(영문) 서울고등법원 2016.04.15 2014나2012940



1. All appeals filed by Plaintiffs BP, Q, N, CH, DG and AP shall be dismissed.

2. Defendant B among the judgment of the court of first instance.


1. We examine whether the above plaintiffs' appeal is legitimate, ex officio, whether the appeal by plaintiffs 2P, Q, N, CH, DG, and AP appeal is legitimate.

Although the petition of appeal was submitted to the effect that the part against the above plaintiffs among the judgment of the court of first instance against the whole of the judgment against the above plaintiffs, the fact that the above plaintiffs failed to comply with the order of correction to specify the scope of appeal and pay service fees and stamp fees is apparent.

Therefore, the appeal of this case by the above plaintiffs is unlawful and dismissed.

(2) The judgment of the court of first instance on February 2, 200, the scope of the appeal of the plaintiff M,O, Q, and the claim for damages on the second subordinated bonds of the plaintiff AF, all of which are dismissed, and the remaining plaintiffs except the above plaintiffs, are 100% of the defendant E and F's liability for damages on the third subordinated bonds of the plaintiff AF, 90% of the liability of the defendant H, 80% of the liability of the defendant H, 60% of the liability of the defendant H, 60% of the liability of the defendant C Accounting Corporation, and 20% of the liability of the defendant C Accounting Corporation with respect to the claim for damages on the third subordinated bonds of the plaintiff AF.

Of the judgment of the first instance, with respect to the claim for damages against the plaintiff M,O, AF, and Q in the second subordinated bonds, each of the plaintiffs stated in the list of Attached 7 Appeal 2 and the list of Attached 8 Appeal 3 as to the part against the defendant C Accounting Corporation, and the part against which the plaintiff C Accounting Corporation lost < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 20350, Mar. 1, 2007> the bankrupt trustee of the bankrupt, who is the party taking over the lawsuit against the defendant B, the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (hereinafter "the defendant B bankruptcy trustee"), I, K, C Accounting Corporation, and D, which is the party taking over the lawsuit against the defendant B, respectively, and the remaining part.