orange_flag(영문) 수원지방법원 2010. 2. 17. 선고 2009고합422 판결





Anthio Ma

Defense Counsel

Attorney Park Ho-ei


A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

Criminal facts

[Status of Defendant]

Since 2005, the Defendant had been in charge of the director general of the Periodical Policy Planning Bureau, from 2008 to 2008, the Defendant was in charge of the “director general of the Organization Non-Party 12 of the Organization Non-Party 12 of the Organization Non-Party 1, etc., who attended the “Non-Party 1 meeting” held at the Trade Relations Office at two times around May 2009, which was held at the two automobile sub-chapter 11 of the two automobile sub-chapter, and the enforcement department, such as Non-Party 11, etc., requested that the two automobile sub-chapter “ will be adequate if one person would go and support in this Article at the time of the Non-Party 12 of the Organization Non-Party 12 of the Organization Non-Party 12 of the Organization Non-Party 12 of the Organization non-Party 12.”

[The defendant's invitation to commit the crime of this case]

1. Circumstances in which two motor vehicles are involved in the chain chain business;

On May 22, 2009, the Defendant actively supported the strike for the collective strike in 2009 by the head of the branch office, upon the request of the head of the non-indicted 6 at the time of drinking alcohol along with the head of the branch office, the non-indicted 6 at the office of the Trade Union of the two motor vehicle branch, the head of the branch office, the non-indicted 6 at the time of drinking alcohol along with the non-indicted 6 and the 5/6 executive branch.

○ The Defendant continued to attend 50/60 persons, such as standing executive members and branch representatives, etc. of the two automobile sub-chapters, and attended the 50/60 witness qualification at the 5-six witness qualification in the 2009 meeting of the 5-six-time meeting of the 5-six-time meeting of the 5-time meeting of the 5-six witness.

2. The role of the defendant in the strike for the chain of all-company strike for two vehicles;

In the process of carrying out support for a strike in full scale when combining two cars into a strike for the total strike, the Defendant proposed to the Chairman of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Coordination Division, Nonindicted 6 and the executive organ, the Defendant formulated and implemented a detailed plan for a strike in accordance with this proposal in the Trade Union and Labor Relations Division, including Nonindicted 6 of the chapter chief.

○ In addition, the Defendant, while frequently communicating with Nonindicted 5 in the head of the policy planning office of the two vehicles branch, sought guidance on how it would be desirable for Nonindicted 5 to proceed with negotiations with the private side, sent the position of △△△. Nonindicted 7, who is the chief of the organization dispute of the two vehicles, maintained any strike in relation to the general strike of the two vehicles, and sent a national plan of △△△△ in which sense, to Nonindicted 7, who is the chief of the organization dispute of the two vehicles, and to what extent, would have to proceed with the strike in which sense, was sent to Nonindicted 13.

In addition, on June 4, 2009, the Defendant received from Nonindicted 6 of the head of the branch office a cell phone number stating “(Handphone number omitted),” “(Handphone number omitted), (Handphone number omitted), (Handphone number omitted), (Handphone number omitted), ( handphone number omitted), ( handphone number omitted), and ( handphone number omitted)” along with Nonindicted 6’s cell phone number “(Handphone number omitted)” and sent it to Nonindicted 6 of the branch office of the two automobile sub-branch by reporting each base situation while staying in the (Handphone number omitted) until the arrest.

3. Relation with the Defendant’s “Joint Stopdown Headquarters for Both Motor Vehicles”

○ 2009. 4. 9. 16:00경부터 평택 쌍용자동차지부 노조 회의실에서 ○○○ 경기본부, ■■■, 경기공동행동 등 15개 단체 대표자들이 참석한 가운데 “쌍용자동차 회생과 구조조정 저지를 위한 경기지역 정당, 사회단체 대책회의”가 개최되었고, 이 자리에서 쌍용자동차 대책기구 결성의 건을 논의하여 기구 명칭을 “경제위기 고통전가 반대! 쌍용자동차 정리해고 저지! 경기지역공동투쟁본부(약칭 ‘쌍용차 공투본’)”로 할 것을 결정하였다.

At around 11:00 on April 15, 2009, the term "bal-type co-operations" held a press conference in the door of two motor vehicles in Pyeongtaek-si, declared the official launch. On April 17, 200, the "First Executive Committee" held in the office of the Trade Union and Staff of Both motor vehicles discussed the "Composition of the Executive Committee and the allocation of roles" and appointed co-executive chairperson, standing executive chairperson, and executive members.

○ 피고인은 피고인 소유의 휴대폰( (핸드폰번호 생략)) 안에 ‘쌍용차 공투본’의 공동대표 공소외 8(경기공동행동), 공동대표 공소외 6(쌍용자동차 지부장), 공동대표 공소외 9( ●●●), 공동집행위원장 공소외 5(쌍용차지부 정책기획실장), 집행위원 공소외 14( ●●●), 집행위원 공소외 19( ○○○ 경기본부), 집행위원 공소외 15( ◎◎◎), 집행위원 공소외 16( ◇◇◇), 집행위원 공소외 17( ◆◆◆), 집행위원 공소외 18( ⊙⊙⊙)의 휴대폰 번호를 각 입력해 놓았다.

From August 5, 2009 to July of the same month, the Defendant made a total of three occasions with the above non-indicted 9. From July 14, 2009 to August 6, 2009, the Defendant made a total of 45 times with the above non-indicted 17. From June 8, 2009 to July 24 of the same year, the Defendant made a total of 31 occasions with the above non-indicted 5. From June 11, 2009 to July 24, 2009 to the above non-indicted 14 during a total of 18 times from June 14, 2009 to July 24, 2009 to the above non-indicted 19 and the above non-indicted 20 to July 24, 2009 to the above non-indicted 20 to the above non-indicted 16.28 and June 29, 2009 to the same day.

○ 피고인은 2009. 5. 20. 05:21경 “쌍차공투본”( ▲▲▲.net) ‘아이디’로부터 “쌍차 일일속보 1호”(증제24호) 제하 문건을 전송받았고, 같은 달 21. 12:18경 “쌍차공투본”( ▲▲▲.net) ‘아이디’로부터 “명단은 없다”(증제23호) 제하 문건을 전송받았으며, 같은 달 28. 09:47경 “쌍차공투본”( ▲▲▲.net) ‘아이디’로부터 “쌍용차파업 고려할 지점에 대해”(증제29호) 제하 문건을 전송받아 총파업투쟁의 자료로 활용하는 등 피고인은 “쌍용차 공투본”과 평소 연락을 주고받으면서 쌍용자동차 옥쇄총파업투쟁에 적극적으로 개입하여 각종 지원투쟁을 하였다.

4. Connection with the accused in organizing a command system which imitates military organizations in the branches of two-wheeled motor vehicle labor unions.

○ In the process of punishing a two-party shot in the middle of July 2009, the head of △△ Party operated the command system by “afusing the military organization” in accordance with the Defendant’s proposal.

Pursuant to the defendant's proposal, "the command system" that imitates and operates a military organization is set up by the chief of staff, the chief of staff, Nonindicted 6 of the branch office, the chief of the army commander, Nonindicted 7 of the army commander, and the chief of the army commander, and the chief of the army commander, respectively, have a system that takes charge of the role of the commander. The "the commander" was set up in front of the cooling tower for painting 2 factory rooftop, and the "the commander of the field command unit", which is stationed by the commander, was set up in the office of painting 2

○ Next, “the method of direction” is primarily directed by using cell phones and electricity. (2) The Command Department shall make it possible to comprehensively inform the overall situation using ampamples, amples and make it possible to determine whether or not to leave the scene and make it possible to judge whether or not to leave the scene. Furthermore, in order to raise the morale, the broadcast shall continue to be operated. (3) In the event of a low-air flight by a helicopter, in the event of a low-air flight, it is necessary to set the finial and 90 degrees when putting the flag on each side by using a flag. In particular, it is necessary to establish a direction system by using a water signal.”

