University of 1,000 and the overall purport of the argument of the deceased, ① there was no special credit for the deceased at the time of brain shooting. Therefore, in light of the clinical progress, it was necessary to conduct an examination for the deceased immediately after the transfer of the deceased. ② If the brain pressure measured as the result of the examination for the deceased was conducted on the 250-300mH2O, it is difficult to view that the brain pressure measured for the deceased remains at the normal highest level of 200mH2O for the deceased. However, it is difficult to see that there was no other symptoms such as thalmatosis, fall under the 20mH2O of the deceased, and thus, it was difficult to conclude that there was no other symptoms such as brain pressure on the deceased, i.e., e., exposure to thirropic thirrosis, and the death of the deceased.

Therefore, the fact of recognition of the front line alone is insufficient to deem that there is any negligence on the diagnosis and treatment of the deceased, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge it. Therefore, the plaintiffs' above assertion is without merit.

4. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed without further examining the scope of damages. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices.

Judges Kim Jong-won (Presiding Judge)

Note 1) In the case of a red blood dythrocy test, Sediment rate test. If there is a salt, the ESS value increases, and reference is 0-10m/hr in the case of a man.

Note 2) The White Bloll has increased to the large width when it is infected by germs, and if it is infected by virus, it has increased to a little number of times or appears to have shown that it is normal.