(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2015.06.04 2014고합549




A, B, and D Imprisonment with prison labor for one year and six months, and for one year, for each of the defendants C, G, and H, for each of the defendants E, F, J, and K.


Punishment of the crime

"2014 high-ranking 549, 2014 high-priced 572, 2014 high-priced 591, 2015 high-priced 5, 2015 high-priced 8, 2015 high-priced 25"

1. The Defendants’ occupational Defendant A’s share broker, Defendant B’s act as a “stock” in the process of stock price manipulation, Defendant C’s act as a securities expert who recommends a paid member to issue a stock item on the Internet securities broadcast website, Defendant D, Defendant F’s stock broker, Defendant G’s employee, Defendant H’s employee of the former securities company, Defendant H’s branch office, Defendant I, Defendant J, and Defendant K are professional investors.

2. Defendant A, a bromoer, who was a bromoer in criminal background and public offering shares, is a manufacturer, such as AD Co., Ltd. owned by the said bank and AD Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “AD”), and is KOSPI listed company. On March 28, 2013, the trade name was changed to AF Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “AD”).

Recognizing the fact that 1.2 million shares are scheduled to be sold through AE corporation, Defendant B, a change of stock price manipulation, proposed that “The above shares were acquired from AE corporation through a collaborative transaction method or an extra-time transaction method, and supported AD’s share price manipulation force by mobilization of the price manipulation force, and distributed profits from the market price after re-sale of the shares so acquired within the counter-sale range,” and Defendant B accepted this.

Accordingly, Defendant B, who is an employee of Defendant F, Defendant D, Defendant G, Defendant E, and Defendant I, who is an employee of the securities company, will take over the shares of KRW 1.2 million per share of KRW 2.4 billion (2,000 per share) from AE Co., Ltd., support up to approximately KRW 5,000 per share of KRW 1.2 billion, and will re-sale the shares within the class.

In order to raise funds to acquire 1,200,000 shares and to assist the share price volume, 50% of the profits from the market price for the account holder who provided the acquisition fund and the account in return, and 50% of the profits from the market price for the person who connects to the middle.