2014 Doz. 505647 Compensation (as referred to in this paragraph)
A person shall be appointed.
A person shall be appointed.
A person shall be appointed.
A person shall be appointed.
[Defendant-Appellee] Plaintiff LLC et al., Counsel for defendant-appellee
Attorney Park Jae-young, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant, Park Jae-ho, Hak-hee, Kim Jong-hee, Kim Jong-hee, Counsel for plaintiff-appellant
The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Korea
Sponsor of the litigation performer, Red Changju, the highest fever, the spirit, the obsitation, the Kim U.S., and the allocation thereof;
Mansung, Escopia, Mascopia
October 23, 2014
December 4, 2014
1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff A and B 58, 941, 49 won, plaintiff C and D 2,500,000 won each of the above amounts, and 5% per annum from May 30, 2012 to December 4, 2014, and 20% per annum from the next day to the date of full payment.
2. Each of the plaintiffs' remaining claims is dismissed.
3. 2/3 of the costs of lawsuit is assessed against the plaintiffs, and the remainder is assessed against the defendant.
4. Paragraph 1 can be provisionally executed.
Defendant 173, 718, 602 won, Plaintiff C, and D respectively, and the respective gold 5,00,000 won and 00 won respectively.
From May 30, 2012 to the service date of a copy of the complaint in this case, 5% per annum for the Board and the following day;
The amount calculated by 20% per annum from the date of full payment shall be paid to each other.
1. Basic facts
A. The party status 1) He/she is a person who was admitted to the Army Training Center on March 12, 2012 when he/she was enrolled in the first year of a university and was trained on March 18, 2012, and then transferred to the Army******* One percent of the main office * one minute of the three main office : on May 30 of the same year, he/she was on duty as a driver's disease of goods and was on duty as a driver's disease of goods after being transferred to the Agency on May 18, 2012, when he/she was enrolled in the Army Training Center.
2) Plaintiff A and B were the parents of the Deceased, Plaintiff C was the deceased, and Plaintiff D was the deceased’s leader. The deceased was the result of the examination of the service conformity conducted by the Military Manpower Administration prior to admission. However, on March 12, 2012, the military life is anticipated as a result of the examination of the service conformity conducted by the Army Training Administration prior to admission, and there is a risk of an accident (the network to refer to the type of accident and the type of accident forecast), the type of accident forecast: suicide forecast and mental disorder forecast: the concern of accident prediction was determined. As a result of the examination above, Plaintiff C was judged as having been unable to believe that there was a high level of speculation in terms of the character disorder among the explanation on the scale of mental disorder among the above examination, and it was judged as having not been able to take measures such as the above examination or treatment after being performed in a private organization, despite the fact that there was no action after the examination on the part related to adaptation of the accident.
2) On April 20, 2012, the Deceased completed the education for new illness at the Army Training Center, and completed the course of driving the train by entering the Army Education Team at the Army Education Center at the time of May 18, 201, and transferred it to the company belonging to the same day.
3) Captain, a captain of the company, did not hold a direct interview with the deceased, who is a transferred soldier, and only after the lapse of six days after the deceased transferred on May 24, 2012, the captain of the company, the manager of the administrative distribution division, had the deceased hold an interview with the deceased, and did not hold a separate interview until the deceased died. In addition, the Captain did not analyze the data on the education of the soldiers, which is being allowed to be transferred to one parking at the time of the transfer of the deceased, and did not conduct the work on the identification of the persons anticipated to commit suicide and the input of the joint administrative system, which shall be conducted in the transferred 2-3 parking, and the daily closing of accounts for which the unit members of the military unit, who were affiliated after the transfer of the deceased, confirmed the situation of the members of the company (one share manager of the daily life ledger, who was gathered by the head of the company of the company, among the 60 days after the transfer of the deceased, 40,000 square day.
On the other hand, the interview and observation records of the officers and staff members of the U.S. on May 18, 2012, which were drafted on May 18, 2012, the deceased transferred to his/her post, stated that there is no anything wrong in the training room life, but there is no belief in the content of the living record, service harmony, and it is believed that he/she is not able to well believe that he/she is in the group life, and that he/she is likely to be in the group life.
