red_flag_2(영문) 수원지방법원 2013. 12. 6. 선고 2013고합477 판결





In the case of Kim Tae-hee (prosecution, public trial), Kim Jong-hee (public trial)

Defense Counsel

Attorney Lee Dong-young (National Assembly)

The jury of the ship; and

9 persons


A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

Criminal facts

around 18:00 on May 2, 2013, the Defendant viewed alcohol at the main point of “○○○” operated by Nonindicted 3, a member of Ansan-si ( Address omitted) in Ansan-si.

At that time, the victim Nonindicted 4 (years 42) told the above Nonindicted 3 that the drinking value would be on credit before the above main point, and the Defendant said that Nonindicted 1 said that the Defendant’s daily drinking read “the Defendant 1 would drink.”

In order to respond to the victim, Nonindicted 3, who was found to enter the said main shop, was likely to be fighting, thereby leaving the said main shop.

Nevertheless, when the victim saw the victim into the front window behind the above main window and expressed the defendant's desire, the defendant taken over the above main window and attempted to kill the victim by taking away a transition (12 cm in length, 23 cm in total length) in the state of the above main pole, and thereby taking 5 cm in depth in order to kill the victim, the victim took part of the knife with the knife of the knife of the knife, but the victim took part in the knife of the knife with the depth of 5 cm in order to kill the victim.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Partial statement of each prosecutor's protocol of examination of the defendant against the defendant;

1. The prosecutor’s statement concerning Nonindicted 1

1. The police statement of Nonindicted Party 2

1. Police seizure records;

1. Medical certificate (Nonindicted 4) and a copy of medical records (Nonindicted 4);

1. Each related photograph (on-site and CCTV, he/she himself/herself in hole, upper part, etc.);

1. 112 reported case handling table and each investigation report (the current status of suspects and reasons why they are not attached to photographs, hearing of statements from the counter party to medical advisory members);

Judgment on Defendant’s argument

1. Summary of the assertion

Although the defendant was suffering from knife in the main place at the time, he did not knife the victim by knife the knife in the process of dispute with the victim while he did not knife the knife with the female's knife that knife.

2. Determination

이 법원에 의해 적법하게 채택되어 조사된 증거들에 의하면, 공소외 1이 수사기관에서 “주점 주인이 문을 잠갔을 때 피해자가 주방으로 가서 큰 식칼을 들었습니다. 그래서 저랑 거기 있던 뚱뚱한 여자 한 명이 서로 힘을 합쳐서 피해자에게서 그 칼을 빼앗아 그 여자가 감추었습니다.”라고 진술한 사실, 피해자도 당시 자신이 칼에 찔리는 것을 느끼지 못하였다고 진술한 사실, 과도에 묻은 혈흔에 대한 감정 결과 과도의 손잡이에서 피해자의 DNA가, 칼날에서 피고인의 DNA가 각 검출된 사실을 인정할 수 있고, 이에 더하여 다음과 같은 사정들, 피해자는 자신이 창문을 통해 주점 안으로 진입할 때 공소외 3이 그 자리에 없었다고 진술하나(증거기록 제273쪽) 공소외 3은 피해자가 창문으로 넘어오는 것을 몸으로 막았다고 진술하고 있는 점(증거기록 제109쪽), 공소외 3 또한 이 사건 발생 직후 수사기관에서 “처음 싸움을 말렸을 당시 피는 보이지 않았고 경찰에 신고를 한 후 가게 안으로 들어와 보니 공소외 4는 허리에서 피가 나고 있었고 피고인은 테이블 쇼파에 앉아 있는데 머리에서 피가 흐르고 있었다.”, “공소외 4와 피고인이 흉기를 가지고 싸우는 것은 보지 못했다.”라고 진술하였다가(증거기록 제45, 47, 53쪽), 이후 “싸움을 말리려고 공소외 4를 뒤따라가 잡아당겼는데 피고인이 오른손에 칼을 들고 왼팔을 벌린 채 공소외 4 앞에 서 있었고 양손에 피가 묻어 있었으며 공소외 4의 배에서 피가 나고 있었습니다. 그때 공소외 4가 비키라고 하면서 휘두른 손이 제 턱에 맞아 멍이 들었고 칼을 든 것을 보고 더 이상 말릴 수 없어 뒷문으로 나와 신고하였습니다.”라고 진술하여(증거기록 제112쪽) 흉기 목격 여부, 공소외 4의 출혈을 목격한 시점 등에 관해 진술을 바꾼 점까지 고려하면 일응 피고인이 피해자를 칼로 찔렀는지에 관한 의심이 들기도 한다.

However, considering the following circumstances acknowledged by the above evidence, i.e., Defendant 1, the victim’s knife’s knife’s knife and knife’s knife’s knife and knife’s knife’s knife and knife’s knife’s knife and knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife and knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife’s knife.

Application of Statutes

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

Articles 254 and 250(1) of the Criminal Act, the choice of limited imprisonment

2. Discretionary mitigation;

Articles 53 and 55(1)3 of the Criminal Act

Reasons for sentencing

1. The scope of punishment by law;

From June to 15 years of imprisonment;

2. Application of sentencing standards

【Determination of Punishment】


【Determination and Scope of Recommendations】

Basic area: Imprisonment between April and August 10, 300 (the minimum limit of the recommended sentence shall be 1/3, and the upper limit shall be 2/3, respectively).

3. Determination of sentence;

The crime of this case was committed at the end of the defendant's day, where the victim takes a bath in order to comply with it, and where the victim enters the main place, the knife and the knife of the victim's knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife.

However, considering the favorable circumstances such as the fact that a crime was committed in an attempted crime and the victim does not seem to have suffered fatal injury, and that there is no record of crime against the defendant, in particular, the sentencing standard for the defendant should be sufficiently reflected in the sentencing of the jury, and the sentencing standard for the defendant should be somewhat less light than the recommended field.

jury verdict and sentencing opinion

1. Whether the person is guilty or not;

- Crimes: 5 persons;

- Not guilty: 4 persons

2. Sentencing opinion

- Imprisonment for a period of two years and six months: Four persons;

- 3 years of imprisonment: 4 persons;

- 4 years of imprisonment: one person;

It is so decided as per Disposition for the above reasons.

Judges Lee Young-young (Presiding Judge)