(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.08.16 2019고정1035



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

Some of the facts charged were revised to the extent that it does not impede the defendant's exercise of defense.

B is a member of the company, and C is a person who operates E E in the name of referred D, and the defendant is a person who operates Gbenz vehicles in F's name, and is a person who operates a used vehicle in F's name.


B and C have subscribed to receive insurance money by claiming insurance money after intentionally paying a traffic accident by using a vehicle.

At around 15:30 on September 4, 2017, C parked in the second floor parking lot located in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City H, and C, in the same way as if it were to purchase goods at I while parking in one column, a vehicle operated by himself/herself, and the Defendant engaged in an act as if it were to purchase goods. Then, B, as if the vehicle was parked in C and the Defendant was parked in the vehicle operated by C and the Defendant, and B, and C intentionally parked in the mutual currency and confirmed it after the vehicle was parked in the place where the said vehicle was parked, C was parked in the front part of the seat of the Benz driving in the right siren, followed by the front part of the front part of the Benz driving, followed by the latter and followed by the latter while driving again, and followed by the latter part of the vehicle.


B/C received an accident from K as if the accident was caused by an intentional accident in order to receive insurance money, and it received 3.4 million won from the insurance company on September 8, 2017 from the insurance company to the corporate bank account (L) in the name of C, and acquired 4.7 million won in total by receiving 4.7 million won in the benz vehicle repair cost from the corporate bank account (M) in the name of the defendant.

A prosecutor shall make oral in this Court on August 16, 2019.