5. 24. The interview and observation records of the administrative distribution officer prepared on the 24. 24. stated that the duty officer's transfer of the records of the interview and observation was "the military personnel's transfer of the duty officer" (the military personnel's transfer of the duty officer's disease records):
다. 망인과 같은 생활관을 사용한 선임병사들의 가혹행위 등 1 ) 망인은 소속대로 전입한 이후 소속대 5생활관에서 생활하게 되었는데, 망인이 전입한 이후 사망할 때까지 그 생활관 내에서 다음과 같은 일들이 있었다. ① 일병 K은 2012. 5. 18. 18 : 00경 소속대 5생활관 내에서 망인이 제주도 출신이라는 이유로 망인의 동의 없이 망인에 대해 ' 별명 : 돌하르방, 이상형 : 귤 파는 여자, 하고 싶은 말 : 귤 9, 900원, 한라봉 19, 900원, 전역 후 : 감귤장사 ' 라고 기재한 자기소개서를 작성하여 생활관 선임병사들이 항시 볼 수 있는 망인의 관물대 상단에 붙여 놓았다. ② 분대장인 병장 G은 2012. 5. 19. 부터 같은 해 5. 20. 까지 소속대 5생활관 내에서 일석 점호 전, 망인으로 하여금 ' 이미지 게임1 ) ' 을 하도록 하여 5생활관 선임병사 13명이 릴레이식으로 망인에게 ' 제일 못생긴 사람이 누구냐, 제일 코를 잘 고는 사람이 누구냐, T팬티가 제일 잘 어울리는 사람이 누구냐 ' 는 등의 질문을 하여 망인이 선임병사를 빨리 지목해야만 하는 등의 심리적 압박감을 유발시켰다. ③ 병장 G은 2012. 5. 20. 17 : 00경에는 망인이 보는 앞에서 망인의 선임병사인 상병 L에게 후임을 제대로 교육하지 못하였다고 하면서 ' 병신이냐, 왜 후임관리 못하냐 ', ' 이 새끼, 저 새끼 ' 등 욕설을 하면서 공포 분위기를 조성한 후 망인에게도 ' 나중에 선임 되어서 잘못하면 L처럼 욕 먹고 두들겨 맞고, 망신당하니까 잘해라 ' 라고 겁을 주는 등의 행위, 즉 이른바 ' 내리갈굼2 ) ' 행위를 하였다. 또 망인이 상병 L의 팬티를 병장 G의 관물대에 넣은 실수를 했을 때에도 병장 G은 화를 내며 망인의 바로 윗선임 병사 3명에게 ' 망인 교육을 똑바로 시키고 잘하라, 씨발, 팬티를 잘 좀 넣어라 ' 라고 하면서 망인이 보는 앞에서 망인의 바로 윗선임 병사에게 욕설을 하거나 혼내는 방법으로 공포분위기를 조성하여 망인에게 겁을 주기도 하였다. ④ 병장 G, 병장 H, 병장 I은 2012. 5. 29. 22 : 00경 소속대 5생활관 내에서 일석 점호를 마치고 생활관의 취침을 위해 출입문 옆에서 소등을 하려는 망인에게, 병장 H은 평상시 병장 J이 하는 것처럼 ' 내가 이 생활관의 왕고야 ' 라고 흉내 내어 외치게 하고, 병장 G은 자신이 침상에 앉아 기타 치는 모습을 흉내 내도록 하였으며, 병장 [ 은 가수 김종국의 ' 한 남자 ' 라는 노래를 부르도록 지시하여 이를 흉내 내는 망인의 모습을 지켜보던 5생활관 선임병사들이 큰소리로 웃게 하여 망인으로 하여금 수치심을 들게 하였다. 그들 중 병장 H은 원래 10생활관 소속 병사이나, 그 생활관에 마음에 안 맞는 선임병사가 있고 5생활관 선임병사인 병장 J이 자신과 동기생이라는 이유로 임의로 2012. 5. 초순경부터 수차례에 걸쳐 5생활관에서 잠을 잤는데, 망인의 사망에 따른 수사가 이루어질 당시까지 이와 같은 행동에 대하여 소속대 지휘관들이 이를 확인하거나 그에 따른 제지를 한 바는 없었다. ⑤ 병장 G은 2012. 5. 29. 22 : 00 ~ 23 : 00 소속대 5생활관 내에서 생활관 취침 소등 이후 병장 J과 큰 소리로 대화하며 바로 옆자리의 망인에게 불필요하게 말을 걸어 망인이 잠을 자지 못하도록 하여 수면을 방해하였다. ⑥ 망인은 소속대로 전입한 후 선임병사의 팬티와 양말을 걷어 정리한 후 각 선임병사의 관물대에 넣는 일을 하거나, 선임병사 ( 병장 J ) 의 지시로 식당에 가서 반찬통에 밥과 반찬을 담아 생활관 내로 갖다 주는 일을 하는 등 의무 없는 일을 강요당하기도 하였다 . 2 ) 망인의 사망 후 이루어진 수사 결과 망인은 자신의 친구들과의 전화통화 등에서 자신의 관물대 상단에 붙여 놓은 자기소개서 내용이나 ' 이미지 게임 ' 내용에 대하여 화를 내거나 수치심을 느꼈음을 표현하였음이 확인되었다 . 3 ) 육군군수사령부 헌병대 군사법경찰관은 망인의 사망 후 병장 G의 위 행위에 대하여는 군형법 위반 혐의로, 일병 K의 위 행위에 대하여는 형법 제311조 위반 등 혐의로 각각 의율하여 육군군수사령부 보통검찰부에 송치하였으나 위 보통검찰부 소속 군검찰관은 혐의없음을 이유로 불기소처분을 하였으며, 다만 위 행위 등과 관련하여 병장 J은 영창 3일의 징계처분을, 병장 I은 휴가제한 5일의 징계처분을 각 받았고, 병장 H은 징계대상이었으나 2012. 6. 22. 제대하여 ' 불문처리 ' 되었다 .
D. On May 30, 2012, 02: (a) on May 30, 2012, the Deceased’s suicide accident, etc. occurred; and (b) on May 30, 2012: (c) on the part of the deceased, the deceased, who returned to a confidential joint storage room, was able to enter his/her family room and was able to sleep together with E, E, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, at the time of the accident, was believed to have a toilet; (d) on the part of the deceased, the deceased was aware that he/she was not on the job; and (d) on the part of his/her situation room, the deceased was able to find the deceased and the deceased.
