(영문) 울산지방법원 2017.11.23 2017고단3199



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of three years and a fine of fifty million won.

The above fine shall not be paid by the defendant.


Criminal facts

The “Programming Private Horse House” (hereinafter “Center”) refers to an illegal private horse operation system in which the head office, vice-head office, center, member, etc. without a separate Internet homepage installed a group’s computer program and received access codes from the head office, and sell and distribute private horse tickets; and multiple centers offer and share private horse tickets linked to the said program; and the program usage fees paid by the sub-centers are profits of the upper head office and head office; the program usage fees paid by the sub-centers are paid by the sub-centers; the program usage fees are profits of the sub-head office and head office; each “Center” and its members are linked to each other in the form of the sub-head office and supervised by the Korean Marina Society; each “Center” issues private horse tickets; and many and unspecified members share private tickets and share and share private tickets; and the Defendants pay dividends to the sub-head office in the same way as “H’s new form”; and the program payment is made by the sub-head of Korea in the same way as the members pay dividends to the sub-head office.

1. No person, other than Defendant A and C, shall commit any act similar to a riding vote, in connection with a racing conducted by a marina society, to allow the enemy to commit any act to pay goods or financial gains;


A, who opened and distributed the aforesaid “F” program private horse, directly operates the headquarters of the 16 sub-centers and directly operates the sub-centers, the name in the name of “I”, “J”, “K”, etc., and the head of the sub-centers, using the F program, have the head of the sub-centers issue a private horse ticket to the gamblings in the name of his or her name, and gambling or pre-saleing (a gambling out of a ma ticket issued and sold by the Center).