(영문) 대법원 2011. 9. 29. 선고 2011다31324 판결


Main Issues

The case holding that the court below erred in the misapprehension of legal principles as to the establishment of legal superficies where Gap acquired legal superficies on a building site for the purpose of the ownership of the existing building, on the ground that Gap acquired legal superficies on a building site for the purpose of the ownership of the existing building, on the basis of the previous building, on the ground that Gap acquired legal superficies on a building site for the purpose of the ownership of the existing building, on the ground that Eul did not have a status to acquire legal superficies on a building site for the purpose of the ownership of the existing building, on the ground that Eul acquired legal superficies on a building site for the purpose of the ownership of the existing building, on the ground that the construction fund was insufficient, Byung corporation and Byung agreed at the time of completion of the construction, but the ownership transfer registration and the title transfer of the building owner had been completed.

[Reference Provisions]

Article 366 of the Civil Act


MP Investment Development Co., Ltd.


United Nations (Law Firm Jungwon, Attorneys Lee Ho-soo et al., Counsel for the defendant-appellant)

Judgment of the lower court

Daegu High Court Decision 2009Na8438 Decided February 18, 2011


The part of the lower judgment against the Plaintiff is reversed, and that part of the case is remanded to the Daegu High Court.


The grounds of appeal are examined.

1. The judgment of the court below

원심은, 2002년 당시 이 사건 대지 중 원심판결의 별지 목록 제1 내지 3항 기재 대지 위에만 1996. 10. 18. 준공된 철근콘크리트조, 경량철골조, 시멘트벽돌조 샌드위치패널 및 경사슬래브지붕 단층 근린생활시설, 단독주택(1층 식당 457.05㎡, 1층 주택 1가구 54.30㎡, 이하 ‘이 사건 종전건물’이라 한다)이 있었고 나머지 부분은 나대지 상태였던 사실, 소외 1은 2002. 8. 5. 이 사건 대지 및 종전건물을 매수하여 2002. 9. 3. 소유권이전등기를 경료하자마자 이 사건 종전건물을 허물고 새로운 건물을 신축하기로 결정하고 건축자금을 마련하기 위해 이 사건 대지에 관해서만 중소기업은행 앞으로 채권최고액을 26억 원으로 정한 근저당권설정등기를 경료하고 같은 날 이 사건 대지에 관하여 지상권설정등기를 경료한 다음, 이를 담보로 위 은행으로부터 대출을 받은 사실, 소외 1은 이 사건 종전건물을 철거하고, 이 사건 대지 위에 철근콘크리트구조 슬래브지붕 2층 제1종 근린생활시설 건물을 신축하던 중 건축자금이 부족하자, 주식회사 갓바위스파랜드(이하 ‘갓바위랜드’라 한다)와 사이에 ‘위 회사가 이 사건 대지의 소유권 및 신축 중인 건물에 관한 건축허가를 넘겨받아 건물 신축공사를 계속하고, 건물이 완공되면 공사대금을 정산한 다음 소외 1에게 이 사건 대지 및 완공된 건물의 소유권을 돌려주기로’ 약정하고, 2003. 5. 12. 갓바위랜드에게 이 사건 대지에 관한 소유권이전등기와 건축주 명의이전을 마쳐준 사실, 그런데 갓바위랜드가 건물 신축공사를 진행하고 있던 2004. 9. 9. 근저당권자인 중소기업은행의 신청에 의해 이 사건 대지에 관하여 대구지방법원 2004타경63125호 임의경매절차가 개시되었고, 소외 2는 위 임의경매절차에서 이 사건 대지를 낙찰받아 2005. 5. 23. 소유권이전등기를 마치는 한편 같은 날 소외 3 앞으로 채권최고액을 3억 원으로 정한 근저당권설정등기를 마쳐주고 이를 담보로 소외 3으로부터 자금을 차용하였으나 이를 제때 상환하지 못한 사실, 이에 2007. 5. 17. 소외 3의 신청에 의하여 개시된 이 사건 대지에 관한 대구지방법원 2007타경15721호 임의경매절차에서, 원고가 2008. 6. 9. 이 사건 대지를 522,799,000원에 낙찰받아 2008. 6. 24. 그 대금을 완납함으로써 소유권을 취득한 사실, 갓바위랜드가 신축한 이 사건 현존건물 중 지하 1층과 지상 1, 2층 부분에 관해서만 2005. 5. 9. 가압류등기의 촉탁으로 인하여 갓바위랜드 앞으로 소유권보존등기가 마쳐진 다음(3층 부분에 관하여는 등기가 이루어지지 아니하였다), 2006. 10. 19. 피고 명의로 2006. 10. 16.자 매매를 원인으로 한 소유권이전등기가 마쳐진 사실, 측량 결과 원심판결의 별지 목록 제1 내지 3항 기재 토지(면적 합계: 2,944㎡) 위에 존재하였던 이 사건 종전건물과 이 사건 대지 전체(면적 합계: 3,943㎡) 위에 신축된 이 사건 현존건물은 원심판결의 별지 2 도면 표시 ㈎ 부분 255㎡, ㈏ 부분 72㎡, ㈐ 부분 19㎡, ㈑ 부분 11㎡, ㈒ 부분 11㎡, ㈔ 부분 27㎡ 등의 합계 395㎡가 중첩되는 것으로 밝혀진 사실을 인정한 다음, 중소기업은행이 이 사건 대지에 관한 근저당권을 설정한 2002. 9. 3.에 원심판결의 별지 목록 제1 내지 3항 기재 토지(면적 합계: 2,944㎡) 위에 존재하고 있던 이 사건 종전건물과 이를 철거한 후 이 사건 대지 전체(면적 합계: 3,943㎡) 위에 신축된 이 사건 현존건물은 395㎡가 중첩되고, 소외 2가 이 사건 대지에 관해서만 진행된 위 2004타경63125호 임의경매절차에서 이 사건 대지를 낙찰받았으므로, 이 사건 현존건물의 종전 소유자인 소외 1은 이 사건 종전건물을 기준으로 하여 그 이용에 일반적으로 필요한 범위 내인 위 중첩 부분 395㎡에 관해서 법정지상권을 취득하였고, 피고는 이 사건 현존건물을 순차 이전받음으로써 그 종된 권리인 위 중첩 부분 395㎡에 관한 법정지상권자로서의 지위를 승계하였다는 이유로, 이 사건 현존건물의 철거 및 이 사건 대지의 인도를 구하는 원고의 청구 중 위와 같이 중첩되는 395㎡에 관한 부분을 배척하였다.