○ At the time of the collective strike for the strike, the Defendant settled with 5 and 6 full time in the field direction department established in the 2 plant rooftop, and was transferred by Nonindicted 6 to Nonindicted 6 using a mobile phone from each base or outside by using the cell phone, which was delivered by Nonindicted 6, and delivered it to Nonindicted 6.

○ From June 2009 to August 6, 2009, the Defendant used a cell phone (Handphone number omitted) from the head of the branch of the branch of the two motor vehicle branch from Nonindicted 6 to the mobile phone (for example, Non-Indicted 5) No. 49 times (including a cell phone number omitted) with a total of 49 times (including a cell phone number omitted) with the cell phone (Handphone number omitted) of the “PelH” (for example, Non-Indicted 5). The Defendant used the cell phone number No. 30 (including a cell phone number omitted) with a total of 30 times (including a cell phone number omitted) with the cell phone No. 16 of “YH’s cell phone No. 16) and a total of 4 times (including a cell phone number omitted) with the cell phone No. 20 and the mobile phone No. 4 (including a cell phone number omitted from the cell phone No. 16).

On July 21, 2009 and August 4, 2009, the Defendant provided a broadcast service to raise the morale of union members, as if the Defendant stated the broadcast on the “the method of command”, such as conducting broadcasts by using microphones or loudspeakers, on the painting factory rooftop in the two vehicles located in Pyeongtaek-dong, Pyeongtaek-dong.

5. Taking part in the Defendant’s “cambling war conference” and producing documents pertaining to the two-wheeled general strike in the labor union of two vehicles;

(a) Preparation of negotiation-related guidelines;

Around 16:40 on May 15, 2009, the Defendant reviewed the following: “The features of the instant pair of vehicles”, “the influence of the regime on the dynamic relationship between labor and management,” “the means of using the negotiations in the current pair of land features,” “the issues of the expected negotiations,” and “the principles of the union that participate in the negotiations,” etc., under the title of the “Negotiation-related”, the Defendant prepared a “plan to utilize the negotiations in the current pair of land features,” “the cancellation and return of the settlement report, the cancellation of the public fund input, the industrial bank’s request for industrial financing, and the suspension of all gambling activities, other than the matters of the labor-management agreement, should be emphasized that if they are not implemented promptly, they cannot go into the overall strike,” and prepared a “plan to utilize the negotiations in the current pair of land features at the present time,” and made it available at the time of negotiations with the private party.

(b) Second round of the tactical planning team;

Around May 21, 2009, the Defendant held the second meeting of the tactical Planning Team, along with Nonindicted 10, Nonindicted 6, Nonindicted 5, Nonindicted 7, 7, 100, and the head of the organization office of the branch of the two motor vehicles branch, and the head of the organization office of the branch of the two motor vehicles branch.

At this meeting, the defendant et al. decided that the defendant et al. “as a whole gate and a smokestack farming growth room are gathered and selected as a responsible manager to maintain the whole gate, and that the 4-5 patrol group centered on the upper house house shall be organized to promptly report the trends of the private school,” “as the 4-5 patrol group in relation to the desired retirement is detrimental to the union members by letter, etc., it shall be arranged in our position and shall be sent in writing to the letter book,” and “in order to overcome the division contribution of the company side, the defendant et al. shall encourage all the union members to participate in the full-scale strike business within the house and field organization, etc., based on the basis of the representatives to the maximum extent possible.”

(c) The third round of the tactical planning team;

On May 22, 2009, the Defendant held “three-dimensional meetings of the tactical Planning Team” together with Nonindicted 10, Nonindicted 6, Nonindicted 5, Nonindicted 7, 7, 100, and the head of the organization office, and the head of the general affairs department of the Gyeonggi-gu Sports Center.

At this meeting, the Defendant, etc. passed a resolution on the 1st phase of the Act, the 1st phase of the 2nd phase of the Act, the 1st phase of the Act on the 2nd Time Plans, the Major Plans and Embry, and the Operational Plans. Among them, the first phase of the Act provides that “the preparation of goods, etc. to carry out the foregoing shall be completed, taking into account the possibility of public power input, along with the tactical placement” in the Act on the 2nd phase of the 1st phase of the Act, that “the preparation of goods, etc. to carry out the foregoing shall be completed,” and that “the preparation of goods, etc. to carry out the foregoing shall be completed,” in the Act on the 1st phase of the 1st phase of the 1st phase of the Act, which combines the entire 5-6 sector unit based on the constituency, “the need to actively adopt the organizational restructuring method,” “the need to concentrate education or discussions, etc. to reduce the prospect of the strike at the time of establishing the 1st phase of the public authority,” to arrange or train.

(d) production of other documents;

○ 피고인은 2009. 5. 25. 12:55경 “전면파업 둘째 주(4일·10일) 투쟁기조와 사업계획”을 작성하여 기존의 투쟁기조를 유지하고, 공권력 투입에 대한 대비 계획을 세운 다음 자신의 이메일( ▷▷▷로 전송하였다.

○ 피고인은 2009. 5. 31. 10:36경 “쌍용차의 직장폐쇄와 이에 대한 대응” 제하 문건을 작성하여 ‘사측이 직장폐쇄를 단행한 본질적 이유’, ‘직장폐쇄 이후 사측의 대응’, ‘직장폐쇄에 대한 대응’ 등 계획을 세운 다음 자신의 이메일( ▷▷▷로 전송하였다.

○ 피고인은 2009. 6. 4. 17:27경 “분임토의 결과(정비)”라는 제목 하에 ‘참석하지 아니한 조합원들에 대한 처리’, ‘공장사수와 관련해 육체단련 필요’, ‘공권력 투입에 대비한 5분 대기조 준비’, ‘쌍차 관련한 주요 신문 기사 등을 스크랩해서 조합원들에게 전달’, ‘신문광고나 라디오 등 매체를 적극 활용’에 관한 유인물을 작성한 다음 자신의 이메일( ▷▷▷로 전송하였다.

○ 피고인은 2009. 6. 8. 01:01경 ‘호소문’이라는 제목 하에 쌍용자동차지부장 공소외 6 명의로 조합원들을 상대로 ‘요새화된 공장과 철의 대오를 유지하면서 끝까지 투쟁하자’는 취지로 문건을 작성하여 이를 공소외 6의 이메일( ◁◁◁로 전송하였다.

○ 피고인은 2009. 6. 16. 20:34경 “사측 진입 전술과 이에 대한 대응평가” 제하로 ‘사측 진입 전술’, ‘공권력의 태도’, ‘우리의 대응’ 등을 작성한 다음 자신의 이메일( ▷▷▷로 전송하였다.

○ 피고인은 2009. 6. 17. 11:57경 ‘쌍차 파업 주요 일지’라는 제목 하에 2009. 5. 21.부터 같은 해 6. 16.까지 파업 주요 일지를 작성한 다음 자신의 이메일( ▷▷▷로 전송하였다.

○ 피고인은 2009. 6. 20. 11:33경 “전면 총파업 5주차 평가와 6주차 전술 및 사업계획”라는 제목 하에 5주차 투쟁에 대한 평가와 함께 공권력 투입에 대한 대비(전공장의 요새화, 모의 가상훈련의 강화, 전출입구 규찰 및 내부 및 외부 순찰의 강화 등) 등에 관한 계획서를 작성하여 본인의 이메일( ▷▷▷로 전송하였다.