2) However, the deceased already went out of the toilet window of the second floor of the living room, and committed suicide by sprinking the steel structure with sprinking (hereinafter referred to as the "accident of this case") at the construction site of the building, and discovered the deceased at around 06:04 on the same day P, who is a military chaplain, discovered the deceased at around 06:04. 3) The pocketbook discovered at the left side of the deceased's house of the deceased, will be good if there is no damage to the people. However, this kind of match should be life? There is no reason to do so? There is no person who does not want to do so. He does not want to do so.
E. According to the Administrative Rules (No. 30 No. 2), the duty officer shall perform his/her duties, on behalf of the commander from the end of the day to the day following the day before the day to the day to which he/she belongs, such as taking on behalf of the commander, taking a service policy, preventing various accidents, and maintaining the military force. The duty officer shall assist the duty officer upon the direction of the duty officer, and perform his/her duties, such as checking and reporting whether there is anything wrong while assisting the duty officer, conducting safety patrols, and checking the status of the duty officer, and the duty officer shall perform his/her duties, such as checking the status of the person and equipment, checking the status of the person and equipment, patrol of the assigned area, and checking the implementation status of the regulations.
According to the military unit management instruction (Ordinance No. 1661 of the Ministry of National Defense), the purpose of service workers at once shall be to monitor visitors to the living room, to prevent fire and theft, and to observe hygiene, and to ensure the inside and outside of the building, and the inside and outside of the building shall be at the entrance of the living room, one person shall work in the beginning of the living room, and one person shall walk in the vicinity of the living room and work as the initial concept of the house, and the number of the people in the living room shall be reported to the duty officer after checking his/her failure to return within five minutes of his/her life, and the number of people and firearms shall be transferred to the duty officer at the time of his/her absence, and the number and equipment shall be confirmed from time to time during his/her service, and the personal history shall be controlled.
2) Nevertheless, during the time the Deceased’s living room 02: 00 to 04:0 workers on duty, the deceased was unable to witness the Deceased at all due to this conversation, and the fact that the Deceased’s absence was not transferred to the subsequent employees on duty, and the number of employees to be taken over from time to time was not determined. As such, the workers on the influence failed to fully recognize the fact that the Deceased was living, and on the same day, the worker on duty was locked for one hour and 40 minutes during the hours on duty, and the worker on duty was able to check the actual working conditions of the worker on duty.