2. The judgment of this Court

However, it is difficult to accept the judgment of the court below that Nonparty 1, as the previous owner of the present building of this case, acquired legal superficies on the overlapping part of 395 square meters, which is within the scope generally necessary for its use, based on the previous building of this case.

Even according to the facts found by the court below, at the time of May 23, 2005, Nonparty 2 owned both the instant site and the instant existing buildings after being awarded a successful bid for the instant site and paid the price in full, and Nonparty 2 was different from the owner of the instant building site and the instant existing buildings by fully paying the price after being awarded a successful bid for the instant site. Thus, even in cases where statutory superficies for the ownership of the instant existing building is established, the point of establishment shall be May 23, 2005, where Nonparty 2 paid the successful bid price in full, and Nonparty 1 is not the owner of the instant existing building at that time, and is not in the position to acquire statutory superficies for the ownership of the instant existing building.

In addition, according to the reasoning of the judgment below and the records of this case, on September 3, 2002, the Industrial Bank of Korea and the non-party 1 established a right to collateral on the site of this case on the 0th day after the non-party 1 completed the registration of ownership transfer as to the land of this case. The non-party 1 planned to remove the previous building and build the new building on the site of this case. The Industrial Bank of Korea and non-party 1 agreed to set the first priority security right on the new building in the name of the Industrial Bank of Korea if the non-party 1 removed the previous building of this case and then constructed the new building on the site of this case on the 0th day after the non-party 1 completed the registration of ownership transfer as to the new building of this case. The non-party 2 established a right to collateral collateral on the new building of this case on the 0th day after the completion of the registration of ownership transfer as to the previous building of this case. The non-party 1 and the non-party 1 planned to construct new building on the site of this case.

In light of the above facts, barring any circumstance to deem that the registration of creation of superficies under the name of the Industrial Bank of Korea was null and void, the Industrial Bank of Korea held superficies on the instant site between September 3, 2002 and May 23, 2005. Since superficies are rights to exclusive use and profit-making of the land, there is no room for concurrent establishment of superficies on the instant site against Nonparty 1 (the same shall apply to the sideland) for the period during which the Industrial Bank of Korea’s superficies on the instant site existed.

Furthermore, in this case where, with the knowledge that the Industrial Bank of Korea is scheduled to remove the previous building at the time of the establishment of the right to collateral security on the site of this case, the security value was calculated by assuming the condition without the building. In addition, in the case where a new building was built on the site of this case, the auction on the existing building of this case was conducted without having acquired the security right due to the reason that the new construction was not properly carried out, even though the new construction was to acquire the first security right on the new building, etc., even if the scope is considered to have been based on the previous building of this case, the Industrial Bank of Korea cannot obtain the exchange value of the existing building of this case where the statutory superficies is established, as a result, would not obtain the exchange value of the existing building of this case at the time of the establishment of the right to collateral security on the site of this case, the Industrial Bank of Korea will not be deemed to have established the legal superficies for the ownership

Therefore, even if any mother is found, the non-party 1 (the same shall apply to the road that succeeded to the status of the non-party 1 with respect to the existing building of this case) is not in the position to acquire legal superficies on the site of this case for the ownership of the existing building of this case. However, the court below determined that the non-party 1 acquired legal superficies on the overlapping part 395 square meters within the scope generally necessary for its use based on the previous building of this case. Thus, the court below erred by misapprehending the legal principles on the establishment of legal superficies, which affected the conclusion of the judgment. The ground of appeal pointing this out is with merit.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, without further proceeding to decide on the remaining grounds of appeal, the part against the Plaintiff among the judgment below is reversed, and that part of the case is remanded to the court below for a new trial and determination. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices on the bench.

Justices Park Poe-dae (Presiding Justice)