6. Preparation for the production of “the white paper for the strike of the general strike” of the Defendant’s two automobiles;

○ In 2001, the Defendant was working as the Director-General of the Pool for Treatment Motor Vehicles, and then produced “The Pound, which has not yet been finished,” a white paper on its activities.

○ The Defendant, after the end of the strike for the chain-general strike of the two vehicles, had been in possession of the two vehicles, had the intent to produce the “scambling white papers” on the basis of the contents recorded in the pocketbooks that he held, and had been settled after entering a pair of vehicles in May 2009, and had been settled every day from June 1 to August 6, 2009 on the pocketbooks (Evidence No. 6) possessed by himself, and arranged the daily activities, the labor union atmosphere, training conditions, the tactical conference, and the situation of various scambling.

7. Sub-committee

Ultimately, the Defendant, along with the head of the branch of a two vehicles, Nonindicted 6, Nonindicted 7 of the Organization Dispute, Nonindicted 5 of the Policy Planning Office, and the executive officers of the branch of the two vehicles sub-chapters, directed and managed the union members participating in the occupation strike in accordance with the above direction system and direction method, and trained both executive officers and employees or police officers to defend themselves to the maximum extent possible by using the prepared weapons, etc., in the event they entered the door-to-door factory of both vehicles, and prepared food, mast and clothes in advance for the occupation of occupation so that the officers and employees of both vehicles and police officers and police officers and employees of both vehicles enter the door-to-door factory as seen below. In fact, the Defendant conspireded with the scambling deafs who are in charge of violence by taking command of the profes, taking into account the situation at the factory site, and carrying out violence by carrying out the wounded.

【Individual Crime】

1. Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective injury, a deadly weapon, etc.) or violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective injury, a deadly weapon, etc.) on June 26, 2009;

○ The Defendant together with approximately KRW 770, such as a two-wheeled motor vehicle sub-chapters;

- At around 13:30 on June 26, 2009, 2,9 2,90 employees of the company towards the main part of this Sub-section from the 20m prior to the Pyeongtaek Factory Research Institute of Both Motor Vehicles, and 2,900 employees of the company for the procurement of parts of two motor vehicles, who entered the pipe to which one employee of the company for the procurement of parts of the two motor vehicles, carried by one employee of the company for the non-indicted 21 (ma, 43 years old) and two times, e.g., d., e., f., f.s.,

- At around 13:45 on the same day, at least 13:45, 20-30 on the front side of the dormitory of the above factory, the number of members of the Trade Union and Service Center 20-30 entered the above factory with a hack pipe is twice the left side of the bridge of the victim non-indicted 22 (ma, 49 years old) and the left side side of the above company's Seoul Service Center 2. The head of the division belonging to the same center 23 (ma, 42 years old), and two times the two hacks of the victim non-indicted 24 (ma, 46 years old).

- At around 13:50 on the same day, Nonindicted 25’s right edges between the victim Nonindicted 25 (Nam, 41 years old) and the victim Nonindicted 25 (year 41) employed by the design team of the above company, who entered the front of the parts in the vicinity of the above factory transformation;

- At around 14:00 on the same day, 10 members of the Trade Team affiliated with the above company labor team, 10 members of the Trade Team, who entered the above factory, entered the factory with a pipe, are placed in the victim non-indicted 26 (Nam, 48 years old), and 1 of 30-40 members of the Trade Team at the entrance of the above factory, who were affiliated with the above company system research team, was the victim non-indicted 27 (Nam, 45 years old);

- At around 14:15 on the same day, one of the 30 union staff members entered the above company’s consolidated purchase team members, one of which belongs to the victim Nonindicted Party 28 (Nam, 42 years old); and

- At around 14:20 on the same day, the head of Non-Indicted 29 (Nam, 42 years old) of the victim Non-Indicted 29 (Nam, 42 years old) affiliated with the manufacturing quality2 team of the above company who entered the same place with a hack pipe at a long distance street between the main office and the main office of the above factory;

- At around 14:40 on the same day, one of the ten union members entered the above factory behind the main parking lot of the factory, with a pipe, shall be placed in excess of 30 in the process of avoiding the display to Nonindicted 30 (Nam, 39 years old) of the victim Nonindicted 30 (ma, 39 years old);

- At 14:50 on the same day, at the end of the main logistics road adjacent to the main test site of the above factory, one of the ten Nowon 10 members entered the said site with a pipe, the vice head belonging to the above Company 2 Team of the victim Nonindicted 31 (Nam, 45 years old);

- 15:0 on the same day, at least 30, one of the 30-40 members of the above company's 2 team for the operation of logistics who entered the above 30-40 square, 4 times the victim's bucks belonging to the above company's 32 (ma, 42 years old) and one of the members of the above company's 2 team's 33 (ma, 32 years old), the victim's 33 (ma, 32 years old), the victim's 4 staff of the above company's 3-4 company's 4 company's 7 company's 5 company's 7 company's 4 company's 7 company's 7 company's 4 company's 7 company's 7 company's 4 company's 2 company's 5 company's 5 company's 2 company's 37 company's dump, and the victim's 1 company's 34 company's dump.

- At around 15:30 on the same day, at least 15:30 on the same day, one of the members of the above company assembly 3 teams, who entered the above company’s company’s company’s company’s name and non-speak, entered with a pipe, bucks and left-hand fucks, two times at the victim Nonindicted 40 (Nam, 50), the left-hand side of the victim Nonindicted 35 (Nam, 54) of the above company’s employees, who entered the above company’s presses production team with a pipe, and two times at the left-hand side of the victim Nonindicted 35 (ma, 54);

- At around 16:00 on the same day, the victim Nonindicted 41 (Nam, 39 years old) of the victim Nonindicted 41 (Nam, 39 years old) affiliated with the general affairs team of the company, who entered the above factory with a hack pipe before the main office of the factory, has reached the right door;

- At around 17:00 on the same day, the vice head belonging to the above company’s front part purchase team of the front parts purchase team of the company, which had directed the union steering staff in front of the above company’s painting on the rooftop of the factory, shall launch a new gun to the victim Nonindicted 42 (Nam, 44 years old), and be in line with the left part of Nonindicted 42, and the principal researcher belonging to the above company’s design team of the above company located in front of the above painting plant, shall launch a new gun to the victim Nonindicted 43 (Nam, 38 years old); and shall be in line with the left part of Nonindicted 43’s left part;

- At around 17:30 on the same day, 70 full-time union workers waiting on the rooftop of a painting plant and parts factory were fireed by using a shot gun, launching a sprink to service workers, attaching a 20 string, loaded in front of a wastewater treatment plant;

- At around 17:47 on the same day, Nonindicted 44 were forced to accompany the production headquarters, which was moving to the main office from Trade Union on the same day;

- At around 21:00 on the same day, 50 persons with 50 sprinks of the Nowon-gu Labor Relations Board and 200 sprinks and 200 sprinks by breaking up the b0 straws following the main pipes;

- On the other hand, the defendant, while staying in the same day-to-day painting 2 factory rooftop, had a general control over all the demonstration progress at the time, and had the head of the branch office, who was in the general direction department installed on the painting 2 factory rooftop, contact him with Nonindicted 6.

As such, the Defendant used violence against Nonindicted 2 on June 26, 2009 to Nonindicted 3:4; Nonindicted 2, to Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 2; to Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 2; to Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 3; to the left-hand side of the said Nonindicted 2; to use the pipe, V; to use violence against the victims; to 21; to use to 3; to 3; to Nonindicted 3; to the left-hand side of the said 3; to 4; to Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 2; to the left-hand side of the said 3; to make Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 2; to Nonindicted 3; to the left-hand side of the said 2; to make Nonindicted 3; to Nonindicted 2; to the Nonindicted 25; to make the Nonindicted 3; to the Nonindicted 3; to make the Nonindicted 3; to the 26; to make the Nonindicted 26; to the 26; to make the Nonindicted 3:26.

2. Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective injury, a deadly weapon, etc.) or violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective injury, a deadly weapon, etc.) on June 27, 2009;

○ The Defendant together with approximately KRW 770, such as a two-wheeled motor vehicle sub-chapters;

- At around 00 00:40 on June 27, 2009, 3,200 survey personnel are waiting in the vicinity of the main office and the wells, and 800 union workers are waiting in the atmosphere around the factory of painting 1 and 2 factories, painting 2 factories, parts design factories and painting 2 factories, and 280 service guards are scattered in the vicinity of the door, bus parking lot, entrance and main office, and 100 outside organizations are waiting in the atmosphere and in the delivery and parking lot in front of their wells;

- At 02:45 on the same day, 50 persons out of 770 Nowon-wons, from the rooftop of a painting factory, shall cross the main and static door to the main and static door, and 30 persons, while waiting in front of the parts factory;

- Not less than 03:30 on the same day, up to 03:30 on the front of the painting factory building, and 13 on the 100-meter transitioners (at present 13 on the 100-meter transitioners) have up to 1 and 3 service costs on the boundary;

- 같은 날 10:30경 쌍용자동차 평택공장 불상의 장소에서 성명불상 노조원 1명이 정문 좌측 프레스 건물 앞에 있던 위 회사 조립1팀 샷시과 소속 직원 피해자 공소외 45(남, 45세)에게 새총으로 볼트를 발사하여 공소외 45의 뒷머리에 맞게 하고, 조립3팀 공장 주변에서 노조원 3-4명 중 1명이 쇠파이프로 그곳에 있던 위 회사 보전2팀 소속 직원 피해자 공소외 46(남, 49세)의 좌측 정강이를 1회 때리고,

- At around 10:40 on the same day, one of the members of the above company presses production team employed by Nonindicted 47 (Nam, 38 years old) from the above company presses production team employed by the above company presses production team in the direction of the painting factory launch a new gun to the near the right eye of Nonindicted 47, and launch a new gun to Nonindicted 48 (Nam, 42 years old) the head of the division belonging to the above company presses production team in front of the above company presses MIP storage (materials storage) launch a new gun to the victim Nonindicted 48 (Nam, 42 years old) who was in front of the above company presss production team in the same place, fit for the right knee, knee, kne, kne, etc. of Nonindicted 48, the victim Nonindicted 49 (Nam, 50 years old) belonging to the above company presss production team in the same place to launch a new gun to the victim Nonindicted 49 (year, 50)

- At around 10:50 on the same day, at least 10:50 on the same day, one infinite labor union member in front of the above factory MIP warehouse was emitted from the victim non-indicted 50 (Nam, 42 years old), who was employed by the first team for the operation of the logistics of the above company, in a new finite, to the right finite part of

- At around 11:00 on the same day, at the loading and unloading parking lot for the left side of the main office of the above factory, the name-unexponed Trade Union member was sent to the victim non-indicted 51 (Nam, 35 years old), who is the president of the above company assembly1 team at the above company, and was in fluenced to the victim non-indicted 52 (Nam, 38 years old) who belongs to the above company pressle production team, was fluored to the victim non-indicted 52 (ma, 38 years old) and was fluored to the right-hand hand hand hand hand hand of the above company pressle production team at the above company pressle production team at the same place, the victim non-indicted 53 (ma, 43 years old), the victim non-indicted 54 (ma, 50 years old) who belongs to the above company pressle production team, and the victim non-indicted 53 fluord 54 (ma), respectively.

- At around 11:10 on the same day, at the entrance of the factory welfare Dong at around 11:5, Nonindicted 55's left side, Nonindicted 55, who was a member of the board of directors, belonging to one team of the assembly of the company at which he had been located, was placed at the same time;

- At around 11:20 on the same day, more than 30 persons are waiting in the vicinity of the painting 1:20 factory, painting 2 factory rooftop, parts painting factory and painting 2 factory, with a hack pipe, and 50 persons with a hack pipe and 120 persons with outside capacity such as ○○ and 120 persons with a hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s hacker’s attempt to enter the factory.

- At around 11:30 on the side of the above factory framework, nameless union members were flicked to the victim non-indicted 56 (Nam, 41 years old) who was employed by the above company assembly1 team members belonging to the above company assembly1 team at the above factory frame, and one of the above factory's members was flick pipes in his name and string of the victim non-indicted 57 (Nam, 35 years old) in the above company assembly3 team members and employees belonging to the above company assembly3 team members and the head and string of the victim non-indicted 57 (year 35 years old) who were located in the above factory, were flick to the victim non-indicted 58 (Seoul, 32 years old) who was employed by the above company's representative at the first team for the logistics operation of the above factory, was flick to the victim's name and flick 95 years old flick flick flick flick.

- At 11:50 on the same day, there are more than 10 staff members and more than 400 staff members are trying to enter a chimney direction. At 1,000 staff members are 50 service security guards and 30 staff members are replaced by moving 50 staff members and 1,000 staff members to a painting 1 factory. During this process, staff members are carrying a pipe, and are preparing for them with two strings, using a new gun on the rooftop;

- At around 12:00 on the same day, the name-free employee of the above company presses production team located in front of the logistics center on the left-hand side of the main office of the factory was flicked to the victim non-indicted 61 (Nam and 40 years old); and

- At around 12:30 on the same day, nomenclatures 12:30 projected a stone, width, etc. with fire attached to the front of the reart, racked up to 8 knives per the automobile stringing on the floor, and moving 500 staff members to the main pipe, labor union members flives and resisted V, width, stone, etc. on the container and rooftop;

- At around 14:00 on the same day, at the chair of the above factory assembly 3 factory, four members of the Trade Union members of the above company's preservation 2 team consisting of a chain pipe, and the victim non-indicted 63 ( South, 42 years old) of the victim non-indicted 62 (the victim non-indicted 62) of the company's preservation 2 team employees belonging to the above company's preservation 62 (the male, 35 years old), and the nameless Trade Union members of the above company's logistics operation 1 team located in the above factory's main room were launched to the victim non-indicted 63 (the male, 48 years old) of the company's logistics operation 1 team at the above factory's top. At the above factory's dormitory, one of the Trade Union members, at the above factory's name unspeed with a pipe, can write back the left part of the victim non-indicted 64 (the victim non-indicted 64 (the male, 42 years old).

- At around 14:20 on the same day, in the atmosphere of the vehicle exported back to the main office of the above factory, he was fluored by Nonindicted 65 (Nam, 42) for the victim Nonindicted 65 (year 5), who was employed by the above company presses production team at which the above company presses were located, and was in line with the head of Nonindicted 65, and the employee of the victim Nonindicted 66 (Nam, 38 years old), who was employed by the above company's first team at the same place as a hack pipe, was in line with the victim Nonindicted 66 (ma, 38 years old);

- At around 14:30 on the same day, at the atmosphere of the vehicle exported from the main office of the above factory, one of the 100 staff members belonging to the above company painting 67 (Nam, 51 years old), each of both arms, face, arms, etc. of the victim non-indicted 67 (Nam, 51 years old) employed by the above company's seal 1 team members belonging to the above company's seal 1 team member, and at the square above factory head office, at the above factory head office, the name undissatisfy of the above company's seal 1 team member belonging to the above company's seal 68 (Nam, 43 years old), one time each;

- At around 14:40 on the same day, when the name unfashed No. 1 Team members of the above company were sold to the victim Nonindicted 69 (ma, 40 years old) and the victim Nonindicted 69 (ma, 40 years old);

- At around 15:00 on the same day, at the front of the main office of the above factory, the full-time know-how was put to the victim non-indicted 70 (Nam, 44 years old) who was in front of the above factory head office, and was in place at the victim non-indicted 70. The victim non-indicted 71 (Nam, 41 years old) who was in place of the above factory head office of the above company's head office and was in place at the victim non-indicted 72 (Seoul, 45 years old), the victim non-indicted 72 (the victim non-indicted 72 years old) who was in front of the above company's head office of the above company's head office and was in place at the victim's head office of the above company's head office, and the victim's name and 71 (the victim non-indicted 7) who was in front of the above company's head office's head office was in place at the victim's head office 77 mar, and the victim's head office 37 m.

