(a) The probative value of a judgment in a constructive confession delivered by any Act for the purpose of making a registration;
(b) The probative value of another receipt indicating the balance of sale;
A. If 1/7 of the co-ownership share of the trustee's net (A) is a letter for the transfer registration in the future of the trustee (A) in accordance with the policy of the clan that decided to make an integrated trust registration under the name of 7 of the trustee with respect to the land owned by the plaintiff's clans, and a constructive confession of the purport that the trustee purchased the land in the future of the trustee (A), the said judgment shall not be a evidence to support that the trustee (A) purchased the land in the middle of the plaintiff's species.
B. In a case where the total amount of six parcels of land purchased by the Defendants from the Plaintiff’s ancestor was KRW 20,619,828, and among them, KRW 9 million and KRW 5,610,000 have already been settled under the same circumstance as the original adjudication was conducted, the remaining amount at the time of receiving the said amount shall be KRW 60,009,828 for calculation. The receipt with respect to the said amount was received KRW 7939,575, and it is difficult to conclude that the receipt was related to the purchase price of the said land.
(a) Articles 139 and 187 of the Civil Procedure Act;
Attorney Kim Jong-young, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant in charge of the plaintiff-appellant
Defendant 1 and 6 Defendants, et al., Counsel for the defendant-appellant-type defendant-appellant
Daegu High Court Decision 78Na971 delivered on August 28, 1980
The judgment of the court below is reversed, and the case is remanded to Daegu High Court.
The grounds of appeal by the Plaintiff’s attorney are examined.
원심판결은 그 이유에서 판시토지 2필지(회동동 145의 8 대 1,112평 7홉, 150의 6대 310평 1홉)에 관하여 피고들의 피상속인 소외 1 앞으로 경유된 소유권이전등기가 소유자인 원고종중의 명의신탁에 의하여 이루어진 것임을 이유로 그 신탁계약해지를 원인으로 소유권이전등기절차이행을 구하는 원고의 청구에 대하여, 부산시 동래구 사직동에 있는 원고의 도산소에는 선조들의 분묘 27기가 설치되어 있었고 원고중종은 이를 위하여 같은동 637의 1 답 470평, 637의 2 답 563평, 690 답 810평, 회동동 175의 1 임야 4,712평 (뒤에 같은동 175의 1 임야 4,177평, 175의 2 임야 535평으로 분할되고 위 임야 4,177평은 같은동 144의 4 대 554평, 145의 8 대 1,112평 7홉, 145의 10 대 258평8홉, 152의 6 대 913평으로 환지되고, 임야 535평은 처분하여 154의 4 대 289평 9홉을 매수하였다) 및 같은동 180의 2 답 389평 (150의 6 대 310평 1홉으로 환지되었다)을 소유하고 있었는데 1973년경에 이르러 도산소 일대의 토지구획정리사업시행으로 분묘를 이장하여야 할 처지가 되어 원고 이사회는 같은해 9.20 원고 소유의 위 토지 전부를 처분하여 새로운 도산소를 설치, 분묘들을 이장하기로 결의하고, 당시 원고의 회장이던 망 소외 1 주도하에서 새로운 도산소 자리를 물색하던 끝에 같은해 12.17경 경남 양산군 물금면 어곡리 산12번지 일대의 임야 약 45정보와 그 부근 전답을 매수하여 도산소를 이전하기로 작정, 같은해 12.24경 원고 이사회는 매각하기로 한 위 토지들을 원고의 문중원 또는 이사가 원매할 경우에는 그에게 우선적으로 매도한다는 결의를 한 바, 소외 1은 회동동 145의 8 대 1,112평 7홉 지상에 자기의 조부모와 부모의 분묘가 설치되어 있는 관계로 이 사건 부동산을 포함한 회동동 대지 6필지 (144의 4 대 554평, 145의 8대 1,112평 7홉, 145의 10 대 258평8홉, 152의 6 대913평 4홉, 150의 6 대 310평 1홉, 154의 4 대 289평 9홉)전부를 매수하고, 그 대금은 후일 원고 이사회가 정하는 평가방법에 의하여 산정한 수액에 따르되 우선 그 대금일부를 새로운 도산소 자리구입에 미리 보태기로 하여, 원고가 1974.1.4경부터 같은해 4.6경까지 사이에 3차에 걸쳐 매수한 토지의 대금등의 일부로 900만원을 지급한 사실, 1974.7.5 원고 이사회는 위 소외 1이 매수하기로 한 회동동 대지 6필지의 대금을 20,619,828원으로 정하고 소외 1이 지출한 돈 900만원을 위 대금일부의 수령으로 승인하는 결의를 하였는데 같은해 10.8. 원고의 재무이사인 소외 2가 공동매수할 의사를 표시함으로 소외 1은 그의 조부모 및 부모의 분묘가 안장되어 있는 회동동 145의 8대 1,112평 7홉을 제외한 나머지 5필지에 대하여는 소외 2와 1/2씩 공동매수하기로 양해하였으나 그 후 동인이 매수의사를 철회함으로써 다시 전부를 매수하게 되어 그 잔대금 11,619,828원중의 일부로 5,610,000원을, 1975.10.13 (음력 9.9) 양산의 도산소가 완성되어 분묘 27기를 이장하기까지 사이에 그 도산소의 조성, 조경사업 및 진입도로 개설 등에 소요된 경비로 여러차례에 걸쳐 지출하였으며, 1975.10.2에 원고종중에 600만원을 지급한 사실들을 인정할 수 있으므로, 판시 토지에 대한 망 소외 1 명의의 소유권이전등기가 원고종중의 신탁에 인한 것이라 하더라도 그 명의신탁관계는 위 인정과 같은 매매계약의 성립에 따라 경료된 것이라고 판단하여 그 청구를 배척하였다. 원심이 판시 토지에 관한 원고종중과 망 소외 1간의 매매계약이 성립된 경위에 관하여 판시하고 있는 내용이 모호하여 매매계약이 성립된 시기가 언제였다는 뜻인지 분명치 못한 점은 있으나 그 판문의 취지로 보아 적어도 1974.10.8 또는 그 이후 1975.10.2 이전에 그 판시와 같은 매매계약이 성립되었다고 인정한 취지로 보이므로 과연 원심이 들고 있는 증거에 의하여 그와 같은 매매계약이 성립되었다고 인정할 수 있는가를 살펴보기로 한다.
