(영문) 수원지방법원성남지원 2014.01.29 2012가합200239



1. All claims filed by the plaintiff (appointed party) and the designated parties are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiff (appointed party) and the plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On July 22, 1997, the Minister of Construction and Transportation designated G, H, I Japan 2,231,00 square meters as a district subject to housing development in the J district and publicly announced as K public notification of the Ministry of Construction and Transportation.

B. On November 10, 200, the Governor of the Gyeonggi-do changed the area designated as a housing site development district from 2,231,000 square meters to 2,063,469 square meters pursuant to Articles 3 and 8 of the Housing Site Development Promotion Act, and the Korea Land Corporation (the Korea National Housing Corporation was merged with the Korea National Housing Corporation on October 1, 2009 and became the Korea Land Corporation after being merged with the Korea Land Corporation; hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant,” collectively before and after the merger), designated as an implementer, approved the alteration of designation of a housing site development district and a housing site development plan for the J

(hereinafter referred to as “instant housing site development project”). (c) The said J district housing site development project;

In order to carry out the housing site development project of this case, the Defendant: (a) purchased each land indicated in Table 1 (hereinafter referred to as “each previous land of this case,” the name of which was changed to “N on July 25, 201; and (b) purchased the land from each owner indicated in the “owner” column, and completed the registration of ownership transfer based on “acquisition of public land” as of each date indicated in the “acquisition Date” column on each date indicated in the “Registration Date of Transfer” column; and (c) thereafter, paid compensation to the said owner for each money as indicated in the “compensation” column.

B. On September 18, 2001, a person who selected land compensation on the date of the owner’s registration of transfer on July 18, 2001, the date of the owner’s acquisition through consultation, KRW 29,891,00,00 on September 18, 2001, KRW 100,360,0000,000 on September 18, 2001, giving rise to September 18, 2001: P response of KRW 3,137 square meters on September 18, 2001; KRW 312,131,50,00 net Qu Qu on October 31, 201; KRW 2,163 square meters on November 5, 201; KRW 205,485,000 on May 4, 200; and KRW 201,000 on each of the above answers of KRW 9361 square meters on July 21, 2001.

However, there is a problem.