3) He was subject to a disciplinary measure for the 7th day of his service on the ground that he neglected to exercise his duty by neglecting the control of military force until the deceased died, as a worker on duty who was in a living room and in a vulnerable area where he was placed, and did not properly conduct patrol, control, and education. The Captain was subject to a disciplinary measure for the 3th day of his service due to his breach of duty due to his negligence in directing and supervising the deceased and their senior soldiers in relation to the instant accident.
[Ground of recognition] A without dispute, Gap evidence 1 through 8, Gap evidence 12 through 30, Eul evidence 2 through 5, each of the statements or images (including each number, if any) and the purport of the whole pleadings
2. Occurrence of liability for damages;
A. The grounds for responsibility lies on the deceased’s duty of national defense imposed by the Constitution. In order to perform the duty of national defense imposed by the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, soldiers, such as the deceased, are drafted and provided military service regardless of their will. In light of the characteristics of the military forces, soldiers were drafted and provided with military service regardless of their will; soldiers’ contact or communication with outside society during their service period is prevented or restricted; actions are controlled by strict regulations; and their contents are physically and mentally difficult. As such, the Defendant is obligated to fully protect and consider soldiers, who provided military service, to maintain and preserve their physical and mental health during their service period, and to adapt to their military life after completing military service as healthy and to return to the society. Accordingly, the Army Training Center and its affiliated commander, etc. under the Defendant’s control, should check whether soldiers, such as the deceased, etc., have been suffering from mental difficulties due to their failure to adapt to military life, and should carefully examine the possibility of performing their duties such as suicide, etc., and if so, to prevent the possibility of mental harm through adjustment and improvement of their living environment.
