(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.08.14 2014고합398



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

Around February 2009, the Defendant entered into an agency contract with the victim Scom Telecom Co., Ltd. and AB for the opening of service as the representative director of the company D (hereinafter referred to as “D”) established for the purpose of the sale of computers and Nowon-gu.

From August 2009, the victim company established a system by which employees who use long-term services for a period of 24 to 36 months can purchase Nowon-do at a higher rate during the service use period, and the opening agency which concluded an entrustment contract with the victim company first purchased the Nowon-gu model designated by the victim company, and entered the personal information of the subscribers and the number of the Nowon-gu model scheduled to be delivered in the victim company's computer network, and then operated a system by which the victims company will provide the users with the face-to-face (A), and the core chip together with the core chip, and then provide the relevant Nowon-do unit with the employer's information and the back-to-face number scheduled to be delivered.

The defendant, by abusing the fact of the purchase and payment of the ice number of the ice number of the ice North Korea that the victim company entered or notified by the opening agency in the computer, conspired with subordinate recruitment business entities, etc. in order with subordinate recruitment business entities, etc. to invite people in need of pay the ice, and make a false application for the lapt to pay the lapt with the victim company's purchase of the lapt services. The defendant issued the lapt to the subordinate recruitment business entities in lieu of paying the lapt North Korea, issued the lapt to the lapt recruitment business entities to pay a certain amount of money to the subscribers, and then received the lapt price and the lapt subsidy by demanding the payment of the price to the victim company.

The defendant is in collusion with E, a subordinate recruitment business entity, on August 2, 2010.