(영문) 울산지방법원 2017.12.07 2017고합340



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


In short, the lower judgment was reversed in the appellate court (Ulsan District Court Decision 2017No. 2017No. 1092) that ordered the disclosure of personal information for 4 years and 80 hours in imprisonment, and 7 years in prison, and ordered the disclosure of personal information for 3 years and 80 hours in prison, as well as the order to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 5 years, and the order to disclose personal information for 5 years was also examined. The lower court’s judgment became final and conclusive as it was by the F’s withdrawal of appeal).

Since the victim was one's relative ** the defendant, who was living in his house, was called as ‘****' for convenience, the defendant was named as ‘*** â………â……â……â……â……â………â………ââââ………ââââ………ââââââ……ââââââââââââââââââââââ

2) With regard to the facts of the crime of paragraph 1 of the judgment, the victim reported television at the victim's house, ①***'s house, but the defendant sent ***'s outside, ② the defendant sent her to the victim's entrance, sent her chest to the victim's entrance, and sent her her her chest to the "place where her her son get out" (Evidence Nos. 46, 47, 68 through 70, 177 through 183 of the evidence record) as well as on May 30, 2017, the victim did not appear to have been out of kis and her kis when recording the first statement on May 30, 2017.

There are parts stated (one right 47 pages of evidence record), which is the case between the defendant and the injured party, is interpreted as a aggressive attitude in the situation that the injured party promises to keep confidential to others, and the injured party has already stated the fact that the defendant had been sexual assault counseling center for the disabled in Ulsan up to the sound (one right 8th page of evidence record) prior to the recording of the first statement (the victim committed an indecent act by the defendant in relation to the crime of paragraph 2 of the judgment.