이 사건에 관하여 보건대, 앞서 인정한 사실관계에 의하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정들, 즉 ① 망인에 대하여 육군훈련소에서 실시한 복무적합도 검사 결과 망인이 군대생활에 어려움이 예상되며 사고의 위험이 있으며, 자살이 예측된다는 판정을 받았음에도, 육군훈련소 관계자들은 소속대로 전입될 때까지 군의관이나 민간병원에서의 치료나 추가 검사 등의 절차를 거치지 아니한 점, ② 망인이 소속대로 전입한 이후 만약 소속대 지휘관이 육군훈련소의 복무적합도 검사 결과 등, 망인에 대한 자료만을 제대로 검토하였다면 망인의 자살 위험성을 충분히 인지할 수 있었을 것임에도 소속대 중 대장인 대위 F는 신병교육대 자료 분석은커녕 전입신병인 망인에 대한 면담조차 하지 않고, 단지 행정보급관으로 하여금 면담하도록 한 후 그 결과만을 보고받는 등, 전입신병인 망인에 대한 초기 관리를 소홀히 한 점, ③ 더욱이 망인이 소속대 전입 직후부터 선임병사들로부터 망인의 출신지를 빗댄 자기소개서를 작성하여 붙이거나, 심리적 부담감을 갖도록 하는 ' 이미지 게임 ', ' 내리갈굼 ' 행위 등의 괴롭힘을 당하고 있었음에도 , 소속대 중대장 등 지휘관들은 이러한 상황을 제대로 파악조차 하지 못한 잘못이 있고 , 망인이 수첩에 남긴 글이나 친구들과의 통화내용에 의하면, 망인은 선임병사들의 행동들로 인하여 상당한 스트레스를 받았던 것으로 보이는 점, ④ 엄격한 규율과 집단행동 이 중시되는 군대에서는 그 통제성과 폐쇄성 때문에 선임병사들의 행위 등으로 인하여 후임병사들이 입는 피해의 결과가 크게 나타날 수 있고, 특히 망인과 같이 군에 막 입대한 신병의 경우 매우 큰 정신적 충격을 받을 수 있는바, 설령 앞서 살펴 본 선임병사들의 행위들이 군형법 등에서 범죄로 규정하고 있는 행위라고까지는 평가하기 어려운 정도의 행위들이라고 하더라도, 그 행위의 내용과 빈도 등을 보면, 선임병사들의 앞서 본 바와 같은 행위들 역시 망인이 자살에 이르게 된 한 원인이 되었다고 봄이 상당한 점, ⑤ 불침번 근무자의 주된 임무는 생활관 출입자에 대한 감시 및 인원 통제에 있음에도 이 사건 사고 당시 불침번 근무자들은 서로 대화를 하며 망인이 생활관에서 나가는 것을 파악조차 못하는 등, 불침번 근무를 제대로 하지 아니하였는바, 불침번 근무자들이 규정에 따라 불침번 근무에 임하여 망인이 생활관에서 나오는 모습을 인지하고 규정에 따라 대응하였더라면 망인 또한 자살을 시도하지 않고 다시 생활관으로 복귀하였을 가능성이 있고, 설령 그렇지 않더라도 망인의 소재를 확인하여 이 사건 사고를 방지할 수 있었던 것으로 보이는 점, 또한 당직사관이나 당직부사관 등이 인원 등의 현황을 확인하며 불침번 근무자에게 인원보고를 명하는 등, 불침번 근무자들을 제대로 장악하였다면 이와 같은 불침번 근무자들의 불성실한 근무가 이루어지지 않았을 것으로 보여 ( 이 사건 사고 당시 10생활관 소속 병장 H이 이미 상당 기간 5생활관에서 여러 차례 취침을 하여 온 점을 보면, 망인의 소속대에서는 적어도 이 사건 사고 당시에는 당직근무기간 중의 인원 통제는 거의 제대로 이루어지지 않았던 것으로 보인다 ) , 이와 같은 불침번 근무자 및 당직사관 등 당직근무자들의 잘못 역시 이 사건 사고의 한 원인이 되었다고 볼 수 있는 점, ⑥ 망인이 입대하기 이전에는 가정, 건강, 학업 등 망인을 자살에 이르게 할 정도의 문제는 없었던 것으로 보이는 점 등을 종합하면, 피고 산하 육군훈련소는 망인에 대한 복무적합도 검사 결과에 따른 사고 발생을 방지할 수 있는 아무런 조치를 취하지 않았고, 망인의 소속대 지휘관 또한 망인의 전입 즉시 망인에 대한 육군훈련소의 복무적합도 검사 결과 등을 확인한 후 망인을 면담하여 망인의 상태를 파악한 후, 망인과 같은 생활관을 사용하는 병사들의 상황을 파악하는 등 망인이 군대생활에 잘 적응하기 위하여 필요한 환경을 확인하고, 그 확인된 상황에 따른 사고 발생을 미연에 방지할 수 있는 조치를 취하는 등의 망인에 대한 보호의무를 소홀히 하였으며, 일과 종료시간 후 지휘관을 대리하여 인원 통제 등의 업무를 담당하는 당직근무자들 역시 당직근무자로서의 업무를 제대로 수행하지 않는 등, 피고 산하 공무원들이 망인에 대한 보호 및 배려의무를 위반한 과실이 있고, 이러한 과실과 이 사건 사고 사이에 상당인과관계도 있다고 봄이 상당하다 ( 피고는 2012. 5. 29. 망인을 포함한 이등병에 대한 선진병영캠프를 통해 이등병들의 애로사항을 청취하는 등의 조치를 취하고자 하는 계획 중에 있었으므로 망인에 대한 배려 및 보호의무를 성실히 이행하였다는 취지의 주장을 하는바, 을 1호증의 기재에 의하면, 망인을 포함한 이등병들을 대상으로 하는 위 선진병영캠프가 계획된 사실은 인정할 수 있으나, 그와 같은 사정만으로는 앞서의 판단을 뒤집고 피고가 망인에 대한 배려 및 보호의무를 다한 것으로 평가할 수는 없다 ) .
Therefore, pursuant to the main sentence of Article 2(1) of the State Compensation Act, the Defendant asserts that the Defendant may not claim the State compensation against the Defendant pursuant to the proviso of Article 2(1) of the State Compensation Act, inasmuch as there is a proximate causal relation between the cruel act of the deceased and the suicide of the deceased, if it is acknowledged, the deceased may receive compensation as a person who has rendered distinguished services to the State.