- At around 15:10 on the same day, at the top of the air of the export vehicle of the head office of the above factory, the non-indicted 77 of the victim non-indicted 76 (Nam, 47 years old) in charge of the quality control of the above company at which the members in charge of the quality control of the above company were located, launching a new V to the victim non-indicted 76 (year 47 years old) and was placed in the front of the above factory to the non-indicted 77 (ma, 37 years old) of the victim non-indicted 77 (ma, 37 years old) in front of the above factory, and the non-indicted 78 of the team leader, who belongs to the logistics planning team of the above company at the front of the above factory, was placed a stone to the victim non-indicted 78 (year 48 years old) in front of the above factory.

- At around 15:20 on the same day, at the left-hand parking lot of the main building of the factory, it damages the tent by using 6 parts of the company's name unfash, and at least 15:20, one of the members of the above company's assembly 1 team belonging to the above company's assembly 1 team was sold to the left-hand side of the victim non-indicted 79 (ma, 46 years old), and at the front of the main building of the above factory, the unfash-ind-in-named-in-named-in-named-in-named-in-named-in-named-in-named-in-factd-in-in-factd 80 (ma, 35 years old-in

- At 15:30 on the same day, 160 and 1,000 personnel for security services and 1,000 personnel for survey staff and 30 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff and 1,00 personnel for survey staff for survey staff after the left side of this Sub-section;

- At around 15:30 on the same day, the non-indicted 81’s left-hand side of Nonindicted 81, a member of the two company logistics operation team at which the above company was located, who emitted from the rooftop to the victim non-indicted 81(Nam, 42).

- At around 16:00 on the same day, one of the members of the above company presses production technology team belonging to the victim non-indicted 82 (Nam, 50 years old) who was located in the above company presses production technology team at the front side of the above company's main office, launch a new V from the rooftop of the painting factory to the lower part of the left part of the non-indicted 82. In the above factory, one of the members of the victim non-indicted 83 (Nam, 30 years old) belonging to the above company logistics operation team who was located in the above company's front side of the above factory, launch a new string to the victim non-indicted 83 (ma, 30 years old) of the above company's logistics operation team at the door of the painting factory, and launch the new 84 years old from the victim non-indicted 84 (Nam, 47 years old) belonging to the above company's assembly production technology team at the left side of the above factory to its right side.

- At around 16:10 on the same day, 50 Nowon-gu 50 members of the above company's production and management team, who work in a boundary from the factory, use a pipe and use Nonindicted 85 (Nam, 44) members of the above company's production and management team as members of the painting factory, and use them as drinking, etc.;

- At approximately 17:00 on the same day, a full-time employee of the company’s conservation team located in front of the above company’s EXS factory was exposed to Nonindicted 86 (Nam, 38 years old) to emit a new V from the painting on the rooftop of the painting factory with a new knife in the e part and part of the e part of Nonindicted 86;

- At 18:00 on the same day 18:00, more than 30 on the No. 30 on the No. Round launchers using a new gun for service costs and for the private survey staff, and more than 300 on the No. Round 300 on the No. 1,00 on the same day use a pipe in the vicinity of the No. 2 Factory and move to the backer to the main pipe, and is replaced by more than 1,00 on the private survey staff;

- At around 18:00 on the same day, at the square adjacent to the main office of the above factory, Nonindicted 87 (Nam, 40) the head of the division of the above company presses production technology team belonging to the above company presses 87 (the south, 40 years old) launch a voltage from the painting on the rooftop of the painting factory to meet the left head of Nonindicted 87;

- No later than 18:35 on the same day, Nowon-gu shall put three butane gas sources into the left side of the Main Sub-section, attach three boomers on the PPs, and set up three strings on the PPs, and at the time of inter-management ties, labor and management booms up ten thirs of sp pipe, width, and chlodrosiss;

- At 20:40 on the same day, at the right right side of the main office of the above factory, one infinite union operator is in line with Non-Indicted 88 (Nam, age 44) of the above company's export PDI (inspection and storage of vehicles before leaving the factory) affiliated with the other employees and launch a new gun on the rooftop of the painting factory and launching a V from the painting factory to the new gun, and is consistent with Non-Indicted 88's left left hand, dispatch, and right buckbucks;

- At approximately 21:00 on the roads adjacent to the front door guards of the above factory, one infinite union member was located in the above company distribution operation2 team Nonindicted 89 (Nam, 42 years old) of the head of the division belonging to the above company's logistics operation team (hereinafter referred to as "the head of the division") to emit a new voltage from the painting on the rooftop of the painting factory to the right direction of Nonindicted 89;

- At around 21:30 on the same day, 470 external forces such as ○○, etc. were in progress at the right side of the fixed parking lot, and the police sent a strong warning that they should be dissolved because they were illegal assemblies, and they were forced to be dissolved as they continued to be held without disregarding this, and the labor union members continued to conduct the events on the rooftop of the painting 2 factory and parts factory;

- At around 22:00 on the same day, at the above factory fixed parking lot, six union members of the company's general affairs team were faced to the victim non-indicted 90 (Nam, 30 years of age) who were parked in the above company's own vehicle and were faced to the victim non-indicted 90 (the victim non-indicted 90) and the face was taken by hand;

- On the other hand, the defendant, while staying in the same day-to-day painting 2 factory rooftop, had a general control over all the demonstration progress at the time, and had the head of the branch office, who was in the general direction department installed on the painting 2 factory rooftop, contact him with Nonindicted 6.

As such, on June 27, 209, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 3, Nonindicted 5, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 3, and Nonindicted 5, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 6, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 3, and Nonindicted 4, Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 6, and Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 3, Nonindicted 3, and Nonindicted 4, Nonindicted 6, and Nonindicted 5, to the left-hand side of 8, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 6, Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 6, Nonindicted 3, and Nonindicted 4, Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 4, Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 3, Nonindicted 5, and Nonindicted 5, who were in need of treatment, to the left-hand side of 6, and to the right-hand side of 5, respectively, respectively, for a two-day period of time on the opening of 5,000.

