(영문) 창원지방법원 2016.10.04 2015구합20808

국가유공자 및 보훈보상대상자 요건 비해당 결정 취소


1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. On December 1, 2005, the Plaintiff entered the Army and was appointed as Staff sergeant on March 3, 2006, and was discharged from military service on March 2, 2010 when he was discharged from military service on March 2, 2010.

B. The Plaintiff filed an application for registration with the Defendant around that time.

On January 21, 2009, the reason was that the Plaintiff faced with the shoulderer on the left-hand side of the impreged outdoor charging training, which was conducted by the Plaintiff after the diagnosis of the field, the field, the field, and the net fever (hereinafter “the instant difference”).

C. However, on June 21, 2011, the Board of Patriots and Veterans Entitlement rendered a decision on the lack of objectivity to view the instant wounds suffered during the performance of military duties. D.

After that, the Plaintiff again made an application for registration to the Defendant, but the Board of Patriots and Veterans Entitlement decided on April 26, 2012 that there is no proximate causal relation between the instant wounds and the military performance of official duties.

E. On February 17, 2013, the Plaintiff again filed an application with the Defendant for registration of persons who have rendered distinguished services to the State and persons eligible for veteran’s compensation, along with an accident report related to the instant wound. However, on September 24, 2013, the Board of Patriots and Veterans Entitlement rendered a decision on whether to meet the requirements for persons who have rendered distinguished services to the State and persons eligible for veteran’s compensation on the ground that it is difficult to verify the medical record at the time of the first injury in relation to the instant wound, and that additional changes in circumstances that could change the contents of the previous decision are not confirmed, and that it is difficult to recognize proximate causal relation between the instant wound and the military performance of official duties. Accordingly, on October 15, 201

(f) The Plaintiff’s prior disposition is the Changwon District Court 2014Guhap74.