(영문) 부산지방법원 2017.08.31 2016가합43073



1. Defendant E shall pay Plaintiff A KRW 688,686,174, and KRW 20,000,000 to Plaintiff C and D, respectively.


Facts of recognition

Related plaintiffs B are the wife of plaintiffs A, and plaintiffs C and D are children of plaintiffs A.

around 06:44 December 21, 2014, Defendant F, and G were the Plaintiff F and Si expenses on the ground that they were traveling along the IK5 car driven by Defendant F on the front side of the H building in the Geumcheon-gu Busan Metropolitan City, and that they were traveling near the side of the Plaintiff F and Si expenses.

Accordingly, Defendant F stopped the said car and went to a dispute with Plaintiff F, and the Plaintiff F demanded the Defendant F to leave the said car, and the Plaintiff F puted the hand to the front window of the said car, thereby bringing about approximately 160 meters away from the Plaintiff A, thereby leading the Plaintiff to the Plaintiff, despite having set the window, and Defendant G tried to compulsorily remove the two descendants of Plaintiff A, who were seated on the top of the said car, with the windowpane of the said car.

As a result, Defendant F and G assaulted Plaintiff A using a dangerous vehicle, which is a common object.

around 07:00 on December 21, 2014, Defendant E reported the appearance of Plaintiff A’s scam at once with Defendant F’s hand on the front of K, located in the Geum-gu Busan Sim-gu J on the ground as described in paragraph 1, and the dispute was raised between Plaintiff A and the Simb, the Plaintiff was removed from Defendant F’s driver’s seat on two occasions with Defendant F’s launch seat, and the Plaintiff was removed from the said car, thereby scaming Plaintiff A’s scam with his hand, and caused Plaintiff A’s head to be faced with Plaintiff A’s head on the floor.

As a result, Defendant E suffered injury, such as the Plaintiff’s 20-day treatment of the 20-day treatment to the Plaintiff A, the pulmonary hyke, the hypary hypary hyposis, and the hypary hyposis, the hyposis, and the hyposis.

The defendants of the criminal judgment are the Busan District Court with regard to each of the above illegal acts.