(1) In light of the fact that the court below stated the contents of the resolution of each of the board of directors as of Sep. 20, 1973; Dec. 17, 1973; 1973; and July 5, 1974, the original judgment seems to have taken precedence over the resolution of the board of directors which constitutes a significant evidence for recognizing the fact of sale. However, the original judgment seems to have taken precedence over the resolution of the board of directors of this case 6-6 (No. 6, Sep. 20, 1973) above 8 (No. 17, Dec. 17, 1973) No. 6-9 (No. 1973, Dec. 24, 1973) of the above certificate No. 6-14 (No. 1974, Jul. 5, 1974) that the board of directors would sell the land of this case to the non-party 1, 1974.
(2) The court below cited the evidence No. 6 No. 15, which is the copy of the resolution by the board of directors of October 8, 1974, among the plaintiff's paper, as one of the evidence. However, considering the contents of the resolution, the court below held that the land No. 6 of the plaintiff's paper submitted to the deceased non-party 1 among the two lots of land in this case is excluded from subject to sale because the bereaved family's appeal against the land No. 1 at the time of the original adjudication on the land where a grave is located, and the remaining land is declared to be purchased by the deceased non-party 1 and non-party 2 at the time of the original adjudication, and it decided to sell the land No. 1 at the time of the original adjudication at the time of the plaintiff's paper, so it is not possible to recognize the fact that the board of directors decided to sell it to the deceased non-party 1 at the time of the original adjudication and the remaining land.
(3) Although the original judgment stated the judgment No. 13 in its fact-finding as one of the evidence, the fact that the deceased non-party 1 was recognized as the date of purchase of the non-party 3's co-ownership share was already a resolution of May 20, 1973, and that the board of directors did not have reached a resolution of July 5, 1974 to sell the land owned by the deceased non-party 1 to the deceased non-party 1. According to the records, the judgment is inconsistent with this part of the judgment. According to the records, the court established a policy to register the integrated trust under the name of the deceased non-party 1, the trustee of the land owned by the clan, including the previous land on the land on the first list of the deceased non-party 1, the deceased non-party 3 among the six trustees, and established a policy to register the integrated trust under the name of the deceased non-party 1/7, which was registered under the deceased non-party 1's title.
(4) The court below also adopted the No. 1 No. 6 (the only disposal document held by the Defendants as receipts) as evidence for the establishment of the sales contract as stated in its reasoning, and rejected the Plaintiff 1’s testimony of Nonparty 4, i.e., 60,000 won and 60,000 won in total, which were 70,000 won on October 2, 1975 and 700,000 won, which were 50,000 won and 70,000 won, were 60,000 won and 70,000 won, which were 60,000 won and 70,000 won and 90,000 won, which were 60,000 won and 50,000 won, were 60,000 won and 17,000 won, which were 60,000 won and 50,000 won.
(5) Even after examining the evidence presented by the court below, there is no other evidence to deem that a sales contract such as the time of original inquiry was established in addition to the result of Nonparty 5’s personal examination, which is merely a supplementary method of evidence.
Therefore, in accordance with the above evidence, the court below's decision that recognized that the contract for the sale of the land held between the plaintiff Jong-gu and the deceased non-party 1 was concluded, and that the title trust relationship between the plaintiff principal was terminated due to this, shall not be erroneous in the misapprehension of value judgment as to the evidence, failing to exhaust all deliberations, or finding the facts wrong by creating evidence in violation of the rules of evidence, and therefore, the judgment of the court below is reversed on the ground that the appeal pointing this out is justified, and the case is remanded to the court below for further proceedings consistent with this decision.
Justices Yoon Il-young (Presiding Justice)