(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2017.03.08 2015가단206487



1. The Defendant: KRW 47,977,579 for the Plaintiff and KRW 5% per annum from April 28, 2015 to March 8, 2017.


1. Basic facts

A. The plaintiff is a corporation established for the purpose of designing and constructing business of water quality and air pollution prevention facilities, etc., and the defendant is a meeting consisting of the representatives of apartment occupants among the main complex building Busan Shipping Daegu Complex (hereinafter "the building of this case").

B. On January 2, 2015, the Plaintiff entered into a standard construction contract with the Defendant (the Chairperson C at the time of the announcement of the Defendant’s tender and the site site consultation, and entered into a contract for rooftop waterproof construction work and the passage waterproof and painting construction work with respect to the instant building, specifying the following:

(이하, 이를 통틀어 ‘이 사건 공사계약’이라 한다). 1) 공사도급 표준계약서 공사명 - 옥상방수 및 지하주차장 통로방수 및 도장공사 계약금액 - 118,980,000원 기타사항 - 시방서 및 현장설명회시 제시한 사항 2) 옥상방수공사 계약 제2조 공사내용 (방수공사) - 옥상바닥 전 부분, 헬리포트장, 헬리포트장 계단, 파라팻 도장, 어린이놀이터 바닥 제3조 공사비 (107,980,000원) - 계약체결과 동시에 32,394,000원을 계약금으로 현금 지급 - 1차 잔금: 43,192,000원, 공사 진행 70% 완료시 지급 - 2차 잔금: 32,394,000원, 공사 후 검사 통과일로부터 15일 이내 지급 제10조 공사완료 - 원고는 공사완료시 필요한 검수를 받아야 하며, 원고의 과실로 인한 공사불량 사항의 발견시 원고는 전적인 책임을 지고, 조속히 관련공사를 마무리하여야 한다.

Article 11: Warranty Liability - The plaintiff shall bear the responsibility for repairing defects in all the construction works for three years after the completion of the construction project, and the liability shall be limited to strict liability.

Article 12 Termination - In a case where the plaintiff fails to comply with the legitimate instructions of the defendant related to the construction project, or performs unfaithful construction works in an objective manner, the defendant shall notify the correction thereof, and even if so, the contract shall be concluded when the plaintiff does not correct.