Defendant E and Korea jointly share the Plaintiff KRW 6,487,302, Plaintiff B and C, respectively, 700,000, and Plaintiff D.
On July 21, 2015, the Plaintiff was admitted to the Gun and was subject to the following harsh acts from Defendant E and F, and thereafter, on the ground of the depression of heavy symptoms, the Plaintiff was discharged from the military around March 14, 2016 on the ground of non-conformity of active duty service.
Defendant E received a summary order of KRW 3,00,000 for the following criminal facts (Evidence 1-2, No. 1-2, No. 1-69); Defendant F was sentenced to a stay of sentence due to the following criminal facts:
(을가 제1호증의 65, 서울북부지방법원 2016고정1851, 유예된 형 벌금 300,000원). 피고 E의 범죄사실 폭행 피고인은 2015. 10. 30. 10:00경 강원도 양구군 G 소재 일반전초(GOP) H 상황실에서 함께 근무를 하던 후임병인 피해자 A(20세)에게 약수를 하자고 하면서 피해자의 손을 강하게 잡고, 피해자가 “살려주십시오, 아픕니다”라고 말하자 피해자의 팔목을 약 5초간 누르는 등 별지 범죄일람표 1 기재와 같이 2015. 10. 30.경부터 2015. 11. 22.경까지 총 10회에 걸쳐 피해자에게 폭행을 가하였다.
At around 20:00 on November 1, 2015, the Defendant made an objection to the fact that the victim A(20 years of age) was well informed of the fact that the victim A (the 20 years of age) was in a general H situation room located in Yang-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City G (GOP) and threatened the victim with his arms during the period of gathering the victim’s arms, and “I am unable to do so on the old day, but at the time of the elementary school, I am unable to be authorized at the time of the elementary school, so I am head by being sealed in the drum so that I am head, and are less than humth, and they are less than huming, because I am unable to lose this nature,” such as the attached list 2 written from November 1, 2015 to November 23, 2015.
Defendant F’s criminal facts on November 15, 2015, on the ground that the Defendant did not know the official name of the executives in the H smoking area located in Yangwon-gun G in Yangwon-gu, Yangwon-gun around 07:20.