3. The point of causing obstruction of the performance of official duties on July 21, 2009

○ The Defendant together with approximately 600 staff members of the two motor vehicle branch:

- On July 21, 2009, on the 06:00 on July 21, 2009, two cars located in Pyeongtaek-si factory painting, factory and rooftop, which are moving from static door to painting factory to painting factory, the 5-dong Police Agency, affiliated with the 5-dong Police Agency, launch a new gun to the victim Nonindicted 91 (Nam, 28 years old), and launch a new gun to the shoulder part of Nonindicted 91;

- At around 08:50 on the same day, she is in line with Nonindicted 92’s left kneeknee by launching a new kne to the Defendant Nonindicted 92 (Nam, 28 years old), who was in front of the assembly factory on the painting rooftop of the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, Nonindicted 92 (Nam, 28 years old);

- At around 09:40 on the same day, more than 10 labor union members, including the Defendant, were trying to excavate drums (200 litress, and scresponds) to the police, and the police prevented them;

- At around 09:50 on the same day, the police was exposed to prevent the police from smuggling intending to sub-conscept, and during this process, the police officers, including the suspects, attempted to arrest the police officers, and the police officers, attempted to escape from a defect;

- At around 10:00 on the same day, the Labor Relations Commission administered three flames using fexton vehicles in front of the Pyeongtaek Factory Research Complex, and escaped;

- At around 10:50 on the same day, 3 labor union members had been driven by 6 topexton vehicles on the front of the research Dong, and escaped;

- At around 11:20 on the same day, labor union members administered 4 chlodraties to the private survey staff who had worked to secure access roads; and

- The current status of the illegal demonstration product used by the labor union members as of 13:00 on the same day was confirmed to have used 70 flames, V 1,500, and 18 waste naphthas, etc.;

- At around 14:00 on the same day, labor union members launch V on the rooftop of painting 2 factory, parts design factory rooftop, and assembly factory rooftop, and 7 labor union members fire 5 union members around the sewage treatment plant, and 5 union members launch V by inserting two labor union members around the sewage treatment plant; and

- At around 14:10 on the same day, police officers entered a large of about 20 meters-meters through emergency 3 pages; they emitted the police on the rooftop of the factory to a large of 20 meters-meters; they operated 10-Vs and operated 10-Vs; and

- At 14:30 on the same day, at 14:30 on the same day, one police company released a field survey correction device, and entered the company, 5 labor union members emitted V, operated 5 chemical diseases, and flicked down;

- At 15:00 on the same day, the demonstration product used by the labor union members was confirmed to be using 8 flames, 88 V 1,800 and 25 pulmonary naphthas, etc.;

- On the same day, at around 17:00 on the painting rooftop of the Incheon Southern Police Station Police Station that attempted to enter the press plant, he was infected with a chemical disease to the victim Nonindicted 93 (Nam, 21 years old), who was affiliated with the police patrol team of the Incheon Southern Police Station, and was in line with the left part of Nonindicted 93's blue part of the left blue of Nonindicted 93, who was affiliated with the same police patrol team, and was placed on the victim Nonindicted 94 (Nam, 21 years old);

- At around 18:50 on the same day, 10 fire fighting cars have been installed in front of the entrances of the MIP warehouse, and 10 fire fighting cars have been extinguishing;

- With respect to Nonindicted 95 (Nam, 20 years old), who launch a new explosion to the victim Nonindicted 95 (Nam, 20 years old) belonging to the 126 combat police agencies, entering the framework factory rooftop on the same day, consistent with the snow of Nonindicted 95;

- At 20:00 on the same day, the status of the demonstration product used by the labor union members was confirmed to have used 250 flames, V 2,50 and 35 pulmonary radiation, etc.;

- On the same day, at the 22:00 painting rooftop, the victim Nonindicted 96 (Nam, 22 years old) was exposed to the 705 combat police agencies, who had been on the border duty in front of the South-North Korean parking lot, launched a new gun to meet the left-hand shoulder of Nonindicted 96;

Meanwhile, from 09:42 on the same day to 11:56 on the same day, the Defendant installed defense walls for the entry of the police in the two car gate factory, participated in the drum for the storage of volatiles in order to block the entry of the police plant, and broadcast the employee instigates on the rooftop of the painting factory for the union.

As such, the Defendant interfered with the legitimate duties of Nonindicted 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, and 96 by using V, flame disease, stone, etc., which are dangerous articles by multiple force from around 06:00 to 22:00 of the same day from July 21, 2009, as seen above, the Defendant caused Nonindicted 91 to interfere with the above Nonindicted 92, 92, 93, 94, 95, and 96. Accordingly, the Defendant caused Nonindicted 92 to the right-hand shoulder in the treatment days of treatment days, to Nonindicted 92, to the left-hand shoulder in the treatment days, to Nonindicted 93, to Nonindicted 93, to the left-hand shoulder in the two weeks of treatment days, to the right-hand shoulder in the face of the two weeks of need, to the right-hand shoulder in the face of Nonindicted 95, and to the left-hand end in the day of treatment.

4. The point of causing obstruction of performance of official duties on July 24, 2009

○ The Defendant together with approximately 600 staff members of the two motor vehicle branch:

- On July 24, 2009, around 09:40 09:2 factory rooftops (10 persons), parts 2 factory rooftops (50 persons), seals 1 factory fronts (10 persons), waste treatment fronts (10 persons), MIP warehouses (10 persons in fronts) and assembly factory rooftops (30 persons), police officers et al. were emitted further;

- At around 10:00 on the same day, the reduced victim Nonindicted 97 (Nam, 37 years old), who was the second 2nd commander of the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, located in front of the 4WD parking lot on the 4WD rooftop of the painting factory, launched a new frank to Nonindicted 97 (Nam, 37 years old); and

- At around 14:30 on the same day, 5 streetlights lubrication on the assembly factory rooftop in order to prevent the entry of the police, and lubly resisted the lubation by the police into the two-factory rooftop, such as administering chemical diseases and exploiting explosions. On the end of the RE-dong (Completion performance testing station) and the assembly factory, the fire fighting vehicles caused a fire, and the fire fighting vehicles caused by a fire;

-be suitable for the right-side of the first-class head of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, having entered the Roice factory rooftop on the same day, to the victim Nonindicted 98 (Nam, 37 years old), who had entered the police special zone for the police of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, in a new gun, and has emitted a new V;

- At around 15:30 on the same day, the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, which entered the Roice factory rooftop, launched a new gun to Nonindicted 9 (manam and 42 years old), Nonindicted 1 (manam and 26 years old), who was affiliated with the 2nd Winter Zone No. 1 of the 2nd Winter Zone No. 1 of the 2nd Winter Zone, was in line with Nonindicted 9’s left hand hand over, and had Nonindicted 1 (ma, 26 years old) employed in the 5nd Winter Zone of the 5nd Winter Zone of the 5nd Winter Zone in line with the 15:30th day.

- From 15:40 on the same day, police officers belonging to the 5th Police Agency No. 2nd unit of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 3nd of the 5th East Zone No. 3nd of the 5th East Zone No. 3nd of the 5th East Zone No. 41st of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 5th East Zone No. 2nd of the 40th

- Having the victim Nonindicted 4 (Nam and 39 years of age) reduced in the fifth unit ledger of the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, which entered the inside of the Rodice factory around 16:00 on the same day, exceed the luxable lux in advance, and above that day, the left floor of the steel board that has been rootsd;

- At around 17:30 on the same day, at around 17:30, 20 union members, who were in front of MIP factories, destroyed the windows of the Lodice factory and opened 50 chlorates, and fire occurred in the factory, one fire-fighting vehicle was extinguishing one price;

- At around 17:43 on the same day, three union members who were in front of the welfare Dong were engaged in demonstration with 20 ppuris and firees;

- At present 18:00 on the same day, labor union researchers confirmed that they have used demonstration products such as 5 finites, 1,200 V, 40 finites, and 30 finites;

- At 18:30 on the same day, Nonindicted Party 101, as well as Nonindicted Party 101, who had entered the Roice factory rooftop, launched a new gun to the police officer Nonindicted Party 101 (Nam, 30 years old) belonging to the 2nd technical police agency, who had entered the Roice factory rooftop;

- At around 19:00 on the same day, 5 members of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission were fireed to 1 unit, 5 members of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission, and 3 members of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission were fireed to 1 unit of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission;

- On the same day, at around 23:00 on the rooftop of a painting factory, Nonindicted Party 102 (Nam, 20 years old), who is in front of a pressing factory, emitted a shot gun to the victim Nonindicted Party 102 (Nam, 20 years old), was in line with the left side of Nonindicted Party 102;

- Meanwhile, from 09:36 to 18:43 on the same day, the Defendant took part in the assault to keep the situation together with other union members on the rooftop of a painting.

