(영문) 서울고등법원 2017.09.29 2017나2013814



1. Of the parts concerning the counterclaim against the judgment of the court of first instance, the following amounts shall be the amount ordered to be paid:


1. The reasons why this Court is stated in this part of the basic facts are the same as those set forth in Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act, as it is, except for the following additions.

[Reasons for Recognition] The following shall be added to the part:

The judgment on the change of evidence: (a) the Plaintiff has entered the blank and the F seal signed by the F in his/her actual operator in his/her name in his/her name in his/her name in his/her name with H H’s J; (b) the document document No. 11 (Business Agreement) in his/her name in his/her name is forged using the aforesaid blank. Since it is presumed true when the signature or seal of the principal or his/her agent was affixed, it is presumed that the person preparing the private document voluntarily affixed his/her signature or seal on the private document, i.e., where the authenticity of the document is presumed to have been established, barring any special circumstances, and if the authenticity, such as the seal imprint, is recognized, the document is presumed to have been signed or sealed by the preparing person while the entire document was completed; and (c) there is no other evidence to prove that the document was completely signed or sealed by the Plaintiff’s signature or seal in his/her entirety and there is no other evidence to prove that it was insufficient to recognize the authenticity of the document as a complete document.