2017Da1721 Demurrer against distribution
Gwangju District Court Decision 2016Na1089-1 decided December 16, 2016
April 26, 2017
The 11,881,366 of the part against the defendant in the judgment of the court below shall be reversed, and the judgment of the first instance corresponding to that part shall be modified as follows.
The amount of dividends to the defendant in the distribution schedule prepared by the same court on December 23, 2014 with respect to the D's auction of real estate in Gwangju District Court Decision D's 11,81,36 won shall be corrected to 89,42,735 won 11,88,36 won.
All costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the defendant.
The grounds of appeal are examined.
1. A lawsuit of demurrer against a distribution filed by a creditor is to resolve a dispute over the amount of dividends among creditors who are the opposing parties, and the judgment of the lawsuit should change the ownership of the disputed part among creditors who are the plaintiff and the defendant. Therefore, even in a case where it is recognized that the defendant's claim does not exist in a lawsuit of demurrer against a distribution, the disputed part shall be the plaintiff's amount of dividends, and the remainder shall be maintained as the defendant's amount of dividends as the plaintiff's claim is sought within the limit of the amount of claims held by the plaintiff, without considering the claims of other creditors who did not raise an objection, and the amount of dividends shall be maintained as the defendant's amount of dividends
2. The reasoning of the first instance judgment cited by the lower court and the evidence duly admitted reveal the following facts.
A. With respect to the creation of a factory site F.S. F. F. F. F. E., in the name of the E (hereinafter “instant real estate”), on September 16, 2013, the registration of the establishment of a mortgage of KRW 364,000,000, the maximum debt amount of KRW 200,000 under the name of the Defendant on November 5, 2013, the registration of the establishment of a mortgage of KRW 82,00,000 under the name of the Plaintiff on December 24, 2013, the registration of the establishment of a mortgage of KRW 82,00,000 under the name of the Plaintiff on February 21, 2014, the provisional attachment was completed with the claim amount of KRW 120,00,000 on the instant real estate as of February 21, 2014.
나. 대전농업협동조합이 위 근저당권에 기한 임의경매를 신청하여 광주지방법원 목포지원 D로 이 사건 부동산에 대한 경매절차가 진행되어 410,000,000원에 매각되었다. 위 법원은 2014. 12. 23. 배당기일에 위 매각대금과 이자에서 집행비용을 공제한 나머지 405,783,200원 선순위근저당권자인 대전농업협동조합에 제1순위로 금 311,901,834원을, 피고의 배당금채권에 대한 압류 및 추심채권자인 윈윈화재대부 유한회사(이하 '윈윈화재대부'라고 한다)에 제2순위로 4,458,631원을, 근저당권자인 피고에 제3순위로 89,422,735원을 배당하는 내용으로 배당표(이하 '이 사건 배당표'라고 한다)를 작성하였다.
다. 원고와 B은 위 배당기일에 이 사건 배당표 중 윈윈화재대부와 피고의 배당액에, 대하여 이의 한 다음 광주지방법원 목포지원 2014가단 13622호로 이 사건 배당이의의 소를 제기하였다.
라. 제1심은 2015. 12. 2. 피고의 E에 대한 피담보채권인 매매대금채권이 허위채권으로서 존재하지 않음을 이유로 원고와 B의 청구를 전부 인용하여 이 사건 배당표 중 윈윈화재대부의 배당액 4,458,631원과 피고의 배당액 89,422,735원을 모두 0원으로, 원고의 배당액을 82,000,000원으로, B에 대한 배당액을 11,881,366원으로 경정하는 내용의 판결을 선고하였다.
마. 제1심 판결에 대하여 피고만이 항소하고, 윈윈화재 대부는 항소하지 않아 윈윈화 재대부에 대한 배당표 부분이 확정되었다. 원심은 2016. 6. 10. B이 제1심 제1회 변론기일(2015. 4. 13.)에 출석하지 않아 그때 소를 취하한 것으로 보아 소송절차가 종료되었다고 일부 판결을 한 다음 2016. 12. 16. 피고의 배당액을 경정하지 않고 피고의 항소를 기각하는 판결을 선고하였다.
3. 앞에서 본 법리에 비추어 살펴보면, B의 배당이의의 소가 2015. 4. 13. 취하 간주되었고, 윈윈화재대부에 대한 배당액이 0원으로 확정되어 원고의 채권최고액으로서 원고가 구하는 82,000,000원을 원고의 배당액으로 하고도 11,881,366원(=4,458,631원 + 89,422,735원 - 82,000,000원)이 남으므로, 이를 피고의 배당액으로 유지하는 것으로 경정하여야 한다.
Nevertheless, the lower court maintained the first instance court, which corrected the overall deletion of the initial amount of KRW 89,422,735 against the Defendant. In so doing, the lower court erred by misapprehending the legal doctrine on the lawsuit of demurrer against distribution, and thus, the lower court cannot be maintained as it is.
4. Of the part against the defendant in the judgment of the court below, the part of KRW 11,881,366 among the part against the defendant is reversed, and this part of the case is sufficient for the court to render a direct judgment pursuant to Article 437 of the Civil Procedure Act. Thus, the amount of dividends to the defendant in the distribution schedule of this case should be revised to KRW 11,881,366, on the ground that the amount of dividends to the defendant in this case should be revised to KRW 89,42,735, out of the distribution schedule of this case, the judgment of the court of
Justices Park Young-young
Justices Park Byung-hee
Justices Kim Jong-il
Justices Kim Jae-sik in charge