As above, from around 09:40 on July 24, 200 to 23:00 on the same day, the Defendant interfered with legitimate duties of Nonindicted Party 97, 98, 99, 1, 2, 3, 4, 101, and 102 using a flive device, which is dangerous by multiple force from around 09:40 on July 24, 2009, and from around 23:0 on the same day, the Defendant caused Nonindicted Party 97 to treat Nonindicted Party 1 by causing Nonindicted Party 1 to suffer approximately 1cm of treatment days due to the flive loss of the treatment day, Nonindicted Party 1 to treat Nonindicted Party 1 to the left part of the treatment day, to have Nonindicted Party 4 to the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day, to have Nonindicted Party 1 suffer from the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day of the treatment day.

5. The point of causing obstruction of performance of official duties on August 4, 2009

○ The Defendant together with approximately 630 staff members of the two motor vehicle branch:

- At 09:20 on August 4, 2009, at 09:20, 112 Nowon-gu, a mountainly emitted V in the atmosphere at 8 locations, such as painting and two factory rooftops;

- Not less than 10:00 on the same day, not less than 130 workers of the No. 130, on the rooftop of a painting factory, and not more than 50 private survey personnel who are removing obstacles on the rooftop of a assembly factory, projected a flame disease, brick, and projected a V;

- At 10:30, 140 persons waiting at eight locations, such as painting 2 factory rooftops, post a string factory, and post a prefabricated materials storage room, put a string to the string in order to interfere with the string of the string of the obstacles, and throw a knife with a flame disease, a brick, and a knife into a string gun.

- 11:00 160 persons waiting in eight places, such as painting 2 factory rooftops, projected Aluminum wheelchairss, flames, bricks, etc. to the private survey staff who are engaged in removing obstacles at the seat of parts, factory rooftops, and assembly factory rooftops, projected by using a new gun, projected by a new gun, and entered the place on the rooftop of the assembly factory to the police officers Non-Indicted 103 (ma, 36 years old) of the Seoul Special Police Agency affiliated with the police officer Non-Indicted 103 (ma, 36 years old);

-11 On the same day, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 3, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 3, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 3, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 1, affiliated with the same sports-affiliated 1, Nonindicted Party 3, and Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, Nonindicted Party 1, and Nonindicted Party 3, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 2, and Nonindicted Party 1, Nonindicted Party 3, and Nonindicted Party 1, affiliated with the same sports-affiliated 3 police officer assigned to the said sports-affiliated 1, Nonindicted Party 1, and Nonindicted Party 47.

- At around 12:00 on the same day, the number of 185 police officers waiting at 8 locations, such as painting 2 factory rooftop, etc., and attempted to enter the Rodice manufacturer factory and assembly factory rooftop using a high level of artificial bridge, the number of police officers projected a flame disease, bricks, and explosions and explosions a V from the seat of the parts shop, assembly factory and assembly factory, the number of police officers projected at the 6-dong unit of the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, which entered the rooftop of the assembly factory, and laid down a brick to Nonindicted 120 (Nam, 38 years old) for the victim Nonindicted 120 (the victim, Nonindicted 121 (the victim, Nonindicted 49 years old) belonging to the 6-dong unit of the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, who entered the same location, and emitted to the right side of the 121-V unit of the 6-dong unit of the police officers project.

- At around 12:30 on the same day, police officers Nonindicted 122 (Nam, 31 years old) belonging to the Korean Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, who entered the rooftop of an assembly factory on a painting 12:20 on the same day, launch a new knife to the right side of Nonindicted 122, who was in charge of Nonindicted 122, and put a brick on Nonindicted 123 (Nam, 29 years old) on the victim of Nonindicted 123 (ma, 29 years old) belonging to the Korean Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency, who entered the same place;

- From 12:45 on the same day, from the research dong direction to the rooftop of a assembly factory, high-priced legs and water ropes were entered up to 3 meters, but labor union members were hicking down with a pipe, and they were extremely resisted;

- At around 13:00 on the same day, Nonindicted 3 police officers belonging to Nonindicted 124 (Nam, 49) who entered the rooftop of a assembly factory, etc. are sent to the victim Nonindicted 125 (Nam, 39) who were assigned to the Seoul Special Police Police Agency, and charged the victim Nonindicted 125 (Age, 39) who were assigned to the Special Police Agency of the Seoul Special Police Agency to move to the victim Nonindicted 125 (age, 125). The victim Nonindicted 3 police officers assigned to the Special Police Agency of the Seoul Special Police Agency, sent a pipe to the victim Nonindicted 126 (age, 36) who was assigned to the Special Police Agency of the Seoul Special Police Agency of the Seoul Special Police Agency of 3, Nonindicted 127 (age, 40) who were assigned to the victim Nonindicted 3 police officers assigned to the same police assigned to the Special Police Agency of 126 (age, 127 (age, 40).

- At 14:00 on the same day, nomenclatures 14:00 projected chlosophical officers, who are engaged in the work of removing obstacles on the roof of parts painting factories, assembly factories rooftops, sch Rexton tea factories rooftops, projected chlosts, projected chlosts, projected chlosts, projected V, and

- Illegal demonstration products used by labor union workers as of the same day 21:00 are identified to have 520 flames, 100 voltss, 1,800 voltss, 500 flicks, 250 Alumins, 50 flins, 30 flins, flins, 30 flins, 50 flins, 50 flins, automobile parts, etc.

On the other hand, at around 09:38 on the same day, the Defendant used a loudspeaker at the rooftop of painting 2 factory, instigates and broadcast the police and the private side, and led to violent demonstrations, such as “at least the maximum amount of dust,” etc., if an employee of the Trade Union, who was adjacent to the same place, launchs a V by using a new gun for the police helicopter at around 10:01, led to violent demonstrations, such as “at least the maximum amount of dust,” etc.

○ The Defendant had Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, and Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, 3, 106, 107, 110, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 118, 117, 12, 122, 122, 122, 123, 124, 127, 13, and 14 on the left-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-hand side-kept by Nonindicted 2, Nonindicted 1, 14, and 14, 15, 126, 127, 131.

6. Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act from May 22, 2009 to August 6, 2009 (in response to the eviction of groups, deadly weapons, etc.) and interference with business;

○ On May 22, 2009, the Defendant entered the two-party car gate factory located in Pyeongtaek-dong, Pyeongtaek-dong, and illegally occupied the factory. On May 31, 2009, the Defendant declared a lock-out on the part of the two-party car company on May 31, 2009, and requested the moving-out on the part of the Trade Union around June 20 of the same year, the Defendant refused to comply with the move-out request by engaging in the above illegal act until August 6 of the same year, and caused damage of approximately KRW 316 billion to the two-party automobile company by preventing the manufacture of the two-party automobile and the security services, etc. for the same period.

As a result, from May 22, 200 to August 6, 2009, the Defendant refused to comply with the demand for withdrawal by using dangerous objects from the above two-way plant from around 600 to about 1,100 to the maximum number of union members, and interfered with the production and security services of a two-way automobile company by force, in collusion with the labor union members from around 60 to about 1,100 to about 6,00.

