(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.04.21 2015나4030



1.The judgment of the first instance shall be modified as follows:

The Defendants jointly do so to Plaintiff A, which is KRW 8,954,205, and Plaintiff A.


1. The court's explanation on this part of the establishment of liability for damages is identical to the part of "the occurrence of liability for damages of 1.1" among the grounds of the judgment of the court of first instance. Thus, this part is cited by the main sentence of Article 420 of

2. In addition to the matters stated below within the scope of liability for damages, each corresponding item of the Schedule of Calculation of Compensation for Damages shall be as follows, and in principle, the period for the convenience of calculation shall be calculated on a monthly basis, but less than the last month and less than KRW 1 shall be discarded.

It is rejected that the parties' arguments have not been separately explained.

In case of lost income: 11,131,739 won: Personal information of KRW 11,139: as stated in the “basic matters” list of the amount of damages calculated; 2) as income and the daily wage of ordinary workers for the operating period, the monthly average income of Plaintiff A is recognized, and the number of operating days shall be deemed to be 22 days per month and the operating period shall be deemed to be 60 years of age.

3) On the first half of the year, Plaintiff A suffered from the following permanent post disability due to the instant accident: 2.5% [2.5% (1/2 of the Clobrid disability assessment table, 4-1(5) of the Clobrid disability assessment table, 1/2 of the Mlobrid disability assessment table, 4-1(5) [2] of the Mlobrid disability assessment table, 3.5% of the Mlobrid disability assessment table, 1/2 of the Mlodrid disability items (3.0% of the Mlobrid disability assessment table, 1.0% of the Mlodrid disability assessment table, 2.0% of the Mlodrid disability assessment table, 80%) of the Mlodrid disability assessment table, 80% of the contribution rate to 2.6% of the Mlodrid, 30% of the total contribution rate, 30% of the total contribution rate, 30% of the total contribution rate, 40% of the total contribution rate, 30%).

5. As to this, the Defendants did not suffer injury, such as the Plaintiff’s full-time knethoman, the full-time knethoman, and the half-monthly part, etc., due to the instant accident.