(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2017.08.09 2016가단17722



1. The Plaintiff and the Plaintiff for the remainder of money calculated by deducting the auction costs from the proceeds of sale, which is put up for an auction with Granju-si 2,787 square meters.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff and the Defendants are co-owners sharing G 2,787 square meters (hereinafter “instant land”) according to their respective shares ratio indicated in the attached Table of equity in Pakistan-si.

B. Until the closing date of the instant argument, the Plaintiff and the Defendants did not reach an agreement on the method of dividing the instant land.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, entry of Gap evidence 1 to 3, purport of the whole pleadings

2. Determination

A. According to the above recognition facts, the Plaintiff, a co-owner of the instant land, may file a claim for partition of the instant land against the Defendants, another co-owner, pursuant to Article 269(1) of the Civil Act.

B. The partition of co-owned property in accordance with the legal principles regarding the method of partition 1 is, in principle, a method of spot partition as long as it is possible to make a rational partition according to the share of each co-owner. However, even if it is impossible or possible in kind, if the price is likely to decrease substantially due to the auction of the co-owned property, the so-called price partition shall be made by ordering the auction of the co-owned property to divide the price. However, in the price partition, "it cannot be divided in kind" should not be interpreted physically strictly. It includes cases where it is difficult or inappropriate to divide the co-owned property in kind in light of the nature, location, area, use situation, and use value after the partition.

In addition, the phrase "if the value of the portion is to be reduced remarkably if it is divided in kind" also includes a co-owner's cases where the value of the portion to be owned by the sole owner is likely to be reduced significantly than the value of the share before the division.

Therefore, it is possible to divide in kind formally.

Even the location, area and surrounding road conditions, use value, price, and co-owners of the article jointly owned.