Summary of Evidence

1. Part of the defendant's legal statement

1. Part of each legal statement of the witness Nonindicted 6 and 7

1. The suspect interrogation protocol of the police Nos. 4, 5, and 6 times against the defendant;

1. Nonindicted 97, 98, 99, 1, 2, 101, 102, 4, 3, 126, 104, 127, 118, 119, 120, 321, 29, 223, 24, 25, 30, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38, 41, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 48, 48, 57, 57, 586, 97, 68, 68, 67, 67, 686, 67, 67, 686, 78, 97, 686, 97, 686, 67

1. Non-indicted 128, 129, 130, 131, 124, 125, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 122, 133, 110, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 31, 143, 1443, 145, 147, 147, 1615, 157, 15615, 167, 167, 167, 167, 168, 148, 1515, 157, 1648, 167

1. Written statements on the preparation of Nonindicted 92, 95, 180, 93, 94, 96, and 91

1. A written confirmation of Nonindicted 181

1. Each seizure report, each opinion, each medical certificate, each medical certificate, each injury diagnosis report, and each accident inspection report;

1. The current status of Non-Indicted 22, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 7, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 8, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 7, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 4, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 4, Non-Indicted 8, Non-Indicted 4, Non-Indicted 45, Non-Indicted 48, and Non-Indicted 28, the current status of Non-Indicted 31, Non-Indicted 34, Non-Indicted 36, the current status of Non-Indicted 37, Non-Indicted 38, the current status of Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 7, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 7, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 7, the current status of Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 7, the present status of Non-Indicted 6, Non-Indicted 45, Non-Indicted 48, and the present status of Non-Indicted 5, Non-Indicted 5.

1. Investigation report (Report on June 19, 200) to the suspect who has participated in rice delivery formula for occupation and reception of pairs of workers, report on investigation (report on e-mail 2) and report on investigation (report on e-mail 209) and report on investigation (report on e-mail 2009) and photograph of the suspect who has been engaged in activities within pairs of factories, report on investigation (report on e-mail 209), report on investigation (report on e-mail 200, photograph of the suspect who has been engaged in activities within pairs of suspects), report on investigation (report on e-mail 40, 209), report on e-mail 20, report on investigation (report on e-mail 1, 209) by the suspect, report on e-mail 20, report on search and seizure within 3,000 photographs of the suspect who have been employed within the scope of 1,209).

Application of Statutes

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

(a) Injury caused by special obstruction of performance of official duties: Articles 144(2) and (1) and 136(1) of the Criminal Act;

(b) The occupation of an injury by a group, deadly weapon, etc.: Articles 3 (1) and 2 (1) 3 of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act and Article 257 (1) of the Criminal Act;

(c) The point of violence: Articles 3 (1) and 2 (1) 1 of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act, and Article 260 (1) of the Criminal Act;

(d) Obs, deadly weapons, and non-compliance with the expulsion: Articles 3 (1), 2 (1) 1, and 319 (2) and (1) of the Criminal Act;

(e) point of interference with business: Articles 314 (1) and 30 (Selection of Imprisonment) of the Criminal Act.

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

Article 37 (Aggravation of Concurrent Punishment for Crimes of Injury resulting from Special Obstruction of Official Duties, etc., concerning Punishment and Offense, Articles 38 (1) 2 and 50 (Aggravation of Concurrent Punishment for Crimes of Injury resulting from Special Obstruction of Duties)

(Inclusion of Number of Days of Confinement 195)

Judgment on the Issues

1. The assertion;

The defendant and his defense counsel asserted that although the defendant was living in the factory during the period of the strike of a pair of motor vehicles, he did not exercise violence and interfere with police officers, etc. by operating the hinterland of the old building or jointly doing so.

2. Determination

In the case of co-offenders who commit a crime, two or more persons are not required under the law, and only a combination of intent to realize a crime is established. Even if there was no process of the whole conspiracy, if there was a combination of intent to realize a crime among several persons, it shall be established if the agreement is made in order or impliedly. As long as such conspiracy was made, even if those who did not participate in the act of execution are held liable as co-principal (see Supreme Court Decisions 92Do2832, Jul. 13, 1993; 2003Do4320, May 11, 2006, etc.).

In this case, in light of all the circumstances, such as the means and attitudes of the crime, the number of participants and their inclinations, the time and characteristics of the place of the crime, the possibility of contact with others in the course of the crime, the possibility of contact with others, and anticipated reaction, etc., the conspiracys may lead to the incidental crimes in the process of the crime, even though they could be anticipated or sufficiently anticipated to result in the crime or to achieve the purpose, and they would have conspired to commit the crime without taking any reasonable measures sufficient to prevent it, and eventually, if there was an anticipated crime, the crime would have been eventually anticipated, even though there was no contact with each other as to one of the derivative crimes, it shall be deemed that there was an implied conspiracy between the initial conspiracys as well as a functional control over such crime (see Supreme Court Decision 2007Do428, Apr. 26, 2007).

(4) In light of the aforementioned circumstances, the Defendant, who was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the police station from 205 to 208, was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the following facts: (i) the Defendant, who was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the police station, was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the 20th election management office, and was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the 6th election management office; (ii) the Defendant was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the 6th election management office and the head of the 5th election management office, and was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the 6th election management office and the head of the 5th election management office, and was in charge of the assembly and demonstration of the head of the 6th election management office and the head of the 20th election management office. The Defendant, who was in charge of the 6th election management office and the head of the 5th election management office.

Reasons for sentencing

Among the defendant's assertion, the fundamental cause of the management crisis in which two automobiles are faced is the stroke sale of two cars around October 2004, and even though the government's mistake that had neglected the sale of the stroke and the poor management after the stroke management, the company has a high level of restructuring such as layoff of large number of employees, so the industrial action and strike in this case were an inevitable option to protect the right to life of workers in order to oppose it.

However, in order to accomplish his claim, it is impossible to use both sides of the two vehicles for any reason in the Republic of Korea, the rule of law, because they possess a large quantity of inflammable dangerous substances as well as the national infrastructure industry facilities, without permission to occupy a large-scale dangerous substance factory, and commit acts of violence against the State's public power without being armed with a pipe that may pose a fatal danger to the life, a sV-emitting gun, a dystroph, a dysomb, and a chloak disease, etc. In addition, the situation of the two vehicles in this case is no longer available for any reason in the Republic of Korea, the rule of law, due to acts emphasizing the fundamental order of the state law. Furthermore, under the pretext of accomplishing their claim that the two vehicles in this case cannot be dismissed, the two vehicles in this case and the Changwon factory in this case were engaged in partial strike over 29 times and the 77-day plant in Changwon and the factory in this case where they continue to engage in the business in this case, and the company directly and directly suffered from mental damage in the process.

In particular, in light of the fact that the strike situation in this case appears to have been more prolonged and extreme by the intervention of the external force such as the defendant, not the party deprived of the right to life, and the specific form of the defendant's act or the details of the seized documents, etc., the defendant seems to have been in charge of supporting the executive officers, etc. of both motor vehicles and the executive officers, etc. in the surrounding state according to the ○○○ ○○'s strike route, and considering the fact that the defendant has been punished several times as a crime related to demonstration, it is inevitable to sentence the defendant as a sentence.

However, as seen earlier, as the union members of a two-wheeled motor vehicle that is in the position of the socially and economically weak face a large-scale situation, the industrial action of this case and the strike were caused to protect their right to their survival, and the defendant was involved in the strike at the request of the branch of a two-wheeled motor vehicle, the defendant was not directly involved in the strike, the defendant was not involved in the act of violence or violence, and the defendant's age, character and behavior, environment, motive of the crime, circumstances before and after the crime, etc. shall be determined three years of the term of punishment for the defendant, taking into account various sentencing conditions specified in the arguments of this case, such as

Judges Choi Jae-jin (Presiding Judge)