Therefore, in the event a soldier was killed in action or died on duty in relation to the performance of his/her duties, such as combat, training, etc., he/she or his/her bereaved family shall not claim damages under the State Compensation Act and the Civil Act if he/she or his/her bereaved family is entitled to receive compensation for accident compensation, survivor pension, pension, etc. (proviso to Article 2(1) of the State Compensation Act), and Article 4 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Services to the State stipulates that a soldier is entitled to receive honorable treatment and compensation under the above Act if he/she died during his/her duties or education and training directly related to national defense, safety, or the protection of the people's lives and property. However, even based on the aforementioned facts, it is difficult to view that the deceased died during his/her duties or education and training
B. Limitation on liability
However, in full view of the above evidence and the purport of the entire arguments, the following circumstances, i.e., ① the situation in which the Deceased was faced at the time of the instant accident, was a critical situation to the extent that it is difficult to check the situation to the extent that there is no room for any other choice than suicide,
Inasmuch as it is difficult to readily conclude that the deceased’s mental suffering, etc. from the military life appears to have selected a extreme action without making an active effort to overcome it through various internal means of relief inside the military, it is reasonable to consider the defendant’s liability for damages in determining liability for damages. However, considering the above circumstances and all circumstances present during the proceedings of the instant case, it is reasonable to view that the percentage exceeds 70% of the total, and therefore, the defendant’s liability is limited to 30%.
3. Scope of liability for damages
The 5/12 per month, calculated in accordance with the Hofman Identification Calculation Act, which deducts intermediate interest at the rate of 5/12 per cent per month as a single interest, shall be as follows (less than a month for the convenience of calculation, less than a won, but less than a won, hereinafter the same shall apply):
(a) Personal information on recognition and assessment of the deceased’s lost income 1)
○ Date of birth: *. 1992.*
○ Age at the time of the accident: 20 years * South Korean War
○ The name of lease: 58.45 years: The deceased who entered the Army on March 12, 2012, worked for 459 ordinary parts from December 12, 2013, which served as the maximum working age of 60 years to April 11, 2052, and worked for 222 days each month for urban daily labor, from December 12, 2013 to January 11, 2014 ( = 83,975 won x 22 days x 150 won each month, from December 12, 2013 to January 11, 2014) (the unit price of wage of 83,975 won x 22 days x 165 won x 285 days x 285 days x 165 x 260 x 285 days x 285 days x 205 x 164 days x 205 days x 20
(c) Deduction for living expenses: Calculation of actual income 1/32);
Based on the above facts and evaluation criteria, when calculating the current price at the time of the deceased's death, it is 296, 276, 661 won, such as the attached Form of Calculation of Damages.
[Grounds for Recognition] Unsatisfy, entry of Gap evidence 9 through 11, the purport of the whole pleadings, and the rule of experience
(b) Limitation 1) Defendant’s liability ratio: 88,82, 998 won ( = lost income 296, 276, 661 won x 30% x less than won for the convenience of calculation) for property damage after limitation on liability: 30%
C. The deceased's age, family relationship, and circumstances leading to suicide at the time of the death of the deceased, and as a result, the consolation money shall be calculated as follows, taking into account all the circumstances shown in the argument of the case as follows: 15,00,000 won 2): Plaintiff A, B: 7,000,000 won, respectively, and Plaintiff C, and D: 2,50,000 won, respectively.
(d) Amount of inheritance: 103, 882, 998 won ( = 88,882, 998 won + 15,00,00 won) inheritance amount: Plaintiff A, B, 51, 941, 499 won ( = 103, 882, 998 won x 1/2 of the inheritance shares). The theory of lawsuit is concluded.
Therefore, the Defendant is obligated to pay to the Plaintiff A and B each amount of KRW 58,91,49 ( = inheritance amounting to KRW 51,941,49 + KRW 7,000,000 + KRW 2,500,000 each for the Plaintiff C and D, and damages for delay calculated at each rate of KRW 20% per annum under the Civil Act from May 30, 2012, which is the date of the instant accident, until December 4, 2014, which is the date of this decision, until December 4, 2014, which is the date of the determination of this case, to pay damages for delay calculated annually by 20% per annum under the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion, etc. of Legal Proceedings from the next day to the date of full payment.
4. Conclusion
Therefore, the plaintiffs' claims within the above recognition scope are justified, and the remaining claims are without merit, and they are dismissed. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices.
Judges of the presiding judge;
Judges Go-jin
Judges Young-ju
1) A correct answer to the selection of a new unit officer through a specific question with a view to rapidly recognizing the new unit officer;
an alternative game means a game in which it is changed.
2) If the party (such as a private soldier or a veteran) misleads him/her, he/she will immediately be taken to the next higher-ranking soldier of the party, in the presence of the erroneous party.
The term "comprehion education" means the act of imposing pressure, pressure, etc. on the former (Jins) by giving a warning, etc. to the latter (Jins).
A person shall be appointed.